Which of the following sequences correctly orders the components of a language, from the smallest or most specific to the broadest?
A) phoneme → syntax → semantics
B) syntax → semantics → phoneme
C) phoneme → semantics → syntax
D) syntax → phoneme → semantics
2) Which of the following language acquisition stages or phenomena is correctly matched with an illustrative example?
A) babbling-"Goo goo, ga ga."
B) telegraphic speech—"I ran from the library to the bus stop."
C) overgeneralization-"Daddy has come home."
D) overgeneralization "Drawing house"
3) Some theorists argue that a critical period exists for language that can be characterized by which of the following?
A) It is the period of transition between one-word and two-word utterances.
B) It is the period in which children are particularly sensitive to language cues and most easily acquire language.
C) It is the period in which children communicate nonverbally and have trouble acquiring language.
D) It is the period during childhood that involves learning to write in one's language.
4) Tina is 6 months old, Vincenzo is 2 years and 7 months old, and Wayne is 3 years and 6 months old. Which alternative below correctly pairs each child with the appropriate language acquisition stage or phenomenon?
A) Tina overgeneralization; Vincenzo babbling; Wayne telegraphic speech
B) Tina babbling; Vincenzo telegraphic speech; Wayne overgeneralization
C) Tina-telegraphic speech; Vincenzo babbling; Wayne overgeneralization
D) Tina babbling; Vincenzo overgeneralization; Wayne telegraphic speech
5) Ken is able to form many possible versions and visions of what characteristics a God or other deity may have. He has clearly capable of
A) conservation
B) constricting an imaginary audience
C) object permanence
D) hypothetical thinking
6) Jerry is not able to tie his shoes on his own
A) Mary Ainworth's theory of attachment, because it focuses on whether a child hay
a secure or insecure attachment
B) Lev Vygotskys social leaming theory, because it focuses on whether a child has a
secure or insecure attachment
C) Lev Vygotsky's social learning theory, because it includes the concept of zone of proximal development
D) Konrad Lorenz's theory, because it includes the concept of imprinting
7) Max is a graduate student who wants to find a relation between identity formation and the influence of the environment. For this purpose, he interviews a group of 6-year-olds, a group of 10-year-olds, and a group of 15-year-olds, and asks them what they plan to be
research method.
when they finish school. In this example, Mark is using a
A) longitudinal
B) cross-sectional
C) single-case experimental
D) sequential
8) Mary Ainsworth's research indicates that a toddler with a secure attachment style is most likely to do which of the following when left with a caregiver, such as a babysitter, for the first time?
A) Show distress when left, calm down and play, and run to the mother when she returns
B) Cry when left and continue to cry until the mother returns
C) Not notice when the mother leaves and not seek attention from the mother when she returns
D) Play happily when the mother leaves but exhibit anger and rejection toward the mother when she returns
9) Which of the following is an example of longitudinal research?
A) Dr. Lee has been conducting surveys among people aged between 30 and 50 to find ways to help them move away from their sedentary lifestyles.
B) Dr. Stewart has been studying a group of people every 15 years since they were development.
aged 10 to understand how the quality of child care correlates with personality
C) Dr. Cooper has been observing three groups of men of different ages but similar impairment.
occupations and the same social class to study the incidence of cognitive
D) Dr. Filch has been studying three groups of children aged 5, 10, and 15 to understand their problem-solving capabilities.
10) Rope take him aml an day anyone and eving alan i out worth.
the toys, even though Rebecca is close by. When Rebecca leaves the room to fill out some forms, Adam becomes extremely upset and remains inconsolable. When Rebecca returns, Adam stays close to her, holding onto her leg. However, Adam makes it very clear he does not want her to touch him or pick him up. In fact, he starts kicking and hitting her. In the style?
context of the findings of Mary Ainsworth, which term best describes Adam's attachment
A) disorganized
B) ambivalent
C) avoidant
D) secure
11) Maura and Trish are eighth graders who have been caught smoking. Maura's parents yell at her and refuse to let her explain things. They ground her for a month and take away her television and Internet privileges for two months. Trish's parents talk to her about their disappointment and concern; additionally, they make her spend every afternoon for a week at the library, researching the dangers of smoking and discussing her findings with them each night at dinner. Most likely, Maura's parents are_
and Trish's are
A) permissive; authoritative
B) authoritarian; permissive
C) authoritarian; authoritative
D) authoritative; permissive
12) One baby receives an X chromosome from its mother and an X chromosome from its father, it will develop as a
A second baby receives an X chromosome from its mother and
a Y chromosome from its father; it will develop as a
A) male; female
B) female; male
C) both will be female
D) both will be male
13) Walter's parents strongly believe that Walter should make his own decisions, so they set very few rules regarding homework, bedtime, and household chores. Since they believe that freedom and responsibility are important, they patiently tolerate all of Walter's behavior, whether childish or mature. The parenting style adopted by Walter's parents is called
A) authoritarian.
