Neuron Structure
Cell membrane: hydrophobic phospholipid bilayer
Charged ions, polar molecules, and large molecules cannot pass freely
Ions require channels or pumps to pass into/out of cell
Resting state of neurons:
Excess of Na+ outside the cell
Excess of K+ inside the cell
Inside is more negative than the outside (greater excess of Na+ than the excess of K+)
Na+/K+ pump (sodium-potassium pump) → 3 Na+ for 2 K+
Resting membrane potential = -70 mV (net negative charge)
In resting state, both Na+ and K+ channels are closed
Neuron Signaling
Action potential: momentary reversal of membrane potential in response to a stimulus
Resting membrane potential: Na+ outside, K+ inside
Depolarization: Na+ flowing in, Na+ gates opened, inside becomes positive
Repolarization: K+ flowing out, K+ gates opened, inside becomes negative
Refractory period: after action potential, neuron is unresponsive to signal
Nerve impulse/neuron firing: series of action potentials propagated down the axon from dendrites to terminal branches (wave of action potentials)
Resting membrane potential
Enough stimulation (until threshold)
Na+ and K+ flow → action potential
Action potentials “travel” down the axon = nerve signal
Refractory period, no action potential until sodium-potassium pump restores resting membrane potential
To distinguish between strong and weak stimuli:
Saltatory Conduction: in myelinated axons, action potentials jump between nodes of Ranvier → results in faster signaling