• Puritans - believed in predestination
  • Believed they had gone through a "conversion" having received Gods grace
  • They were Sanctified
  • Usually from the lower class
  • some wanted to split from the Church of England
  • thought only "Visible Saints' should be church members.
  • Church of England allowed everyone

The separatists (Pilgrims)

  • Split from the Church of England
  • King James I harassed them
  • 1608 - a Small group of Separatist Puritans fled to holland
  • But they were barred from Dutch craft guilds and lived in poverty
  • Their children were becoming more dutch than English
  • By 1620 - a group of English Separatists in holland decided to to start a settlement in North America

The Move to Plymouth Rock

  • Puritans negotiated with the Virginia company to start a Settlement in their territory
  • 1620-102 Pilgrims, 35 "saints", 67 "Strangers" left Plymouth harbor England in the Mayflower
  • Spent 65 days at Sea headed for New york
  • missed the destination and landed at Cape Cod
  • Chose to settle at Plymouth bay
  • outside the Virginia company's Jurisdiction
  • Were Squatters with legal rights to the land and not subject to laws made by the Virginia Company

The mayflower compact

  • An agreement for the government of the colony made by the men before they got off the Mayflower
  • 1. established a government by majority rule
  • 2. promised allegiance to the king of England
  • signed by 41 adut males onboard
  • Dec. 21, 1620 - the pilgrims stepped off the boat onto Plymouth Rock
  • After the winter of 1620 -1621, 44 of the 102 Survived

The Plymouth Colony

  • With the help of local Indians; the fall of 1621 yielded a good harvest
  • Celebrated in october with the first Thanksgiving
  • Invited the Indians

Plymouth relations with Indians

  • The Indian population Was already Small and Weak
  • They taught the pilgrims how to hunt and farm
  • most of the Indians died Of Small pox
  • This ended good relations between the pilgrims and the Indians
  • Eventually, the Pilgrims recieved legal permission, from England, to Stay at Plymouth
  • William Bradford acted as governor for over 20 years

Massachusetts Bay Colony

  • Meant to be a business venture
  • Started with between11 & 17 ships and over 100 people
  • called a "great migration"
  • By 1630, Over 20,000 had come
  • John Winthrop became its first governor
  • Landed in present day Salem
  • Became prospers through trading furs, fishing, and Ship bulging
  • Remained loyal to the church of England
  • In each town, churches acted Independently
  • Only church members "Saints" could hold Office
  • In each town, the people chose their own ministers and ran their on affairs
  • Became known as congregational church because the congregation ran the church instead of a church hierarchy

Protestant leaders

  • Roger williams
  • - Lived in Salem Massachusetts
  • - Liked by both William BradFord and John winthrop
  • - Was branded a heretic
  • - wanted a total break from the Church of England
  • - wanted separation of church and State
  • - called for more religions toleration and fair treatment of the Indians
  • - Banished in 1635
  • - During the winter of 1635-1636 he stayed with the Narraganset tribes
  • - Bought land from the Indians in what will be Rhode Island and built the town called Providence
  • - It became the only colony with complete religious tolerance
  • - Even for catholics and Jews
  • Anne hutchinson
  • - Moved to Massachusetts in 1634 with her husband and 14 children
  • - Argued that the leaders of the colonial churches Were not truly sanctifed
  • - They had not undergone a conversion
  • - Developed a large following
  • - put on trial for heresy and banished
  • - moved to new Netherlands (New York)
  • - Killed during an Indian attack


  • Attracted bath dutch and English settlers
  • 1635, Hartford was established
  • Populated by a large group of Boston Puritans led by reverend Thomas Hooker
  • 1638 - Puritan Squatters Sated New Haven
  • Had a church- based a government 
  • 1639 - in the Connecticut river colony; Setters drafted the fundamental Orders
  • 1st constitution in the colonies which established an Official democratic system in the future U.S.A

New Hampshire

  • 1639 - Settled by John Wheelwright (a follower of Anne Hutchinson)
  • Established the settlement Of Exeter in New Hampshire
  • New Hampshire became its own colony in 1679

New England: Settlers Vs. Indians

  • The pequot war
  • - Connecticut 1637 
  • - English settlers were demanding more land
  • - Pequot-tribe resisted
  • - English allied with rival tribes the Mohegan and Narragansett captain John mason led a white militia and attacked a main pequot Village
  • - Burned it down and Shot Survivors
  • - England criticized colonial brutality
  • - Puritans tried to Christianize the remaining Pequot
  • King Philip's war
  • - Deadliest war fought between English colonials and Indians
  • - Fought in Massachusetts 
  • - 1675- a tribe called Wampanoag were led by Chief Metacome
  • - called king Philip by the English
  • - Indians were threatened by English incursions on their land and were being forced to live under English law
  • - Metacome led attacks On English settlements destroying 20 towns
  • - Eventually, mohawk Indians , (allies do the English) ambushed, shot, killed, and beheaded Metacome
  • - The rest of the Wompondag were killed or Sold into slavery to the West Indies
  • - This brought an end to the New England Indians

The New England Confederation

  • 1643- 4 colonies united politically to fight Indians French and Dutch
  • They also worked together to deal with runaway servants and criminals 
  • controlled by Puritans only, each colony got two votes
  • The colonies were Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, New Haven Connecticut and other settlements there
  • Rhode Island was not invited (too Many heretics)
  • 1st Step towards colonial unity
  • Colonials became accustomed to handling their own affairs without interference from England
