Professor Mohammad Ghavami
School of Engineering London South Bank University
Branch of science/technology related to design, development, and building of devices and structures.
Electrical Engineering:
Focuses on systems that utilize electricity; involves higher voltages and power.
Electronic Engineering:
Deals with lower voltages and semiconductor devices.
Interdisciplinary Nature:
Fields converge; examples include electric vehicles, renewable technology, and robotics.
17th Century:
Otto von Guericke developed a charge-generating machine.
Stephen Gray transmitted electrical charge over long distances.
Two Charge Types:
Charles DuFay identified positive and negative charges.
Leyden Jar:
1745, van Musschenbroek introduced the first capacitor.
Franklin's Contributions:
Demonstrated lightning as electrical discharge; expanded charge theories.
Coulomb's Law:
1784: Relationship between charge force and distance established.
Galvani and Volta:
Galvani explored electricity's effects on nerves (1791).
Volta created the first voltaic cell (1799).
Oersted announced relationship between magnetism and electricity (1820).
Transistor and IC Development:
1947: Point-contact transistor.
1958: First integrated circuit developed.
Common Factors:
Involves electricity, energy, voltage, and current.
Related to mechanical engineering and design engineering.
Global warming, energy efficiency, and sustainability drive engineering research.
Comparison of English and Metric Systems:
Common quantities include length, mass, force, temperature, and energy.
Prefixes for SI Units:
Example: kilo (k), mega (M), giga (G).
Atoms and Structure:
Hydrogen atom has a proton and an orbiting electron (negative).
Copper is widely used due to its atomic structure with 29 electrons.
Voltage arises from separation of charges, creating positive ions.
Coulombs and Charge Definitions:
1 coulomb corresponds to 6.242 x 10^18 electrons.
Voltage, V = W/Q, defines potential energy.
Role of Voltage:
Current is the response to applied voltage; charges move through a conductor.
Ampere Definition:
1 coulomb per second defines current (I).
Types of DC Voltage Sources:
Batteries, generators, and power supplies.
Important Data for Batteries:
Ampere-hour (Ah) ratings indicate performance.
Allow easy electron flow; typically have one valence electron.
Equal characteristics between conductors and insulators.
Ammeters and Voltmeters:
Used for measuring current and voltage levels, respectively.
Milliammeter and microammeter for smaller currents.
Resistance opposes charge flow, measured in ohms (Ω).
Factors Influencing Resistance:
Material, length, cross-sectional area, and temperature.
R = ρL/A; where ρ is resistivity, L is length, and A is area.
Work/Energy measured in Joules (J).
Power Definition:
Power is rate of energy transfer, P = W/t.
E = Pt; Joule is standard unit while kWh is used for large energy amounts.
Connections and Symbolism:
Overview of schematic symbols for electrical components.
Power Plants and Transformers:
Common symbols for electrical machines and devices.
Fixed and Variable Resistors:
Overview of different types of resistors and their characteristics.