Pet species
mammals - mammary glands, milk
avian - feathers
reptiles - scales + breathe air
fish - scales, no limbs, gills, water living
amphibians - gill in larvae stage, land in adult stage
Archaeopteryx - earliest known bird ancestor
furcula - fused clavicle
weight needs to be minimized for flight
drag needs to be minimized
lift needs to be maximized - keeps in air
thrust needs to be maximized - maintains lift, counteracts drag
wing loading = body mass/wing area
body weight is relative to wing area
lift is generated by flow of air over wing, larger area = more flow = more lift
flapping wings requires muscle and muscle has weight, more energy needed
requires 50-75% more energy than a same sized mammal
and requires 1.5-3x more oxygen
birds are homogenous in essential structure, streamlined, aerodynamic
flightless birds are descended from flight birds, wings are vestigial
requirements for flight:
reduction of body weight- thin skin, fewer and fused bones, thinner bones, hollow bones, some are pneumatic (used in respiration), no bladder (paste excrement, uric acid), reproductive tract only active and developed during reproductive season, lay eggs, no teeth
commitment of forelimb to flight- arm bones fused to create wing, specialized chest pectorals for flight (up to 50% body weight), modified sternum (keel), accentuated vision and balance (eyes up to ⅓ of head, more photoreceptors, 4 types of cones, more developed vestibular apparatus) enhanced respiratory and circulatory systems (better are extracting oxygen from air, rigid lungs, air sacs expand throughout body, makes them susceptible to airborne toxins [canary in coal mine])
trimming of primary feathers reduces thrust
evolutionary adaptation - birds will not show illness, as other birds will ostracize a sick bird
3rd most popular pet
fish industry sells aesthetics
originated in china for both food and aesthetics
fish in rice paddies resulted in better rice yield and fish available for consumption
common carp - koi
prussian carp - goldfish
Tang Dynasty - genetic mutation in Prussian carp caused gold scales, considered sacred
Song Dynasty - only imperial family were allowed goldfish
Ming Dynasty - ceramic goldfish containers, begin to be raised indoors, led to selection of traits that would not survive outdoors
Europe acquired in 1600s - thought to bring good fortune
permissible characteristics
cold water ~68 degrees F
hardy (change 25% of water every 1-2 weeks
US in 1874
Shifted from China to Japan
Ornamental pond species
began ~200 years ago from golden carp
Modern Home Aquaria
Biological filtration for balanced aquarium 1850s
electricity in 1920’s
Air transportation and compressed air WWII
Aeration - airstones, sub gravel filters
immersion heaters
community tanks - many types of fish in one tank
Saltwater Aquariums
Silicone glue allowed for saltwater tanks as before, tanks were secured with metal edges that would rust if exposed to salt water
~10% volume of sales 25% value of total sales ($400-600/lb)
most saltwater fish are imported and exported from the wild
issues: degradation of reefs due to physical damage by collectors and gear, sometimes dynamite
90% volume, 75% value
imported from Southeast Asia, india, and South America
florida and Hawaii are domestic culture locations (warm)
Advantages to captive bred
Accustomed to people
acclimated to aquarium life
offspring easier to rear
always young fish
less shipping stress
fewer parasites
better for environment
only about 100 saltwater fish are captive bred worldwide and 30 in US
Reptiles (Dr. DeNardo)
Squamates - snakes and lizards
chelonians - turtles and tortoises
crocodilians - crocodiles and alligators
ancestrally, closest living reptiles to birds are crocodiles
feathers are modified scales
Can live in deserts and jungles
not domesticated
homeotherm - same temperature over time
poikilotherm - varied temperature over time
endotherm - heat is generated by animal
ectotherm - heat is gained from environment
Reptiles are warm blooded homeothermic ectotherms
reptiles should stay in between thermal maximum and minimum for optimal performance
Cool morning - lizard presses itself on dark rock perpendicular to the sun, it has a dark color, increased heart rate, and increased blood flow to its backside
Warm midday - lizard standing with body off of rock, facing sun, open mouth, light color, reduced blood flow
hot afternoon - escapes to burrow
Definition: diseases transmitted from animals to humans that pose a threat to human health
Methods of transmission include
direct contact
Infectious agents on an inanimate object is called a fomite
Zooanthroponosis - when humans give an animal a disease
Zoonoses are categorized by their causative agents
viral - reproduce in living cells
