What influences your personality, preference, intelligence, etc.?
Genetics, the genetic factor that distinguishes humans from animals (that makes language)
Everything else! John B. Watson, able to “train anyone into any type of specialist”
Work together!
At conception, genetics determine
Eye/hair color, body shape, sex, temperament
Experience and environmental influence
Culture, social groups, etc
Mother rats pass on “love licking” behavior to kids
Eventually altered their DNA
Nature & nurture work together to influence human development
Epigenetic research helps us see the amazing impact NURTURE has on NATURE
Identical twins
Same DNA, both are the same sex, one egg (monozygotic)
Raised in separate environments → similarities due to genetics
“Jim Twins”
Completely different environments but many similar experiences and traits
Heritability, how much can we attribute their differences and their similarities to genetics (nature.)
Fraternal Twins
Different DNA, as genetically similar as non-twin siblings, opposite sex?
-Raised in the same environment → similarities due to environment
Twin studies can involve identical twins as well as fraternal twins
(adoption, family, and DNA) all help us determine the influences of nature and nurture on our behaviors and mental processes
Twin studies help determine the influences of genetic factors on personality traits, (intelligence)
Nervous System
Peripheral NS
Carry info from all over to CNS & from CNS
Ganglion, Nerve
Somatic NS
Bring in sensory information from the CNS out to various glands and muscles
Autonomic NS
Heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, digestion
Sympathetic (fight or flight)
Bear scenario- scary and need to get away
Parasympathetic (rest and digest)
Parachute → rest, etc. Calm homeostatic state
Central NS (brain and spinal cord)
Encased in bone (VERY important)
The human nervous system consists of several divisions and each division has its own specialized functions
People are right-brained or left-brained
You can’t grow new neurons
Only use 10% of our brain ….. Still a myth, but interesting story
Lead singers and back-up vocals
Neurons & Glial Cells communicate
Ex: 90 billion neurons and 900 billion Glial Cells
Only use neurons, we only use 10% picked up from electrical signals
Glia used to be thought of as just “helpers”
They do a lot more
Send and receive chemical signals to and from each other and to and from neurons, along with other cells. Does not communicate with electricity
What info?
Thoughts, understanding, inspiration, insight (all cognitive)
Limit discussion to things easily measured
How loud → sensory neuron,
receive raw material from the body’s sense organs like free nerve endings in the epidermis
How much a muscle flinches → motor neuron
Are connected to muscle fibers and can make the muscle contract
Spinal Reflex Arc
The receptor site is in the peripheral nervous system
Receive a sensation in the spinal cord
Sensory neuron connects to motor neurons with an interneuron
Takes information from sensory neuron (receptor), talks to interneuron that talks to motor neuron, sending information “screaming” to the muscles
Measure how loud and how quick the reflex is
Not the S.A.M.E → Sensory Afferent, Motor Efferent
Estimated 80 billion
Building blocks of the nervous system, allow all communication in the nervous system
Several different types, some of which have great specificity (ex, feature detector cells)
Receive messages from other neurons
Carry message down axon
Send messages to other neurons
Cells fire in a particular pattern, which results in thoughts
Detect and receive messages, then pass them along the neuron
Protects and keeps major parts of the interior and nucleus healthy
Sends an electrical impulse, or action potential down
Some axons are protected by a myelin sheath
Myelin Sheath
Fatty substance encasing most neurons in the brain
Protects and insulates the axon, speeding up the transmission of nerve impulses
Deterioration of myelin results in multiple sclerosis
Terminal Buttons
Allow communication with other dendrites
Synapse / Synaptic Gap
After each terminal button, there is a synapse / synaptic gap
Neurotransmitters cross this gap and lock into the dendrite of the postsynaptic neuron
If enough neurotransmitters lock into the postsynaptic neuron’s dendrites, that neuron will fire
The message starts at the Dendrite,
then goes to the Soma,
then the Terminal Button,
and synapse
Summary of Neural Firing
Neurons fire when there is a shift in electrical energy → creating an action potential
When the action potential reaches terminal buttons, neurotransmitters are released into the synapse
Neurotransmitters lock into the dendrites of the next neuron
Some neurotransmitters are excitatory, other inhibitory
Excitatory → next neuron more likely to fire
Inhibitory → next neuron less likely to fire
Basics of allowing messages to be sent throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems:
Resting potential: -70 millivolts → Polarized
Po = positive outside
Firing threshold:
Fires all or none: once at the threshold, the neuron WILL fire with the same intensity at each fire
Action potential: An electrical impulse that travels down the axon
Change in electricity creates a positive electrical charge (+30 millivolts) inside the neuron
Refractory period: a brief period where the neuron can’t fire again
Reuptake: The sending neuron recollects neurotransmitters
Ex, need 3 blue neurotransmitters to fire
Vesicles open, neurotransmitters lock into postsynaptic dendrite receptors
Neuron fires
Synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitters from the axon terminals
Neurotransmitters travel across the synapse and fit into the postsynaptic receptor site like a lock and key
Chemical messengers of the nervous system, can be excitatory or inhibitory
Neurotransmitters vs. hormones
Nervous system, floating in synapses and axon terminals
Hormones are released by glands in the endocrine system
Dozens of neurotransmitters in the human nervous system, and each neurotransmitter plays a role in various cognitive and behavioral processes
Glutamate: How exciting it would be to be glued to your mate!
