Christian humanism Use early sources of Christianity such as holy scriptures and the writings of the church fathers, they wanted everyone to interpret the bible themselves

Desiderius Erasmus

Bishop in the catholic church who wrote about the glaring issues within the church. Did not have the courage to break away, but started to spread early protestant ideas.

Martin Luther

Monk in Germany who broke away from the catholic church after speaking out against its issues, mainly indulgences. After writing the 95 Theses, he was excommunicated by Pope Leo IX after he refused to retract his stances. Saved from the king after holding his ground in the Diet of Worms by Frederick of Saxony. Printed many protestant works and created Lutheranism, a branch of protestantism.

Charles V Was exhausted and ill from ruling, he had to split his territory under two rulers, one, his son Phillip II, and Ferdinand, and Chalres the V is the nephew of Catherine and aided her in not getting divorce.

Sack of Rome (1527)

Pope Clement VII sided with Francis in the Habsburg-Valois War and this enraged Charles V

Debate at Leipzig - Luther vs. John Edck

Diet of Worms

Meeting where all princes under Charles V were summoned to discuss the issues Martin Luther was causing. After Luther refused to back down, he was charged with heresy. Before he was captured, Luther was saved by Frederick of Saxony.

Ulrich Zwingli

Zwingly brought the Reformation to Switzerland. He changed the catholic practices/beliefs to make it “protestant” by removing relics, decoration, and music. And also had people read the scripture themselves. He was captured, cut, and burned at the stake for heresy.

The Colloquy of Marburg
Designed to end the religious quarrel between the Lutheran and Zwinglian theologians. Aimed for unity of their protestant beliefs. It didn’t work because they all interpreted the bible differently. (1529)

What new answers to old questions were provided by Luther?

Transubstantiation vs. Consubstantiation

Transubstantiation: bread and wine consumed in the rite is transformed into the blood and flesh of christ

Consubstantiation: bread and wine consumed coexist with the blood and flesh of christ.

Schmalkaldic Wars (German civil wars)

Charles went against the protestants because he thought there was no chance of compromise

Peace of Augsburg (1555)

This treaty ended the Schmalkaldic Wars it acknowledge the division Christianity, w/ Lutheranism granting equal legal standing with Catholicism. 

Who chooses? What 2 choices do they have?

John Calvin/Calvinism John Calvin hit the church with P.O.W, Predestination: God chooses who goes to heaven, you don’t get there by good works. Our moral lives will reveal if we’re chosen by God to go to heaven or hell.Work ethic, righteous  life that honors life. Calvinism started in Switzerland, Calvin went to Geneva, Switzerland and led the city. He believed the ideal government was a theocracy(government controlled by religious leaders.


Calvinist belief that people are destined to go to Heaven or Hell before birth

Geneva Where Calvin started Predestination and Calvinism, and where John Knox met Calvin.

Consistory Consistory was the council that worked hand in hand with the government in Geneva that helped enforce calvinist ideas but eventually grew to a council that excommunicated and exiled people.

Anabaptists Another Christian group split off, Anabaptists means to baptize again. Their main belief was that only people who were old enough to decide to be Christian should be baptized

John Knox - Presbyterianism He visited Calvin in Geneva and liked his teachings. He returned to native Scotland and his followers were called Presbyterians


Henry VIII

Henry VIII was born 1491 and son of Henry VII. Henry took the throne after his bigger brother, Arthur, died. Henry defended the Catholic church from Martin Luther and was given the title “Defender of Faith”. Henry was infamous for having six wives, Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boelyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Kathryn Howard, and Catherine Purr. During his life, Henry took control of the church and tithes.

Act of Restraint of Appeal

Act of Supremacy

Two laws that put the church under king rule. One recognizes the king as the head of the church and the other is a vow of the public to swear allegiance to the monarchy.

Edward VI

Son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, Edward VI lived to the age of 16 and ruled England for 6 years. Edward had many medical problems since birth which led to his early death.