B) permissive.
C) authoritative.
D) uninvolved.
14) Piaget propose which of the following?
A) He suggested that movement from one stage to the next occurs when a child reaches an appropriate level of maturation and is exposed to relevant types of experiences
B) He maintained tht the stages of development differed only in the quantity of information acquired at each stage and not in the quality of knowledge and understanding
C) he proposed that our genetic inheritance predisposes us to respond in particular ways to our environment and even to seek out particular kinds of environments.
D) He stressed the role of heredity and maturation- the unfolding of biologically predetermined pattems of behavior- in producing developmental change.
15) Dr. Arceneaux has developed several alternative plans to increase the number of online practice quizzes his students complete. Which plan below is incorrectly matched with the related schedule?
A) I bonus point for every two online practice quizzes completed- fixed-ratio
B) 1 bonus point awarded every 2 weeks if two or more quizzes have been completed-variable-interval
C) I bonus point awarded every now and then (about 2 weeks on average) if two or more quizzes have been completed recently-variable-ratio
D) I bonus point awarded randomly, either for every 2 online quizzes taken or 2 bonus points for all those students who have taken the test within the first week-variable-interval
16) Ramona takes her 4-year-old daughter to a park. While her daughter plays in the sand pit, Ramona sits and chats with her friends. When she hears two girls fighting, she does not worry as she recognizes that it's not her daughter's voice. The given scenario illustrates
A) stimulus generalization.
B) stimulus discrimination.
C) extinction.
D) latent learning.
17) Every time Danny walks by the McDonald's in his neighborhood and sees the golden arches, he finds himself salivating even if he doesn't even smell the food. This is an example of
A) higher-order conditioning
B) serial conditioning
C) an unconditioned stimulus
D) extinction
18) Which of the following best illustrates vicarious learning as described in Bandura'» social-cognitive theory?
A) A child learns to solve math problems by practicing repeatoly and receiving feedback.
B) A teenager stops speeding after seeing a friend receive a traflle ticket for deiving to fast.
C) A student improves their test performance by using flashcants to memorize key
D) A dog leams to sit after being rewarded with a treat each time it follows the command.
19) Identify the type of consequence that is correctly matched with an example.
A) positive reinforcement Harvey is suspended when he vandalizes school property.
B) negative reinforcement-Jeff puts up his umbrella when it starts to sprinkle so he won't get wet.
C) positive punishment-Jacqueline's teacher puts a cute sticker on an arithmetic exercise completed without mistakes.
D) negative punishment-Tommy receives a written reprimand from his boss following a series of customer complaints.
20) Four-year-old Rebecca states that the two lines in set A have the same number of dots but that the second line in set B has more dots than the first line has. Rebecca's inability to report that the tio rows in set B contain the same number of dots reflects a lack of
A) animism.
B) theory of mind.
C) conservation.
D) object permanence.
21) 15-year-old Susanna comes home from school, takes her jacket off, drops her bookbag in the middle of the living room and lays down to play with her dogs, oblivious to the fact that
demonstrates the concept of
mom is trying to vacuum the rug and dad is carrying packages through the room. This
A) animism.
B) adolescent egocentrism.
C) the personal fable.
D) the imaginary audience.
22) Which of the following scenarios exemplifies negative reinforcement?
A) Vanna fastens her seatbelt as soon as she gets in her car to stop the annoying alert sound.
B) Drake no longer cuts class, now that his parents have confiscated his iPod.
C) Maria now buys a different brand of cigarettes to get two packs for the price of one.
D) Nate no longer arrives late at work following a reprimand from his boss.
23) Which of the following is an example of positive punishment?
A) fighting with your significant other and walking away
B) getting a speeding ticket
C) grounding a child for misbehaving and not letting him/her watch television
D) giving your dog a treat for rolling over
24) Alexis uses cocaine, which activates her sympathetic nervous system. Expecting her dealer, her hands shake and her heart pounds when she hears a knock on the door. Which alternative below correctly identifies the neutral stimulus, the CS, and the UCS?
