What are the developmental signs of a child at birth?Preference for the human face and caregiver’s voice and smell,Always have mitten hands (fisted closed),Moves little head side to side.;What are the social-emotional milestones at FOUR months?Smiles on his own to get your attention, Chuckles, makes sounds to get or keep your attention;What are the language communication milestones at FOUR months?Makes sounds like “oooo”, “aahh” (cooing), Turns head towards the sound of your voice
What are the cognitive milestones at FOUR months?If hungry, opens mouth when she sees breast or bottle.
What are the physical milestones at FOUR months?Holds head without support • Holds a toy when put in hand • Supports weight on forearms, Opens hands spontaneously
What are the social-emotional milestones at SIX months?Knows familiar people
What are the language communication milestones at SIX months?Blows “raspberries” (sticks tongue out and blows) • Makes squealing noises
Are the cognitive milestones at SIX months?Puts things in the mouth. Reaches to grab a toy • Closes lips to show she doesn’t want more food
What are the physical milestones at SIX months?Rolls from tummy to back • Pushes up with straight arms when on tummy • Leans on hands to support himself when sitting
What are the social-emotional milestones at NINE months?Shows several facial expressions, like happy, sad, angry, and surprised • Looks when you call her name • Reacts when you leave (looks, reaches for you, or cries) • Smiles or laughs when you play peek-a-boo
What are the language communication milestones at NINE months?Sounds are babbling • Lifts arms up to be picked up
What are the cognitive milestones at NINE months?Looks for objects when dropped out of sight• Bangs two transfers items between hands.
What are the physical milestones at NINE months?Gets to a sitting position by herself • Uses fingers to “rake” food towards himself • Sits without support. Crawls
What are the social-emotional milestones at TWELVE months?Plays games with you, like pat-a-cake
What are the language communication milestones at TWELVE months?• Waves “bye-bye” • Calls a parent “mama” or “dada” • Understands “no” (pauses briefly or stops when you say it)
What are the cognitive milestones at TWELVE months?Puts something in a container, like a block in a cup • Looks for things he sees you hide(object permanence)
What are the physical milestones at TWELVE months?Walks, holding on to furniture • Picks things up between thumb and pointer finger (fine pincer grasp)
What are the social-emotional milestones at FIFTEEN months?Copies other children while playing, like taking toys out of a container when another child does • Shows you an object she likes
What are the language communication milestones at FIFTEEN months?Tries to say one or two words besides “mama” or “dada,” Follows directions given with both a gesture and words. For example, he gives you a toy when you hold out your hand and say, “Give me the toy.” • Points to ask for something or to get help
What Are the cognitive milestones at FIFTEEN months?Tries to use things the right way, like a phone, cup, or book • Stacks at least two small objects, like blocks
What are the physical milestones at FIFTEEN months?Takes a few steps on his own • Uses fingers to feed herself some food
What are the social-emotional milestones at EIGHTEEN months?Moves away from you, but looks to make sure you are close by •Helps you dress them; lifting up his foot
What are the language communication milestones at EIGHTEEN months?Tries to say three or more words besides “mama” or “dada” •
What Are the cognitive milestones at EIGHTEEN months?Mimics actions of others, Plays with toys in a simple way, like pushing a toy car,
What are the physical milestones at EIGHTEEN months?Walks independently, Feeds herself with her fingers • Tries to use a spoon • Climbs on and off a couch or chair without help
What are the social-emotional milestones at THIRTY months?Plays next to others/ sometimes plays with other kids • Shows you what she can do by saying, “Look at me!” • Notices when others are hurt or upset
What are the language communication milestones in THIRTY months?Says about 50 words • Names things in a book when you point and ask, “What is this?” • Says words like combines 2 words “I,” “me,” or “we”
What are the cognitive milestones at THIRTY months?Follows two-step directions. Uses things to pretend, like feeding a block to a doll as if it were food • Holds something in one hand while using the other hand
