Bleeding Kansas (1856): civil war in Kansas that was fought intermittently until 1861, eventually merging with the Civil War.
Caning of Charles Sumner: Senator Charles Sumner of MA is beaten with a cane by Senator Preston Brooks after insulting another Southern senator and condemning the behavior of proslavery forces in Kansas shows how there's no longer polite discourse, passionate opinions are controlling people's actions.
Election of 1856: Republicans run their first candidate ever, John Fremont, and Democrats choose James Buchanan because he has no relation to the Kansas Nebraska Act = no enemies → he wins. Some Southerners threaten to secede if Fremont (Republican) is elected, which is also why he lost.
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852): written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, it portrayed slaves as humans, not property, It presented the moral arqument against slavery, and people were able to empathize with slaves, which pushed the North to wholeheartedly fight for abolition and resist the Fugitive Slave Act.
Impending Crisis of the South (1857): written by a poor, nonslaveholding white farmer named Hinton Helper, it tried to prove that nonslaveholding farmers suffered the most because of slavery
John Brown: well known for Pottawatomie Creek, where he and his supporters attacked pro-slavery forces
Dred Scott Case (1857): Supreme Court case where a slave named Dred Scott sued for his freedom, arguing that since he's living in the free territory of Wisconsin, he should be free. Justice Robert Taney, a Southern Democrat, says:
Northerners/ Republicans are infuriated, but Southerners are more so because they see it as Northerners refuse to comply with the decisions of the Supreme Court and other laws
Panic of 1857: new CA gold inflated the value of currency, and over speculation of land and railroads worsened this. Although Northern manufacturing was badly hit, Southern cotton continued to prosper
Tariff of 1857: made for the South, it reduced fees on many goods
Lincoln Douglas Debates (1858): Abe Lincoln [R) and Stephen Douglas [D) were competing for the llinois Senate seat; had public debates.
Lincoln asks Douglas about the Dred Scott decision: could slavery be prevented in territories?
Douglas wins the Senate Seat, but Lincoln remains a national figure and a good candidate for the Republican Party's nomination in the Election of 1860
Democrats are divided between the North and South
North chooses Stephen Douglas, who advocates for popular sovereignty and Northern concessions like the Fugitive Slave Act. | South chooses John Breckinridge, who wants to allow slavery in the territories and wanted to annex Cuba (which had many slaves). |
Republicans choose Abraham Lincoln
Constitutional Union Party: hastily made as a last attempt at a compromise party, it was made up of former Whigs and nativists from the abandoned Know Nothing Party → has no definitive platform other than to uphold the Union
Crittenden Compromise (1860): said slavery would be allowed in the land south of the 36 30 line and prohibited in the North → South would be guaranteed slavery regardless of the wishes of popular majority. Lincoln rejects this compromise, no choice but war.
Confederate States of America: under Jefferson Davis, seven Southern states secede even before Lincoln takes office. Others join them later, bringing the total to 11 states → President Buchanan does nothing to stop this.