Child Development

  • What are the developmental signs of a child at birth?Preference for the human face and caregiver’s voice and smell,Always have mitten hands (fisted closed),Moves little head side to side.;What are the social-emotional milestones at FOUR months?Smiles on his own to get your attention, Chuckles, makes sounds to get or keep your attention;What are the language communication milestones at FOUR months?Makes sounds like “oooo”, “aahh” (cooing), Turns head towards the sound of your voice

  • What are the cognitive milestones at FOUR months?If hungry, opens mouth when she sees breast or bottle.

  • What are the physical milestones at FOUR months?Holds head without support • Holds a toy when put in hand • Supports weight on forearms, Opens hands spontaneously

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at SIX months?Knows familiar people

  • What are the language communication milestones at SIX months?Blows “raspberries” (sticks tongue out and blows) • Makes squealing noises

  • Are the cognitive milestones at SIX months?Puts things in the mouth. Reaches to grab a toy • Closes lips to show she doesn’t want more food

  • What are the physical milestones at SIX months?Rolls from tummy to back • Pushes up with straight arms when on tummy • Leans on hands to support himself when sitting

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at NINE months?Shows several facial expressions, like happy, sad, angry, and surprised • Looks when you call her name • Reacts when you leave (looks, reaches for you, or cries) • Smiles or laughs when you play peek-a-boo

  • What are the language communication milestones at NINE months?Sounds are babbling • Lifts arms up to be picked up

  • What are the cognitive milestones at NINE months?Looks for objects when dropped out of sight• Bangs two transfers items between hands.

  • What are the physical milestones at NINE months?Gets to a sitting position by herself • Uses fingers to “rake” food towards himself • Sits without support. Crawls

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at TWELVE months?Plays games with you, like pat-a-cake

  • What are the language communication milestones at TWELVE months?• Waves “bye-bye” • Calls a parent “mama” or “dada” • Understands “no” (pauses briefly or stops when you say it)

  • What are the cognitive milestones at TWELVE months?Puts something in a container, like a block in a cup • Looks for things he sees you hide(object permanence)

  • What are the physical milestones at TWELVE months?Walks, holding on to furniture • Picks things up between thumb and pointer finger (fine pincer grasp)

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at FIFTEEN months?Copies other children while playing, like taking toys out of a container when another child does • Shows you an object she likes

  • What are the language communication milestones at FIFTEEN months?Tries to say one or two words besides “mama” or “dada,” Follows directions given with both a gesture and words. For example, he gives you a toy when you hold out your hand and say, “Give me the toy.” • Points to ask for something or to get help

  • What Are the cognitive milestones at FIFTEEN months?Tries to use things the right way, like a phone, cup, or book • Stacks at least two small objects, like blocks

  • What are the physical milestones at FIFTEEN months?Takes a few steps on his own • Uses fingers to feed herself some food

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at EIGHTEEN months?Moves away from you, but looks to make sure you are close by •Helps you dress them; lifting up his foot

  • What are the language communication milestones at EIGHTEEN months?Tries to say three or more words besides “mama” or “dada” •

  • What Are the cognitive milestones at EIGHTEEN months?Mimics actions of others, Plays with toys in a simple way, like pushing a toy car,

  • What are the physical milestones at EIGHTEEN months?Walks independently, Feeds herself with her fingers • Tries to use a spoon • Climbs on and off a couch or chair without help

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at THIRTY months?Plays next to others/ sometimes plays with other kids • Shows you what she can do by saying, “Look at me!” • Notices when others are hurt or upset

  • What are the language communication milestones in THIRTY months?Says about 50 words • Names things in a book when you point and ask, “What is this?” • Says words like combines 2 words “I,” “me,” or “we”

  • What are the cognitive milestones at THIRTY months?Follows two-step directions. Uses things to pretend, like feeding a block to a doll as if it were food • Holds something in one hand while using the other hand

