Chapter 12 - Thermodynamics
## 12.1 Spontaneous Processes
Spontaneous Process: process that proceeds without any ongoing intervention, self-sustaining once initiated; does not necessarily mean a fast or exothermic reaction
Non-spontaneous Process: cannot happen on its own
## 12.2 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
First law of Thermodynamics: energy cannot be created or destroyed - cannot do more work than allowed by available energy
Second law of Thermodynamics: not all energy released by a spontaneous reaction is available to do useful work
* energy unavailable to do useful work spreads out and becomes less concentrated over time
Entropy: measure of energy dispersion of a system; always increases during a spontaneous process
Accessible Microstates: probable number of arrangements of particles in a system at a given temperature
Third Law of Thermodynamics: a perfect crystalline solid has zero entropy at a temperature of absolute zero
## 12.3 Absolute Entropy and Molecular Structure
Standard Molar Entropy (S**°**): entropy of one mole of a substance in its standard state
* linked to masses and molecular structures (rotational motion and rigidity)
Entropies of States: S*solid*