Western Music History: Divided into three main periods: Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque.
Known as the middle ages or dark ages that started with the fall of the roman empire.
Monophonic plainchants - named after Pope Gregory I and made it popular.
Gregorian Chant:
Important religious music used in the early Christian church.
Characteristics: Monophonic, free meter, modal, based on Latin liturgy, and uses neume notation.
Strong influence from the Christian Church on culture and politics.
Monophonic plainchant became popular, helping to spread religious messages.
Secular Music:
Emergence of troubadour music, performed by groups called Troubadours.
Characteristics of troubadour music: also monophonic, depicts chivalry, in French.
The term 'Renaissance' means rebirth, focusing on rediscovery of classical Greek and Roman culture.
Key Developments:
Music printing emerged, leading to wider distribution.
Shift from sacred music to secular music among the upper class.
Musical Characteristics:
Primarily polyphonic, imitation among voices, and use of word painting.
Prominent instrument: Lute.
Vocal Music:
Mass Composition:
Sets Eucharistic liturgy to music, characterized by polyphony.
Sections include Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.
Secular vocal polyphonic music, significant social aspect during gatherings.
Name derived from Portuguese meaning "pearl of irregular shape"; known for elaborate ornamentations.
Major Composers:
Notables: Johann Sebastian Bach, George Friedrich Handel, Antonio Vivaldi.
Musical Characteristics:
Melodies are elaborate, often contrapuntal, with dynamics contrasting loud and soft passages.
Genres include concerto, fugue, oratorio, and chorale.
Key Genres and Forms:
Concerto: Solo instrument with orchestral support.
Fugue: Composed in 3 or 4 parts, developed from a single theme.
Oratorio: Large scale work for orchestra and voices with religious narratives, performed without costumes or scenery.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Master of Renaissance sacred music known for purity in church compositions.
Thomas Morley: Famous for secular music, especially madrigals push boundaries of musical creativity in his time.
Johann Sebastian Bach: Renowned for organ compositions and sacred music; marked by deep personal faith.
Antonio Vivaldi: Known for "The Four Seasons", a series of violin concerti.
George Friedrich Handel: Remembered for operas and the famous oratorio "Messiah" and its well-known "Hallelujah" chorus.