  • What are the physical milestones at THIRTY months?Uses hands to twist things, like turning doorknobs or unscrewing lids • Takes some clothes off by himself, like loose pants or an open jacket • Jumps off the ground with both feet, Runs, Walks (not climbs)

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at THREE years?Calms down within 10 minutes, after you leave her, like at a childcare drop-off, and Plays with other kids

  • What are the language communication milestones at THREE years?Asks “who,” “what,” “where,” or “why” questions, like “Says first name, when asked • Talks well enough for others to understand, most of the time

  • What are the cognitive milestones at THREE years?Copies a circle

  • What are the physical milestones at THREE years?Puts on some clothes by themselves, Pedals a Tricycle (Not CDC Milestone) • Alternates feet going upstairs (Not CDC Milestone)

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at FOUR years?Pretends to be something else during play (teacher, superhero, dog)

  • What are the language communication milestones at FOUR years?Sentences with >4 words Talk about 1 thing that happened during the day

  • What are the cognitive milestones at FOUR years?Names a few colors of items • Draws a person with three or more body parts • Draws Cross (NOT CDC)

  • What are the physical milestones at FOUR years?Catches a large ball most of the time, Holds crayon or pencil between fingers and thumb (not a fist)

  • What are the social-emotional milestones at FIVE years?Follows rules or takes turns when playing games with other children

  • What are the language communication milestones at FIVE years?Answers simple questions about a book or story after you read or tell it to him

  • What are the cognitive milestones at FIVE years?Counts to 10Writes some letters in her name • Copies triangle (NOT CDC)

  • What are the physical milestones at FIVE years?Buttons some buttons • Hops on one foot

  • How is developmental screening in Primary Care Settings used to identify children with developmental delays?Milestones checklist and informal questions can help identify 30% of children with delays. They will be referred to appropriate services and therapies.

  • Standardized tools to help asses a childs progess in various core development areas?Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-R/F (MCHAT), Ages and Stages Questionnaire, PEDS.

  • Why is an earlier intervention for developmental delays best?Earlier intervention is associated with better outcomes. Establish anticipatory guidance for future visits

  • What is the age and name of the first Piaget stages?Sensorimotor Stage: Birth to 2 years

  • What occurs in the Sensorimotor stage: Birth to 2 years?Infants and toddler use new found skills and motor abilities to explore the environment and build new skills

  • What is the age and name of the second Piaget stages?Preoperational Thought Stage: 3 to 6 years

  • What occurs in the Preoperational Thought Stage: 3 to 6 years?Think a tall thin cup has more water than a short wide cup, Egocentric view – assuming everyone sees things from their point of view, Can use symbols, Not able to use logical processes to arrive at a conclusion.

  • What is the age and name of the third Piaget stages?Concrete Operations Stage: 7 to 10 years

  • What occurs in the Concrete Operations Stage: 7 to 10 years?Logical rules to solve problems Can conserve number, length, and volume Can begin to take the perspective of another

  • What is the age and name of the fifth Piaget stages?Formal Operational Stage: 11 and above

  • What occurs in the Formal Operational Stage: 11 and above?Ability to use abstract concepts, Consider real and hypothetical events, Considerations of what might happen

  • What is autism?Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder where children and adults and children have problems with social communication

  • What are some signs of autism?Avoids eye contact and prefers to be alone, Struggling with understanding others’ feelings, Delayed language development and communication, Repetitive behaviors, No response to the name

  • What is considered low risk for the MCHART R/F Scoring?Total Score is 0-2; if child is younger than 24 months, screen again after second birthday. No further action required unless surveillance indicates risk for ASD

  • What is considered a medium risk for the MCHART R/F Scoring?Total Score is 3-7; If M-CHAT-R/F score remains at 2 or higher, the child has screened positive. Action required: refer child for diagnostic evaluation and eligibility evaluation for early intervention.

  • What is considered high risk for the MCHART R/F Scoring?Total Score is 8-20; it is acceptable to bypass the Follow-Up and refer immediately for diagnostic evaluation and eligibility evaluation for early intervention
