Freud Physcodynamic Perspective
Believed every behavior tied to gratification
No proper Nuture and parenting= fixated on stage
Ex. Adults who suck thumb
Oral stage- infant needs comfort warm
Neglect can lead child becoming fixated
Ex. Smoking, drinkingm nail biting
Associated with toddlerhood
Learning self control
Fixation causes over controlling
Preschool (3-5)
Oedipus complex- child unconscious desire for opposite-sex parent
Penis Envy
Believed girls feel inferior because she dosenāt have a penis
Latency Stage
Focus on family and friendships
Genital Sage
Adolescenes through adulthood
Person preoccupied with sex and reproduction
Rising hormone level
Psychosocial Stage
Trust v Mistrust: Birth to 12, infant learn to trust caregiver
Autonomy v Shame: 1-3 years, explore, independence, learn to control actions and control environment to get results
Initiative v Guilt 3-6 years: initiating activities, assert control through play
Industry v inferiority: 7-12: develop pride and accomplishment with school, sports, social, and family. Feel inadequate
Identity v Role confusion: 12-18 develop sense of self, explore roles, ideas, goals
Intimacy v Isolotation: early adulthood concern developing and maintaing relationships
Generativity v Stagnation: Middle adulthood, concern finding life work and contributing to dev of others
Integrity v Despair: People in late adulthood, reflect on life, sense of pride and satisfaction OR regret and failure
Classic conditioning
Classic conditioning- understand response to situation or connect new situation
Operant condition: associate behavior with consequences
Positive: adding
Negative: take away
Social Cognitive
Albert Bandura
Dev 1960
Observational learning: individual response watch other behavior
Social Model
Higher status authority to observe rear
Ex. Parent, Teacher
Reciprocal determism= relationship between personality and way events are interred and influence
Ex. Discipline methods, physical enviorment, birth order, media
Piaget- dev theory of cognitive developmen in stages bout Nuture and intelligence
How children interact with world
Schema:how children categorize
Assimilation: match pre existing schema to match new situation
Accommodation: change what think or believe base on experience
Sensorimotor- birth to 2 years
Learn through senses of motor behavior
Object Permance- believe that something out of sight still exist
5-8 months
Stranger anxiety- fear of unfamiliar people
Preoperational- 2 to 7
Use symbol to represent world, image, and ideas during pretend play
Conservation- knowing that change on appearance dosnet change the amount
Egocentrism- not able to take perspective if others
Concrete Operational- 2 to 11
Think logically
Use of numbers employ memory stragies
Conservation- understand that change in shape mass stays same
Reversibility- object can be change to original form
Formal Operational 11- adulthood
Handle abstract ideas hypothetical stituations
Use to problem solve
Renewed egocentrism
New research agrees dev continous
Suggested children reach milestones earlier
Cultures add variation to what child capable
Post formal stage
Emotional analytical based on past expierences
Information Proccessing
Emphasis on pattern
Attention-mechanism bring in info
Working memory for holding information sit can be used in future
Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches
Carl Rogers and Humanism
Self actualizing tendency
Humans constantly react to stimuli
Self concept- thoughts and feeling about self
Ideal self- person you like to be
Real Self-person actually are
Carl Roger and Humanism
Human develop ideal self based on positive regard
Uncontional positive regard
Free unconditional love value of worth
Abraham Maslow- physiologist
Hierarchy needs motivates behavior
Basic need met before achieve higher level needs
Build relationship
Contextual perspective: consider relationship
Social interaction critical in children learning
Human Dev learning in social historical interactions
Guided participation:
Behavioral Gentics