General English Grammar Rules


  • Semicolons combine two full sentences

    • “However” and “therefore” are the only two words allowed after a semicolon?

  • Never use two transition words right next to each other

  • Don’t use “very” before essential, crucial, unique, or other words like that

    • (crucial means very important) using “very” again would be repetitive

  • “However” always goes between two punctuation (therefore is the same)

  • Not a sentence if it starts with AAA WWU BBBIS

    • A - As

    • A - After

    • A - Although

    • W - Whether

    • W - Whatever/Whenever/What/Where/Whom

    • U - Unless

    • B - Because

    • B - Before

    • B - Beside(s)

    • I - If

    • S - Since

  • Most of the time, don’t pick extremes

  • Commands like “take this” are sentences

    • you (the subject) is implied (like in Spanish)

    • You can use it in formal writing even though it is second person

  • Thus = Therefore

    • cause and effect

    • MS smacked Davis. Thus, she fled to Korea.
