Medical Terminology Ch3&4 study guide

Medical Terminology Summary

Blood and Circulatory System

Anemia: Blood condition where blood lacks RBCs (hemoglobin), reducing oxygen supply to tissues

Thrombocytes: Platelets

Leukopenia: Deficiency of WBCs

Hyperglycemia: High blood sugar

Eosinophil: Leukocyte that stains red and is elevated in allergic reactions

Basophil: Leukocyte that stains blue and plays a role in inflammation

Lymphocyte: Fights disease by making antibodies

Bacteria Types

Streptococcus: Berry-shaped bacterium that grows in twisted chains

Staphylococcus: Berry-shaped bacterium that grows in small clusters

Diplococci: Berry-shaped bacteria organized in pairs

Anatomical Terms

Trachea: Windpipe

Pharynx: Throat

Larynx: Voice box

Intercostal: Pertaining to between ribs

Dactyl: Finger/toe

Glossy: Tongue

Adenoids: Small masses of lymphatic tissue located in part of the pharynx

Medical Conditions

Acromegaly: Enlargement of extremities

Necrosis: Process/condition of death of cells

Multiple Myeloma: Tumor of bone marrow

Pneumonia: Condition of the lungs

Syndactyly: Joined fingers/toes

Syndrome: Group of symptoms/signs occurring together

Dyspnea: Abnormal/painful breathing

Sepsis: Infection

Rh condition: Antigen-antibody reaction that could be dangerous for mother when giving birth

Medical Specialties and Procedures

Nephrologist: Specialist in kidneys

Amniocentesis: Surgical puncture to remove fluid from amniotic sac

Ultrasonography: Diagnostic technique using ultrasound waves to make image of organ/tissue

Laparoscopy: Process of visually examining abdomen

Percutaneous: Through the skin

Transurethral resection: Portion of prostate gland removed with instrument passed through the urethra

Recombinant DNA: Taking gene from one organism and inserting into DNA of another organism

Polymerase chain reaction: Method of producing multiple copies of single gene

Anatomical Conditions

Ptosis: Drooping, falling, prolapse

Cystocele: Hernia of urinary bladder

Rectocele: Hernia of the rectum

Symphysis: "Growth together" refers to joint where 2 bones connected by cartilage

Directional Terms

Contralateral: Opposite side

Sublingual: Pertaining to under the tongue

Abductor: "To lead away from" refers to the muscle that moves body part away from midline


Dia-: Through/complete

Brady-: Slow

Tachy-: Fast (as in tachycardia)

Anti-/Ante-: Against/before

Ana-: Up

Con-: With/together

Ad-: Towards

Epi-: Above

Hypo-: Below, deficient

Poly-: Many

Meta-: Beyond, change

Para-: Abnormal, near

Cata-: Down

Neo-: New

Eu-: Good/normal

Somno-: Sleep


-therapy: Treatment

-stomy: Opening to form mouth

-genesis: Condition of/producing

-lysis: Breakdown/destruction/separation

-penia: Deficiency

-malacia: Softening

-phobia: Fear (example: acrophobia - fear of heights)

-sclerosis: Hardening

-drome: Running

-fusion: Coming together

-partum: Birth/labor

-stasis: Stopping/controlling

-ectomy: Excision/removal

-tomy: Incision

-ule: Small/like

Combining Forms

Phago-: To eat

Carp/o-: Wrist bones

Biological Processes

Metamorphosis: Process of change in form/shape

Hypertrophy: Excessive growth

Antigen: Foreign substance that stimulates production of antibodies
