Land Use Planning in Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM)
Telina Debly
Dave Paterson
Envision what will look like in 30 years: daily jobĀ
Planning 101:
What is planning?Ā
The process of developing and designing areas to meet the community needs: it is not a new idea and has evolved over centuriesĀ
Planning involves: transportation, social, heritage, environmental, land development
Policy: an action a government wants to take: implemented through regulationsĀ
Land-use-by-law: A set of regulations designed to complement policies. Divide municipality into zonesĀ
Zoning: local laws that govern
Everywhere in HRM has zonesĀ
How do we decide policies and zoning: Its complicated. Project idea and proposals (create)->implement->feedback-> amendĀ
Why does it matter: it can make complete communities- livability by prioritisingĀ
Access to essential servicesĀ
Affordable and accessible housingĀ
Planning HRM
1950S settlement pattern: compact metro area surrounded by rural landscape and seashoreĀ
1970/80/90s- increasing settlement along highways and in suburbs
2006- first regional plan to constrain growth/ recognize the serious financial and environmental implications of dispersed growthā Municipality created a plan to help the city
Planning framework:Ā
Regional planning- big and strategic movesĀ
Community planning- property by propertyĀ
Planned growth-> important placesĀ
#1 Issue is affordability and house: environmental and economic too
HRM- 10% of NS land
200 KM LongĀ
Bigger than PEIĀ
Halifax+ Dartmouth+Bedford + County= HRM
481 zones-> 23 plansĀ
200 communitiesĀ
2017- Integrated mobility planĀ
2018- Green network planĀ
2020- HalifActĀ
Future 2030- low carbon pathway; building emissions and transportation, efficientĀ
Densely populated spaces->Ā over pay in taxes to offset the costs of travel to ikeaĀ
Municipality and provincial government don't have a good relationship now-
Some outcomes of this an urban developer can go over the municipalities head and go to provincial government to get approvedĀ
Its politically easier for a developer to build in rural areas instead of city where planning is key to successĀ
Urban RenewlĀ
1960s Vancouver Video- Economic and social issues are displayed: old, crowded and broken houses. Higher rates of TB-> immigrants ā There plan was to build a apartment building and condos and allow people to move from houses into those and then they will demolish and build apartments block by block
Same thing happened to halifax in the 50s and 60sĀ
Africville and Cogswell: Demolished in early 60sĀ
Service of sewer and water was stopped right before these communitiesĀ
Cogswell-> all demolished for a highway and road network-> failed and now putting buildings around itĀ
Example; StudentificationĀ
Waterloo, ON-> 2 universities right near each otherĀ
The problem: between the 80s and 2000s they had huge growth for the universitiesĀ
There solutions was to change the single homes around these universities to big apartments buildingsā but many students were cramming into these houses alreadyĀ
How; purpose built student rentals: sometimes furnished: mixed use: many bedroomsĀ
Results: studentification: the distinct social, cultural, economic, physical transformations within university towns which areā¦Ā
Social and cultural transformations: displacement of establish residents and transportationĀ
There are lifestyles conflicts with these social groupsĀ
Students bring a lot of advantages: consumers, company recruits, night lifeĀ
Is this happening to Halifax: Maybe not to the extent-> not by whole neighbourhoodsĀ
This example presents the difficulties of urban planning: some people were happy with this and others not. School year in the neighbourhoods would be crazy but summers dead-> not sustainable