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7 - Myology

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7 - Myology

Myology Overview

  • Course Title: KINS 1120

  • Instructor: Raelene Lang

  • Institution: Langara College of Higher Learning

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss muscle naming conventions with examples.

  • Describe muscle contraction through sliding filament theory.

  • Explain the impact of pennation on muscle contraction.

  • Define general muscle categories (e.g., agonist, synergist).

  • Understand the length-tension relationship of muscle.

  • Compare and contrast muscle fiber types.

  • Discuss how fiber distribution influences athletic performance.

  • Explain motor unit activation principles (all-or-none, size, gradation of force).

  • Compare relative force, velocity, and power during muscle contractions.

Importance of Understanding Anatomy

  • Essential for efficient training.

  • Aids comprehension of human movement.

  • Helps identify which muscles produce specific movements.

  • Assists in recognizing faulty movement patterns for safer program development.

    • Example: Knee pain or lack of range of motion.

  • SAID Principle: Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands; specific adaptations require corresponding stressors.

Muscle Nomenclature

Based on Shape

  • Common muscle names based on shape include:

    • Deltoideus

    • Rectus Abdominis

    • Rhomboideus Major

    • Trapezius

    • Latissimus Dorsi

Based on Size

  • Size nomenclature examples:

    • Gluteus Maximus

    • Pectoralis Major

    • Peroneus Brevis

    • Gluteus Minimus

    • Longissimus Thoracics

    • Vastus Lateralis

Based on Number of Attachments

  • Examples:

    • Biceps Femoris (two attachments)

    • Triceps Brachii (three attachments)

    • Quadriceps (four attachments)

Based on Depth

  • Examples:

    • Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (superficial attachment)

    • Obliquus Internus Abdominis

Based on Position

  • Position nomenclature includes:

    • Tibialis Anterior

    • Infraspinatus

    • Vastus Medialis

Based on Function

  • Examples of function types:

    • Flexor Carpi Radialis

    • Pronator Teres

    • Supinator

    • Adductor Magnus

Muscle Microstructure

  • Skeletal Muscle Structure

    • Composed of muscle tissue, connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.

    • Epimysium: Outer fibrous connective tissue layer contiguous with tendons.

    • Muscle fibers grouped into bundles (fasciculi) surrounded by Perimysium (CT surrounding fasciculi).

    • Endomysium: CT surrounding individual muscle fibers.

    • Sarcoplasm: Contains proteins, glycogen, fats, enzymes, and organelles.

Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)

  • Connection between motor neuron and muscle fiber;

    • Each muscle fiber innervated by a single NMJ.

    • Motor unit consists of one motor neuron and all muscle fibers it innervates.

  • Muscle fibers contract together under stimulation from the motor unit.

  • Motor units can be either fast-twitch or slow-twitch depending on the muscle fiber type stirred.

Crossbridge Cycling

  1. Resting Phase: Low calcium in myofibril.

  2. Excitation-Contraction Coupling: Calcium release triggers actin binding sites.

  3. Contraction Phase (Power Stroke): Myosin heads contract and release ADP and Pi.

  4. Relaxation Phase: Calcium pumped back, ceasing actin-myosin interactions.

Muscle Mechanics

  • Definition of Flex: Decrease angle at a joint.

  • Forces produced by muscle contractions enable movement across joints.

  • **Agonist vs. Antagonist: **

    • Agonist muscles perform the action while antagonists oppose it.

  • Additional roles include synergists and stabilizers for joint stability.

Length-Tension Relationship

  • Refers to how the tension produced during a muscle twitch is influenced by the sarcomere length before contraction.

  • Optimal length improves force production; deviations (too short/too long) can reduce effectiveness.

Muscle Fiber Types

  • Type I: Slow-twitch (oxidative), fatigue-resistant, darker due to myoglobin.

  • Type IIa: Fast-twitch (oxidative-glycolytic).

  • Type IIx: Fast-twitch (glycolytic), contract rapidly but fatigue quickly.

Fiber Type Characteristics


Type I

Type IIa

Type IIx

Motor Neuron Size




Recruitment Threshold




Fiber Diameter




Conduction Velocity




Fatigue Resistance




Force Production








Fiber Type Distribution

  • Influences physical capacity and athletic performance. For example:

    • Soleus: High Type I composition, crucial for endurance.

    • Triceps Brachii: Higher Type II composition, transmits larger forces.

Motor Units and Principles of Activation


  1. All-or-None: All fibers in a motor unit activate together.

  2. Size Principle: Small motor units (Type I) activated first.

  3. Gradation of Force: Achieved through frequency of activation and number of recruited units.

Force, Velocity, and Power

  • The force and velocity of contraction are inversely related.

  • Power Definition: Power is the product of force and velocity.