bacterial - single celled organisms
Zoonotics have the most significant impact on the young, old, and immunocompromised
Viral Zoonotics
on every continent except Antarctica
Enzootic - a geographical region having a reservoir of the zoonotic agent in the animal population
considered enzootic because the wild animals in US have the disease and can spread it to humans
all mammals are susceptible but more common in carnivores
transmitted by bite, inhalation, ingestion, and exposure to open wounds
travels up nerves to brain and salivary glands
replicates in brain causing damage and increased salivation
the deeper and closer to the brain the wound is, the faster the progression
in dogs and cats it lasts 2-8 weeks but up to 6 months, up to 1 year in humans
Symptomology - reflects replication in brain and brain damage
prodromal - anxiety, nervousness
excitatory - excitement, aggression, hydrophobia (furious rabies) lasts up to two days
paralytic - limbs and body becomes paralyzed including lungs
once symptoms are expressed 99% certain death
a definitive diagnosis comes from an autopsy (necropsy) of the animal’s brain
prophylaxis- vaccination for pets and humans at high risk, also a post exposure vaccine
Newcastle Disease
transmission - aerosols
affects primarily domestic fowl (ducks and geese are more resistant)
symptoms - depressed growth, tremors, respiratory impairment
human threat - conjunctivitis, flu symptoms
no treatment
prevention - vaccination
Western Equine Encephalomyelitis
transmission - mosquito bite
affects - many animals, including reptiles and amphibians, though only horses and humans show symptoms
Symptoms - horses: inflammation of brain, lack of coordination, up to 50% mortality humans: children could get permanent brain damage from inflammation
prevention - vaccinations
Bacterial Zoonotics
Psittacosis (parrot fever) chlamydia
transmission - aerosol
affects birds
symptoms - diarrhea, respiratory infection, stress causes progression of disease
human threat - generally asymptomatic but some flue like
treatment - tetracyclines from diet
prevention - cleanliness
Transmission - ingestion
affects all animals
1-3% of all domestic animals, 37% of reptiles in Washington zoo
symptoms - asymptomatic to gastroenteritis, can cause mortality, dehydration is dangerous
treatment - antibiotics, in humans it is self limiting
prevention - “treat and delete”
typhoid fever is a subcategory
CDC estimates 1.35 million cases
26,500 hospitalizations
420 deaths / year in US
found on food and reptiles have the most severe strain
reptiles also carry botulism toxin
Bartonella Henselae (cat scratch fever)
Transmission - scratch or bite
cats are usually asymptomatic
human threat - swollen lymph nodes, fever, rash but is self limiting in 2-6 months
prevention - keep cats indoors, clean all wounds from cat
Fungal Zoonotics
Ringworm (Dermatophytosis)
transmission - direct contact or fomites
not a worm - a fungus
affects dogs, cats, rodents, livestock, and people
thrives in moist environments
symptoms - raised circular ring on skin, scaly, itchy
cats - head
dogs - trunk
mice - head and body
human - anywhere
treatment - topical fungicide, self limiting in humans in about 4 months but reinfection is prevalent
spores can live up to 18 months
prevention - dilute bleach 1:10 clean surfaces
fluoresces green under black light
Parasitic Zoonotics
protozoa is called toxoplasma gondii
transmission - ingestion
complex life cycle that includes infective form and oocysts that form cysts in tissue
affects mammals and birds
cats are a complete host as it can complete a full life cycle in a cat and can shed its infective form through a cats feces
cats get it by eating a rodent with a cyst, it will begin to shed the infective form in about 2 weeks, the fecal matter a human may ingest leads to human infection
a woman who is pregnant in the first trimester who gets infected for the first time will develop birth defects
in US 11% of people have already been infected
up to 60% in other parts of the world
cat feces in natural water sources can infect rodents, birds and sea otters
symptoms - cats and dogs get diarrhea, humans have flu like symptoms, and sea otters can get lethal neurological damage
prevention - cook meat, boil camping water, blood test for pregnant woman
tapeworms, hookworms, pentastomida
transmission - ingestion
Nutrient - substance that is consumed, provides nourishment, used for growth and maintenance of life
herbivore - an animal that does best when consuming plant derived foods
unguligrades, elephants, tortoises, rabbits
carnivore - an animal that does best when consuming animal derived foods
cats, snakes, most fish
omnivore - consumes both plant and animal foods
