
HASS Revision, Medieval Europe

Social Pyramids

The King owned all the land of their country/ territory and made all the laws, he gave the right to the portions of lands and controlled the peasants who worked for it

The Church Officals and Nobility, controlled parts of the land and often lived in great places and luxury, the church officials were greatly respected and often make rules and greatly impacted the catholic europe

The Knights or those who fought in medival europe had a pretty good social status in this time, (More than peasants) and fought for their country

the Peasants were the least respected area of the feudal system, they were hated on and treated like shit most the time as they did all the dirty work

The 3 estates

Those who fight

in absense of the king, Nobels took charge

They were rich, trusted and allies of the kind or a relative

Nobels would lookafter the admin of his land, would collect food and taxes from peasants to show that difference between the kind and his peasants

Nobles were ordered to round up kights and foot soliders (Poorly trained fighters)

Nobels enjoyed leisure pursuits like hunting and horse riding

Knights would protext the king, Nobels and the church and would enjoy a postion over peasants and in early times were known as menecenaries who terrorised peasants

Those who Pray

The cleargy were important members of the village which included Bishops

The bishop lead religious practices on large cathedrals

The monks, nuns and priests would help the poor

This Whole group of people from the church was divided into lower and upper status

The upper status were usually the sons of wealthy nobles or close contact to the king and enjoyed a extremly comfortable lifestyles

The lower status did most the work in the village face to face with peasants and poor helping with services like marrying, baptising and funerals

Those who work

Craftsmen and artisans, essential members of the village

blacksmiths made armour and weponary for the soliders and in times of war they had to mass produce them

Bakers baked bread and made beer, beer was the main sourse of hydration in medival europe

The Role of religion and the church

Christian church enjoyed special place in the feudal system

medival kings and queens were throned by divine right which meant God had specifically chose them

The belief in God was shown my everyone in medival europe and was sometimes forces by authority as it guides everyone through their days

Leadership of the church headed by the Pope often wealthier and more power than the europian kings and lived an easy and powerful life

An example can include Pope Inncoent the 3rd who advised many medival europian kinds on how to run their lands and their phycological minds

Code of Chivalry

is the moral standarys a knight would use to conduct their lives

is to be Loyal, courageous and strong in battle which seperated them from the poorer classes

knights wore bright coloured and decorated armour to stand out from the crowds and establish their higher status above others

lives of medival Woman

their quality of life depended on the man the woman was married to

women married to mobility would have a range of responsibilities managing their large household




Checking the bakehouse

Making of beer, butter and cheese

The lady of Manor was a trusted respected figure who partisipated in leisure activities

women in larger towns would take jobs like opening a shop or stall without their husbands permission but would mostlikley work in trades, as school teachers, doctors and chemists

they followed the orders of their husbands which were married to by the time of 12-14, and were encouraged to produce as many children as possible by the time of 25

Medival Medicine

limited understanting of the human body

Death from illness was common

Life for peasants was dirty as it was dificult to stay clean and be healthy

For wealthier classes, bathing seperated them from the poor but this still didn’t keep away diseases

medical schools and doctors did exist but just made stuff worse

they inspected disease through inspecting urine and feasies of the patient, major surjuries included tooth extractions, amputations and puncturing of the skull

For people who couldnt afford it they would use herbs and plant based mixtures to treat the sick, but relied hevily on prayer

these unsanitary conditions allowed The Bd to spread quickly

Agricultural Developments

The three-field system was an agricultural method where land was divided into three fields. One field was planted with crops, the second was left fallow to regain nutrients, and the third was used for grazing animals. This system helped to increase agricultural productivity and food supply.

a bad winter was all it took to ruin it all showing that it wasn’t stable


1st Crusade

Pope urban called on the christians kings of europe to come to aid the christian by zanitine empire war with islam

goal was to capture and occupy the holy land in the name of christianity

they fought several terrible battles and massurcured thousands of musilms soliders and civilians

they occupied and took control of the holy lands

2nd Crusade

remained in christian hands for the next 31 years

Troops returned home and left those behind to controll the holy land

armies began to gather and organiese a holy war against tge christians

in october, they arrived with islamic armies with over 50000 people and defeated the christian armies

3rd Crusade

islamic armies rapidly expanded across the middle east forcing christians to retreat

christians aimed to reclaim the holy land

richard the lion heart and saladin engaged in battles in 1191 and richards army came out victorious

despite his victory, they werent able to re claim jeruselum, instran they signed a peace treaty

4th crusade

pope innocent the 3rd calls for the 4th crusade

conflict arrised between europian rulers and the byzantine empire

christians fight eachother instead of musilims

in 1204 the European crusaders declare war on the byzantine empire

constanopal and the byzantine empire are nearly destroyed

Crusader armies loot the city

Childrens Crusade

crusades become smaller and focus on europiean non christians in the 13th century

childrens crusade begins in 1212

thousands of children leave their homes for the holy land

historians debate the events authencisity, nature and participants

it is said that children who matched were captured and enslaved

Gothic Archetecture

gothic arcetecture emerged in the late 1100s due to advancements in building techniques

it is seen by its pointed arches, ribbed valts and flying buttress

These features allow for larger and taller buildings with thinner walls and more windows

gothic arcetecture has vast spaces and large windows

and included lots of fine windows

demonstrating a shift away from Roman arcetecture

Roman Architecture

arrised around 1000 ad

developed after the collapse of the roman empire


influences by roman building techniques

simple symetry

semi circular arches

roman pillars

thick stone walls

Roman architecture was the main reason of the spread of christianity across europe as many large churches were built in the plan to grow monks and priests

Medieval Manscript

Eg: Book of Hours

popular religious script

have Decorations, oftem jewels on it

Unique but standard structure

preserved in libraries

Protected cover

First text to Be read by Lots of europians

covered science, litrature and philophy

Dooms Day Book

made by William the conqueror

record englands resourses and population

divided into 2

Little doomsday

Great doomsday

determined tax obligations and military work

Medieval Castles

castles were large stone buildings that sat in the middle of nobles land

provided protection in times of war

separated rich from the poors

In the centre was a keep which was strong and houses a noble and his family with a few windows

An outer ring of Guard towers and fortifies walls surrounding the keep

Often a Moat which was a big body of water around the castle and

a drawbridge to get across the moat

Magna Carta

A document created in 1215 that the barrons of england forces king john to sign

King john was a bad and greedy king

it limited his power and provided protection and right to the citizens of the land

Power Of Pope in medieval Europe

the pope was the head of the catholic church

as everyone followed the church, pope had great power

the pope was able to:

Send troops for holy wars

He was able to kick kings off their thones if they didn’t follow their authorities

able to excommunicate people from the church that has deeper consequences


A person who was forced to stay in a piece of land

Trial by combat

was a fight to death to be proven innocent

sometimes a champion would be able to fight on their behalf like a lawyer

Trial by ordeal

the persecuted one would have to hold a burning metal rod

if in a couple days it showed signs of healing they would be seen innocent

If not they would be guilty
