1.) profound (profundity) - dep; insightful
2.) enhance - to improve; to augment
3.) phenomenon - an observable fact or occurrence
4.) enduring - lasting
5.) advocate - to speak in favor of; to support
6.) solitude - the state of being alone
7.) tentative - temporary; not final
8.) contemporary - living at the same time; modern
9.) provocative (provoke) - exciting; attracting attention
10.) adversary - an opponent; enemy
11.) gravity (grave) - seriousness (secondary meaning)
12. banal - common; dull; ordinary
13.) depravity - moral corruption
14. temper - to moderate; to soften
15.) censure-to blame; to criticize (not the same as censor)
16.) extol - to praise
17.) indulgent-pampering oneself; satisfying one's own desires
18.) erratic - irregular; without direction
19.) insipid - bland; boring; tasteless
20.) euphony - pleasant sound