humans, dogs, mice, rats
obligate - must consume a particular type of food to thrive and meet all growth and maintenance needs
rabbit - obligate herbivore
cat - obligate carnivore
you cannot have an obligate omnivore
essential - refers to elements that must be consumed from the diet because the animal cannot synthesize them in their body
vitamin C in humans and guinea pigs
6 categories of nutrients
most important
average mammal is 60% water
organic molecules that assist in bodily functions (blood clotting)
some are fat soluble (A,D,E,K)
some are water soluble (B,C)
there are about 14 essential ones
inorganic molecules that assist in bodily functions (enzymes, hormones)
provide strength and structure (calcium in bones)
about 20 essential ones
provide energy, a storage form of energy
basis of the cell membrane
important for metabolic processes and signaling
hormone precursors
provides insulation
aids in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins
role in cellular function is critical
carbon and hydrogen chains connected through bonds
end of chain is carboxylic acid group
carbon has four binding sites, if all are bound it si a saturated fat, if 2 binding sites are bound to the same molecule (Double bond) it is an unsaturated fat
saturated - solid at room temperature
unsaturated - liquid at room temperature
double bonds created bends and angles in the molecule
saturated and unsaturated fats influence fluidity of cell membranes
cellular signaling requires molecules in membrane to move about
Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids
carbons are numbered sequentially from carboxylic acid end
the end of a fatty acid without carboxylic acid is called the omega end
essential fatty acid - unsaturated
most animals can add carbon atom as and double bonds once they have the starting essential unsaturated fatty acid
cats needs more fatty acid types because they don’t have the enzyme to synthesize one unsaturated fat into another - cause for obligate carnivore
Linoleic acid -> enzyme in body adds double bond - gamma linoleic acid -> enzymes in body add double bond and more carbons - arachidonic acid
free radicals are formed in normal body processes but also from toxicants such as cigarette smoke
they attack double bonds (rancidification / oxidation)
break down the molecule, no longer the essential volatile fatty acid (VFA)
antioxidants protect the essential fatty acids from rancidification
chemical forms: BHT, BHA, Ethoxyquin
natural forms: vitamin C, vitamin E
these are also needed for bodily functions, so you need an excess amount for them to also act as antioxidants
antioxidants can also protect against cancer and improve cognitive functions
fatty acids improve the palatability of foods
dogs are highly sensitive
Deficiencies result in dry skin and coats and impact cell membrane function, reproduction is also reduced, there are vision and neurological problems, and reduced immune function
building blocks for muscle and tissue
enzymes, hormones and cell signaling
amino acids come from broken down proteins
8 essentials
in excess it is an energy source, but you must remove the amino group first
amino groups have nitrogen
becomes toxic ammonia if accumulated
expelled through urine
provide energy
large molecules are made of sugar
complex carbohydrates are broken down more slowly vs simple sugar
Humans and plant eaters have teeth designed for chewing
dogs and cats have teeth designed for ripping and shredding
their stomach acid is stronger to cope with larger chunks of tissue
GI tract reflects your diet
a simpler tract is related to a nutrient dense diet
complex tract is related to a dilute nutrient diet
the more complex the tract, the more time food stays in the tract, therefore, more time to utilize the nutrients
usually plant based diets
Energy Storage forms: lipid, protein, carbohydrates
protein and carbs have the same amount of energy
need nutrients for maintenance
primary need is energy
activity level of animal influences need
young / growing
need maintenance and more for growth
food usually more expensive because it has more nutrients and higher quality ingredients
quality - the bioavailability of nutrients in the food
high quality protein is usually from animals
low quality protein is usually from plants, harder to digest
cat food is expensive because they require more protein as they are obligate carnivores
AAFCO - association of American feed control officials
set pet food standards of nutrition
clear and consistent labeling
only regulate dog and cat food
requires a statement saying either:
the food was tested and the animals did well, meets nutrition standards
food was formulated to meet the nutritional standards of