What are the physical milestones at THIRTY months?Uses hands to twist things, like turning doorknobs or unscrewing lids • Takes some clothes off by himself, like loose pants or an open jacket • Jumps off the ground with both feet, Runs, Walks (not climbs)
What are the social-emotional milestones at THREE years?Calms down within 10 minutes, after you leave her, like at a childcare drop-off, and Plays with other kids
What are the language communication milestones at THREE years?Asks “who,” “what,” “where,” or “why” questions, like “Says first name, when asked • Talks well enough for others to understand, most of the time
What are the cognitive milestones at THREE years?Copies a circle
What are the physical milestones at THREE years?Puts on some clothes by themselves, Pedals a Tricycle (Not CDC Milestone) • Alternates feet going upstairs (Not CDC Milestone)
What are the social-emotional milestones at FOUR years?Pretends to be something else during play (teacher, superhero, dog)
What are the language communication milestones at FOUR years?Sentences with >4 words Talk about 1 thing that happened during the day
What are the cognitive milestones at FOUR years?Names a few colors of items • Draws a person with three or more body parts • Draws Cross (NOT CDC)
What are the physical milestones at FOUR years?Catches a large ball most of the time, Holds crayon or pencil between fingers and thumb (not a fist)
What are the social-emotional milestones at FIVE years?Follows rules or takes turns when playing games with other children
What are the language communication milestones at FIVE years?Answers simple questions about a book or story after you read or tell it to him
What are the cognitive milestones at FIVE years?Counts to 10Writes some letters in her name • Copies triangle (NOT CDC)
What are the physical milestones at FIVE years?Buttons some buttons • Hops on one foot
How is developmental screening in Primary Care Settings used to identify children with developmental delays?Milestones checklist and informal questions can help identify 30% of children with delays. They will be referred to appropriate services and therapies.
Standardized tools to help asses a childs progess in various core development areas?Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-R/F (MCHAT), Ages and Stages Questionnaire, PEDS.
Why is an earlier intervention for developmental delays best?Earlier intervention is associated with better outcomes. Establish anticipatory guidance for future visits
What is the age and name of the first Piaget stages?Sensorimotor Stage: Birth to 2 years
What occurs in the Sensorimotor stage: Birth to 2 years?Infants and toddler use new found skills and motor abilities to explore the environment and build new skills
What is the age and name of the second Piaget stages?Preoperational Thought Stage: 3 to 6 years
What occurs in the Preoperational Thought Stage: 3 to 6 years?Think a tall thin cup has more water than a short wide cup, Egocentric view – assuming everyone sees things from their point of view, Can use symbols, Not able to use logical processes to arrive at a conclusion.
What is the age and name of the third Piaget stages?Concrete Operations Stage: 7 to 10 years
What occurs in the Concrete Operations Stage: 7 to 10 years?Logical rules to solve problems Can conserve number, length, and volume Can begin to take the perspective of another
What is the age and name of the fifth Piaget stages?Formal Operational Stage: 11 and above
What occurs in the Formal Operational Stage: 11 and above?Ability to use abstract concepts, Consider real and hypothetical events, Considerations of what might happen
What is autism?Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder where children and adults and children have problems with social communication
What are some signs of autism?Avoids eye contact and prefers to be alone, Struggling with understanding others’ feelings, Delayed language development and communication, Repetitive behaviors, No response to the name
What is considered low risk for the MCHART R/F Scoring?Total Score is 0-2; if child is younger than 24 months, screen again after second birthday. No further action required unless surveillance indicates risk for ASD
What is considered a medium risk for the MCHART R/F Scoring?Total Score is 3-7; If M-CHAT-R/F score remains at 2 or higher, the child has screened positive. Action required: refer child for diagnostic evaluation and eligibility evaluation for early intervention.
What is considered high risk for the MCHART R/F Scoring?Total Score is 8-20; it is acceptable to bypass the Follow-Up and refer immediately for diagnostic evaluation and eligibility evaluation for early intervention