A) neutral stimulus-knock on the door; CS-cocaine; UCS- cocaine
B) neutral stimulus— knock on the door; CS-knock on the door; UCS-pounding heart
C) neutral stimulus-knock on the door; CS-knock on the door; UCS-cocaine
D) neutral stimulus cocaine; CS knock on the door; UCS cocaine
25) According to the ecological systems theory, a parent's workplace would best be described as a child's
A) microsystem.
B) mesosystem.
C) exosystem.
D) macrosystem.
26) Shaquil has a close relationship with his parents but does not entirely subscribe to their liberal belief systems. However, he has too much going on to give his own values and ideas much thought so he simply adopts the values of his parents uncritically. Marcia would most likely say that he is in which stage of identity development?
A) Foreclosure
B) Moratorium
C) Diffusion
D) Achievement
27) JD figured out that he had more than six ACEs in his early childhood. According to the research, which of the following is he LEAST likely to experience?
A) early death
B) higher instances of liver discase
C) higher-than-average intellectual achievement
D) high likelihood of carly sexual behavior
How do you know
They are right now
28) Larry has been brought up being taught that boys are supposed to be big, strong, muscular and athletic. This is most clearly an example of
A) gender identity.
B) gender roles.
C) sex typing.
D) toxic masculinity.
29) A man's penis and a woman's vagina are examples of
sex characteristics
A) primary
B) secondary
C) late-developing
D) early-developing
30) Roger is a playful 2-year-old. During his playtime, his father sometimes hides one of his toys to see if Roger realizes that the toy is missing. Roger begins a prompt search for the toy as soon as he notices that it is missing. According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Roger appears to be in the
A) formal operational stage.
B) preoperational stage.
C) sensorimotor stage.
D) concrete operational stage.
31) Lev Vygotsky proposed that
A) the focus of cognitive development should be on child performance.
B) we cannot understand cognitive development without taking into account the social and cultural aspects of learning.
C) quantitative changes occur in children's ability to organize and manipulate information.
D) children proceed through a series of cognitive stages in a fixed order.
32) Which of the lines in the graph shown above represents the fixed interval reinforcement schedule?
A) Line A
B) Line B
C) Line C
D) Line D
33) 80-year-old Estelle has noticed that she frequently finds herself confused and disoriented and sometimes fails to recognize how familiar objects in her house work. Yesterday, she found a child in her house that she did not realize was actually her grandson. She is probably suffering from dementia. Which neurotransmitter is likely lacking in dementia?
A) endorphins
B) acetylcholine
C) serotonin
D) norepinephrine
34) Maria, a 47-year-old woman, stopped menstruating last year. She sometimes experiences sudden sensations of heat, and, to treat this symptom, she is currently undergoing a hormone therapy (HT). This biological change in Maria's body is called
A) menarche.
B) menopause.
C) amenorrhea.
D) imprinting.
35) Sam is happily playing with a playdough ball. His sister comes along and smashes it flat with her hand Sem cries at the apparent loss of his toy. This is because he has not mastered the concept of
A) conservation.
B) object permanence.
C) reversibility:
D) animmism.
36) Yolanda is 24, Zachary is 44, and Andrew is 73. Assume that each successfully completes the identity crisis associated with his or her current Eriksonian stage. Which of the following alternatives matches each individual with the correct developmental outcome?
A) Yolanda: intimacy; Zachary: generativity, and Andrew: integrity
B) Yolanda: integrity; Zachary, intimacy, and Andrew: generativity
C) Yolanda: intimacy, Zachary: integrity; and Andrew: generativity
D) Yolanda: generativity, Zachary: intimacy; and Andrew: integrity
37) Lorenz waited for some baby ducks to hatch. Right before they did, he removed the mother duck and sat in her place. Soon, the baby ducks crowded around him and followed him around the yard wherever he went. This is most clearly an example of
A) imprinting
B) instincts.
C) schema.
D) assimilation.
38) Albert Bandura's research supported the importance of which of the following concepts in his Social Learning Theory.
A) assimilation
B) genetics
C) modeling
D) accommodation
39) Laura and Celia are identical twins. They were adopted at birth by different families and raised in different environments. However, there are a lot of behavioral similarities between
them. In the context of developmental psychology, which of the following best explains this
A) Their similarities reflect the influence of nature on development.
B) Their similarities are a result of differences in nurture.
C) Their similarities reflect the opposition that nurture poses to nature.
D) Their similarities prove that they were not affected by their genetic makeup.
40) Based on the bar graph above, which of the following conclusions is most accurate?
A) The environment alone determines intelligence.
B) Identical twins are more intelligent than fraternal twins.
C) The more genetically related people are, the more similar.
D) There is no difference in similarity between two fraternal twins and two non-twin siblings