history and background
during John Baptist de La Salle’s time serving as a Canon at the Cathedral of Reims, he started a school for the poor and this set him on a new life path
his first step on this new path to teaching was attending a retreat and some basic teacher training specifically oriented towards philanthropic and Christian educational work
primary mission/charism
at their origin, the Christian Brothers wanted to make Christian education more accessible for impoverished people, specifically women
the purpose of the Christian Brothers now is to guide the youth and persuade people into Christianity and create a good education for Christians, disregarding their socioeconomic status
significant contributions
Christian Brothers’ schools joined together to serve and empower God’s people through education
they have five regions, with over 35 districts, 1000 schools and educational facilities
they also have children and family services in 80 countries with nearly 1 million students around the world
history and background
“The Benedictines, strictly speaking, do not constitute a single religious order, because each monastery is autonomous.”
further reference: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Benedictines
what this quote says about the history of the Order of St. Benedict is that they don’t follow one religious order, they follow many; it also says that there is a lot of freedom within the Order of St. Benedict.
Benedict of Nursia is the founder of the Order of St. Benedict.
constitute: be part of a whole
monastery: buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows
autonomous: having the freedom to govern oneself
primary mission/charism
the Benedictines’ values are the love of Christ and neighbor, prayer, stability, conversation, obedience, discipline, humility, stewardship, hospitality, community, justice, and peace
significant contributions
they contribute to colleges, schools and other educational organizations
they also do missionary work around the world
history and background
the Sisters of St. Joseph Community started in 1866 by a man named Jean-Paul Medaille; Jean-Paul Medaille was born and raised in Carcassonne, France
primary mission/charism
their goal is to be in unity with God and every living being regardless of their appearances; they aim to observe and practice basic respect for everyone, and to try to strengthen everyone's connection with God
significant contributions
they can be educators, lawyers, doctors, nurses, family therapists, social workers, patient advocates, spiritual directors, parish ministers, theologians, psychologists, physical therapists, administrators, artists, authors, musicians, poets, etc.
history and background
aka the Society of Jesus
Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuit branch of Catholicism
the Jesuits are an apostolic community; their main goal is love of Christ, which they believe is brought to life through realizing the vision of their founder, Saint Ignatius of Loyola. they aim to help others and find God in all things
Pope Paul III approved of the application of the Jesuits to the Catholic Church in 1540
primary mission/charism
the primary mission of the Jesuits is to “seek the greater glory of God and the good of humanity”; in other words, Jesuits strive to better the world around them and establish a deeper connection to God. they do this mainly by founding schools and other organizations around the world to pass on the Jesuit teachings and legacy
significant contributions
the pope is a Jesuit, which connects the BSM community to the Jesuit faith
the Jesuits founded the Roman College (later called the Gregorian University) and the Germanicum, a school for German priests