If an animal does not have all of its essential nutrients, it can develop health disorders
deficiency in arginine: leads to ammonia build up
deficiency in taurine: leads to decreased reproduction, blindness, cardiac problems
most health problems in lizards and turtles are from dietary deficiencies
high quality food reduces anxiety behavior in shelter dogs
reduced yawning, nose licking, sweaty paws
excessive fish food allows nutrients to leach into water, feeding the bacteria, increasing pH, this is detrimental to fish
feed fish 1-5% of body weight, or what they can eat in about 3 minutes
Overfeeding leads to obesity
should be able to feel ribs
reduces lifespan
increases joint loading (increased chance of arthritis)
exacerbates complex genetic traits
skeletal abnormalities
osteochondritis dissecans - cartilage flakes off of joints
hip dysplasia - ball joint of femurs doesn’t fit in socket
an overweight puppy will have joint issues as the extra body weight is pressing on growing joints
chocolate contains Theobromine
related to caffeine
a neurotoxin that affects heart rate and the CNS
dangerous because it metabolizes slowly, causing a longer acting reaction
dark chocolate has more theobromine
Onion contains and alkaloid (n-propyl disulfide)
yummy flavor
can cause hemolytic anemia
dark urine
lack of oxygen
cooked onion is still dangerous
egg is ideal food
contains all materials needed to develop a neonate
also contains compounds to protect developing embryo such as:
antibacterial agent that is secreted into egg white
tightly binds with essential B vitamin Biotin
B vitamin involved in metabolic pathways such as fatty acid synthesis
when bonded with biotin, the biotin becomes no longer available
excess avidin can cause a biotin deficiency
cooking destroys avidin and reduces salmonella risk
although biotin is in the shell of an egg, it might not be enough to compensate for the amounts of avidin in the egg white
Cats lack the ability to taste sweet, they don’t eat carbs
Pocket Pets
Ferret - carnivore and illegal in CA
simple GI tract, 3-4 transit time
hamster - omnivore
has fore-stomach like a cow
has cecum
mini pig - omnivore
can grow too fast with normal hog food
mouse - omnivore and opportunistic
gerbil - granivore and illegal in CA
chinchilla - herbivore
Rabbit - obligate herbivore
complex GI tract
hind gut fermenter
need hard pellets to wear down teeth
intakes food, arrives at glandular stomach to digest food, enters small intestine that absorbs water soluble nutrients, fiber is passed to large intestine and is sorted by size, small fiber goes to cecum, large fiber is excreted
the cecum ferments the fiber that is indigestible and produces vitamins, VFAs, and essential amino acids
excreted cecal pellets contain important nutrients and are reconsumed (coprophagy)
diets that are too high in protein, energy, or too low in fiber can result in excess pellets
pygmy hedgehog - insectivore and illegal in CA
also likes to eat snails, snakes, and worms
Rodents have continuously growing teeth (open-rooted)
grows ¼ to ½ inches per month
risk of malocclusion
Feeding Methods
Ad libitum - free choice
limit feeding - best for rabbits, ferrets, and mini pigs that wont limit themselves
limit treats as they could lead to obesity and tooth decay
certain species will spit food into their water, careful with sipper tubes, breeding ground for bacteria
Bird Nutrition
Digest quickly to keep body weight down
Food moves from mouth to crop
crop stores food
expands and if contracted, sends hunger signals
then moves from crop to proventriculus (glandular stomach)
then moves from proventriculus to gizzard which grinds food with sand and small rocks
birds also have a ceca that produces VFAs
birds regurgitate food for babies from crop
Tom Roudybush - cockatiel experiment UCD alum
baby birds need more dilute food when younger and more solid food as they get older
baby cockatiels had to be separated from each other during the study or else they would feed each other
found that they need 20% protein for best health
changing a bird’s diet is not easy, they may not recognize they new food as a food
Feather Color
Pigment can come directly from food
canary should eat foods rich in beta-carotene and canthaxanthin
flamingos eat canthaxanthin
canthaxanthin comes from crustaceans
reason shrimps change color when cooked
pigment can also come from the metabolism of food
most parrots (psittacine) colors
change of feather color indicates nutritional completeness of diet
achromatosis - lacking pigment
lysine deficiency - an essential amino acid that causes achromatosis in turkeys, quail, rats
Not the cause for achromatosis in cockatiels - that is a B vitamin deficiency
instead, lysine deficiency causes decreased growth and body fat