APUSH Period 7


  • didn’t allow Cuba to create their own government after the Spanish-American War (a violation of the Platt Amendment)

  • Good Neighbor Policy → Franklin gave them independence

Patterns of Imperialism:

  • we don’t like socialism

  • government follows business

  • leave democracy at home

  • keep Europe out


Progressives were capitalists, all progressivists were socialists


Increased democracy

Decreased Vices

Social ills

Wanted to control immigration but they weren’t pro immigrant

Didn’t care of race

  • Problems with the Gilded Age:

    • Political Machine

    • Natives Treatment

    • Ineffective Government

    • Labor can’t unionize

    • Urbanization

  • Amendments

    • Direct election of senators - 17th

    • temperance - 18th

    • Income tax - 16th

    • can’t take away the right of women to vote on the basis of gender - 19th (Women’s suffrage movement → white women wouldn’t associate with black women because they didn’t want to harm their chances, etc. etc. )

Progressivists hated the way things worked at the city level

Progressivists: middle class, educated, protestants, go after prohibition, want to get rid of all birth control (eugenics → taking away the right to have children for genes that aren’t “favorable”), want to clean up society (the worst things about society)

Progressivism at state level

  • democracy

  • voting

  • 16th amendment

  • didn’t like how votes were being influenced → secret ballot (borrowed from australia

  • got rid of ‘fun’ during voting → no more drinking, balloons, day off → decreased voting numbers

  • tried to get rid of monopolies (especially railroads): have a hard time because monopolise sgo across state lines

Vice squads (vices: gambling, drinking, handing out stuff about birth control)

  • journalists went after this (muckrakers)

    • Ida Tarbell(newspaper series against Standard Oil)

    • Jacob Riis (immigrants) - How the Other Half Lived (showing how the lower class lives in tenets and slums)

    • Frank Lloyd Wright

    • Veblen (economics)

    • Uptain Sinclair (The Jungle - exposing what goes into food production and meat slaughtering, need to have standards for food production)

    • John Dewey (public education)

    • Louis Brandeis (Supreme Court)

    • Clarence Darrow (law)

    • Helen Keller (writer, socialist)

  • George (something)

    • Sanitation

    • madkes recruitment army to clean (white ducks)

    • to clean garbage, ash, organic waste → repurpose it (fosssi lfuels etc)

    • death rates decrease, clean water, everything sanitation is better

lots of taxation

love experts because they love science and technology, they want education, rational based, not religion focused

Local level: mostly about government

  • new types of local government

    • Mayor council form

    • commission form

    • council manager form

  • none of them have any where one of them is in charge, power is shared between elected officials → being the best minds to the problem while sharing power

  • 1903 flood in galvenston texas → this led to a big change in local government because it could have been prevented

State level: mostly about suffrage

  • states in the west gave the right to vote for women earlier than the amendment because they used it as incentive to come out west

  • Every socialist is a progressive, but not every progressive is a socialist - Robert La Folette

    • Wisconsin Experiment

      • direct primary, referendum (refer to the voter, see what they think ex: should marijuana be legalized), initiative (any citizen can write a bill and it can be presented by the state legislation for consideration), recall (with enough signatures you get enough an elected official out of office); direct election of Senators (17th Amendment 1913); Australian Ballot (secret)-government should run ballots not political parties; strip RR of tax exemptions; create income tax, workmen’s compensation, minimum wage, limited worker hours, use of social scientists

  • states have a minimum wage which may be different (higher) than the federal minimum wage

Federal Level

  • reform has to be at the federal level → things like monopolies are bigger than the state





    first time that we used film and the president can be seen on film

    Square Deal

    wasn’t too radical on either side

    believed in capitalism

    regulated food and drugs

    increased regulation on commerce, but didn’t destroy all trusts

    set up the FDA

    Hepburn Act

    broke up Northern Security using anti Trust Act

    coal strike → he sided with the workers

    set up the Children’s bureaus (investigation into child labor)

    broke up more trusts than rooselvent

    Mann Elkins act → interstate commerce regulation

    conservationists → protecting wildlife and dsfatey

    consumer protection (regulation of food and drugs)


    Didnt support women’s suffrage

    Supported direct election of senators

    Elected the first jewish American on the supreme court

    Clayton Anti-Trust Act (against monopolies, gave striking worker a right to exist, organize and exist)

    Child Labor Act

    The federal reserve (play around with interest rates to control supply of money in the economy, higher or lower interest rates to make people spend more or less)

    farm lands from federal government

Progressivism downsides:

  • Vice squads

  • Margret Sanger: eugenics, also the mother of American birth control (but also a progressive person)

  • Watned to get rid of immigrants

  • and black children

  • sterlization of black women

WW1 ended progressivism



War Industries Board → efficeint use of war supplies, encourged mas sproduction for increased effeficeitny, government is giving cotracts (money upfront) to businesses (unfiroms, food, armiments, things needed for war) → more workers getting hired

Nation Labor Board → the purpose was to maintain economic production in both world wars, fixing labor disputes, less stirkes and lockouts, negotiate with laborers to keep them content

Selective Services → all men between 21 and 45 had to registed for the miliaty service, some people in speciailized jobs were exempt becuase they had to keep their job, some religious were exempt → basically a draft

Commitee of Public Information - (Created by Creel) repsonsibile for propogandsa and informing the public of what was happening overseas and within the war

Food Adminstartion → reducted the amount of wheat, fat, meat, and sugar people eat, maganed eating habits through propaganda

Immigration Restriction → sensoring information that was going out into the public, made it a crime to convey information related to the wr, government could puish speech and activity

Women → tae men’s jobs while men are in war

Peace Movement → two ats that argest the oposoing opinions, promosted prtraitism and epress vews and crap

If you do something that upsets people and causes harm you dont get freedom of speech (can’t run into a giant crowded theater and yelling fire)

Versailles Treaty

Europeans: wanted germany to assume all blame for the war and pay reparatiaons for damanges

Wilson: advocate of the league of nations

aquaduct in LA

capitalism vs socialism


cpaitalism → the money you make is yours, more incentive power, competitino fosters new techncology and innocation

socialism → benefits the working calss, redistrubution of wealth helps with equality


capitalism → imbalancce for power and wealth

socialism → gives a lot of power to the government

consumerism vs puritans

puritans didnt approve of the idea of consumerism (think sephora girls)

more of a switch to modern girls

temperance → made it illegal to do anything with alcohol

demand side econ → government helping the people