Book of Common Prayer

Stated that the clergy are allowed to marry and have kids, it eliminated images and decorations inside churches, and raised protestant liturgy.

Mary Tudor – “Bloody Mary” Queen of England in 1553-1558, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine. VERY Catholic, in 1554 married Phillip II of spain. She reinstituted the Catholic Church in England. She was called Bloody Mary because of the 300+ protestants she persecuted and killed. Died of stomach cancer in 1558 and ended her rule with MORE protestants in England than what she started with.

Elizabeth I Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, became queen in 1558. She became one of the best monarchs in England. Considered as a politique, she required conformity to the England church but allowed people to practice protestantism or catholicism in private. Defined the doctrine of the Anglican, Thirty- Nine Articles in 1563

Elizabethan Settlement

Puritans Protestants that wanted to rid England of all Catholic

Catholic Reformation/Counter Reformation

New Orders: Jesuits, Capuchins, Carmelite & Ursuline nuns: All responses to the protestant reformation during the Catholic counter reformation.

Ignatius Loyola: Was the main priest that started the Jesuits which were a group of people that went around europe spreading Catholicism and purging protestants, while also expanding to the new world spreading Catholic ideas to new people.

Council of Trent

Major turning point for the church where Catholics decided their beliefs and practices which included: 

  • having good faith and good deeds can get one into heaven, 

  • purgatory and indulgences were affirmed, seven sacraments were kept

  • wanted people to come to the church to have the bible translated for them,

  •  basically opposed all protestant views.

French Wars of Religion, The war of the three Henry’s, ended with Henry of Navarre became Henry IV and Contained some cities that tolerated protestant beliefs, but mostly France was still mainly Catholic.


French Calvinists

Henry of Navarre (Bourbon dynasty)

Involved in the War of Three Henries and was the only survivor. Gave up his protestant faith in order to become  king of france

King Henry and Catherine de’ Medici 

Becomes King Henry VIII after his brother’s death and marries his widow (Catherine). Tries to annul their marriage after she couldn’t produce an heir and eventually is successful. Goes on to have many wives until his third wife Jane Seymore produces a male heir for him. 

Guise family (ultra Catholics)

Henry of Guise involved in the War of Three Henries

Politique: A politique was a person that prioritized a Nation's interests over their own which made them very good political figures.

St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre: a result of Catholics killing Protestants within the wedding weekend of King Henry III Sister.

Edict of Nantes (1598)

Allowed huguenots to keep their religious practices in only 150 towns with walls for safety. Overall gave them more freedoms

Charles V abdicates and divides territories

Abdicated because he was exhausted from ruling

Philip II (son) – what territory does he get? Spain, The Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium) And the Spanish Territories

Ferdinand (brother) – what territory does he get? HRE (German States), Austria, Bohemia, Hungary

Philip II (Spanish militant king) 

A generally disliked spanish king who married Queen Mary of England

What is his goal for Europe? To convert all protestant States to Catholicism

Revolt of the Netherlands: Caused by 

Phillip trying to take control of the netherlands, phillip trying to get rid of calvinism, and phillip using tax money for other expenses

Council of Blood: A council that tired to oppress protestants and had murder involved

William of Orange (the Silent) Dutch nobleman who tried to unify all 17 provinces by leading them against the spanish 

What is the outcome of the civil war in the Netherlands? 

10 southern provinces?: Gave into Spanish Rule and formed a catholic union. Now named the Spanish Netherlands.

7 northern provinces? (Union of Utrecht) (1581) Formed a protestant union and tried to oppress spanish rule and declare their independence

Queen Elizabeth vs. Philip II

An invasion set up by Philip II, the Spanish Armada was sent to capture England and convert the nation into Catholicism. Elizabeth won the battle by defeating the Spanish Armada and ending the invasion.

Spanish Armada

Fleet sent by Philip II to cross the English channel and take over England. Suffered from terrible weather and defeated by Queen Elizabeth I.

Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots

Planned to Assassinate the queen of England but failed and was executed.