Gaba: Brakes of CNS
Get A Brake Adjustment
Acetylcholine (ACh)
Found in both the central and peripheral nervous system
ALL movement involves ACh
Involved in learning and memory (many other functions too)
Alzheimer’s disease is associated with diminished ACh functioning
To hit an ace in tennis, you need acetylcholine
To ace your upcoming exam, you need acetylcholine
Linked to the anticipation of pleasurable or rewarding activities
Involved in movement, attention, and learning
Lack of dopamine is associated w/ Parkinson’s
Excess dopamine is associated w/ Schizophrenia
Dopamine is linked to pleasure and Parkinson’s
DopaMINE! Pleasure is mine, mine, mine
Endorphins (endogenous morphine)
Body’s natural painkiller → involved in pain reduction and reward
Can be stimulated by intense and prolonged exercise, creating euphoric feelings
Endorphins and pain
Epinephrine (adrenaline)
Both a neurotransmitter and a hormone → boosts energy
The primary chemical in “fight or flight” responses
Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)
Arousal, alertness, vigilance (heightened sensitivity to what is going on around you)
Heavily involved in the sleep cycle
Low levels associated w/ depression
Plays a significant role in mood, appetite, sleep, and dreams
Low levels have been associated with depression
Serotonin – “rotten,” you avoid rotten food, rotten moods, and rotten nights of sleep
Agonists and Antagonists
Psychoactive drugs and some other substances have a direct impact on one or more neurotransmitters at the synapse
Psychoactive drugs work as agonists or antagonists based on how they influence neural transmission
Enhance the actions of neurotransmitters in various ways
Direct agonists mimic the neurotransmitter & bind with the receptor of the next neuron
An agonist for endorphins
Mimic - the receptor site can’t distinguish between an endorphin and the chemical structure of heroin
An agonist for ACh (acetylcholine)
Stimulates skeletal muscles and causes increased heart rate
Black Widow Venom: Toxin
An agonist for ACh (acetylcholine)
Causes ACh to be released continuously at neuromuscular junctions (spams, increased. heart rate)
Indirect agonists (or reuptake inhibitors) can block the reuptake of a neurotransmitter, a drug/chemical that is introduced at the synapse. Sticks in synapse for longer
Inhibits reuptake of serotonin. Floods synapse with serotonin
Inhibits reuptake of dopamine. Floods synapse w/ dopamine
Inhibit the actions of neurotransmitters in various ways
Bind to a receptor but do not stimulate.
Blocks a neurotransmitter from being released by the terminal or from binding to the receptor site
Inhibits the normal functioning of the neurotransmitter
An antagonist for ACh (acetylcholine)
Blacks ACh from reaching receptors
Can’t move muscles in the area
Thorazine – Early Drug of Schizophrenia
An antagonist for dopamine
Blocks dopamine receptors, blocking the transmission of dopamine
Drugs have in common:
Alter mental states
Activate dopamine-producing neurons in the brain’s reward system
Increase in dopamine associated w/ greater reward, → a stronger desire to take drugs again
Creates tolerance, needing increased amounts of the drug to create the original high/desired effect
Many drugs lead to physical dependence: repeated use, a person might need to administer drugs to prevent withdrawal symptoms (Negative reinforcement)
The effect of a drug depends on which neurotransmitters are affected
Psychoactive Drugs Influence Synaptic Transmission
All psychoactive drugs have a direct impact on one or more neurotransmitters at the synapse
Can be classified as agonists or antagonists based on how they influence neural transmission
Blood-Brain Barrier
A barrier that allows some chemicals to pass from the blood into the brain but prevents other chemicals from entering
All drugs discussed here are able to pass this barrier to get from blood into brain
Types of Drugs
Slow or inhibit CNS functions
Create drowsiness, sedation, or sleep – sometimes relieves anxiety and lowers inhibition
Combining depressants can be deadly
2nd most widely used drug in the US
Agonist for GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid, “brake” for CNS)
Lessons inhibitions by depressing brain centers responsible for judgment and self-control
Create sensory and perceptual distortions, alter mood, and affect thinking
Much current research on psychedelics in therapeutic settings (anxiety, depression, and more) but still in the experimental phase
Very mild hallucinogen
Produces a sense of well-being, mild euphoria, dreamy state of relaxation
Ingredient in Marijuana
Interferes with muscle coordination, learning, memory, and overall cognitive function
Various therapeutic uses
Agonist for endorphins
Incredible addictive and create powerful withdrawal symptoms
Heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl
Activate the sympathetic nervous system
Increase brain activity, arouse behavior, and increase mental alertness
The most widely used drug in the world
Promotes wakefulness, mental alertness, and faster thought processes by stimulating the release of dopamine
Antagonists for adenosine – blocks sleep-inducing effects
Physically addictive and creates withdrawal symptoms
Dopamine agonist (reuptake inhibitor); also elevates serotonin and norepinephrine
Intense euphoria, alertness, and heightened self-confidence
Crash after high dissipates and highly addictive