Tempo- Speed of a piece of music, measured in BPM
Pitch- how high or low a note is
Structure- How a piece is organised, order of the sections
Tonality- whether the piece of music is in a major, minor, or atonal scale.
Chord- Three or more notes played together
Dynamics-how loud or soft something is; the volume
Texture- amount of parts going/playing at once
Instrumentation- what instruments are played
Time Signature- indicates Number of beats in each bar
Bar Lines- divides the song into smaller parts
Clef- Bass or Treble
Staff- Where the notes are notated on
Japanese Instruments:
Koto- harp like, plucked instrument
Biwa- heavy, banjo sounf, used to accompany a singer
Kokyu- Bowed string instrument
Shamesin-banjo/guitar like plucked
Shakuhachi- end blown flute
Sho- mouth organ, sounds…
Taiko- drum
Parts of a Guitar:
tunning peg
sound hole