It can grasp onto items and carry them around.
Gripper: It will open and close to grab and let go on an item.
Air Pump: It will cause the claw to open and close.
Cable: It connects the gripper to the main arm.
Unscrew the suction cup from the terminal stand.
Insert the gripper in the terminal stand.
Attach the air pump to the gripper, similar to the suction cup.
Connect the GP3 wire to the CP3 connector.
Select the correct port (the COM port).
Click “Connect.”
Select “Gripper” for the tools.
Click “Home” and wait until the gripper and Dobot magician calibrates and clears its surroundings.
Click the drop down menu to select “Open” or “Close,” depending on what you need.
Make a simple movement using the lock button.
Commands: open and closed
R column: shows the position of the gripper
Gripper column: Double click the column to change the state
Pause Time: usually 2 seconds, allows the claw to change states in the same position.