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AP Psychology People to Know

flashcard set for the rest of psych

ap psych study guide

Figures In Psych (highlighted most important)

  • Alfred Adler: A Neo-Freudian, emphasized parenting styles and inferiority complex.

  • Mary Ainsworth: Studied early emotional attachment with "The Strange Situation" experiment.

  • Gordon Allport: Classified personality traits into cardinal, central, and secondary traits.

  • Albert Bandura: Conducted the Bobo doll study, explaining social learning theory.

  • Aaron Beck: Father of cognitive therapy, known for the cognitive triad of depression.

  • Alfred Binet: Developed the first widely used intelligence test, IQ formula.

  • Paul Broca: Discovered Broca's area, linked to speech production.

  • Raymond Cattell: Identified 16 personality traits using factor analysis.

  • Noam Chomsky: Proposed the theory of universal grammar in linguistics.

  • Hermann Ebbinghaus: Created the forgetting curve, showing the exponential nature of forgetting.

  • Paul Ekman: Studied facial expressions and identified six universal emotions.

  • Albert Ellis: Founded rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) to challenge irrational beliefs.

  • Erik Erikson: Known for psychosocial development stages, based on Freud's theories.

  • Hans Eysenck: Proposed two dimensions of personality: extraversion and neuroticism.

  • Sigmund Freud: Father of psychoanalysis, introduced concepts like the unconscious mind and psychosexual stages.

  • Solomon Asch: known for his experiments on conformity, where he demonstrated the influence of group pressure on individual behavior.

  • Phineas Gage: Case study showing brain damage's effect on personality.

  • Howard Gardner: Developed theory of multiple intelligences, opposed to general intelligence.

  • Carol Gilligan: Criticized Kohlberg's theory of moral development as male-centered.

  • Francis Galton: Studied nature vs. nurture, emphasizing genetics.

  • Daniel Goleman: Known for emotional intelligence theory, EQ's importance.

  • Harry Harlow: Studied attachment in monkeys, emphasizing contact comfort.

  • Ernest Hilgard: Researched hypnosis, proposed the "hidden observer" theory.

  • Karen Horney: Focused on parental indifference and neurosis.

  • William James: Emphasized the functional approach to psychology.

  • William James and Carl Lange: Proposed James-Lange theory of emotion.

  • Carl Jung: Believed in the collective unconscious and studied persona.

  • Garcia and Koelling: Discovered taste aversion.

  • Lawrence Kohlberg: Developed stages of moral development theory.

  • Elizabeth Loftus: Studied false memory formation and misinformation effect.

  • Konrad Lorenz: Studied imprinting in animals.

  • Abraham Maslow: Founded humanistic psychology and proposed hierarchy of needs.

  • Stanley Milgram: Conducted obedience experiments, showing the power of authority.

  • Ivan Pavlov: Discovered classical conditioning with experiments on dogs.

  • Jean Piaget: Defined stages of cognitive development in children.

  • Carl Rogers: Developed client-centered therapy, emphasizing self-concept.

  • Hermann Rorschach: Created the Rorschach inkblot test.

  • David Rosenhan: Conducted the "insanity" experiment in mental hospitals.

  • Martin Seligman: Studied learned helplessness and positive psychology.

  • Hans Selye: Proposed General Adaptation Syndrome.

  • Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer: Developed two-factor theory of emotion.

  • B.F. Skinner: Associated with operant conditioning and Skinner Box.

  • Charles Spearman: Proposed general intelligence theory.

  • Robert Sternberg: Distinguished analytical, creative, and practical intelligence.

  • George Sperling: Studied iconic sensory memory.

  • Lewis Terman: Revised Binet's IQ tests.

  • Edward L. Thorndike: Known for the law of effect in behavioral psychology.

  • Edward Tolman: Studied latent learning.

  • John Watson: Established behaviorism, conducted "Little Albert" experiment.

  • Ernst Weber: Known for sensation and difference thresholds.

  • Benjamin Whorf: Proposed linguistic relativity theory.

  • Wilhelm Wundt: Established the first psychology laboratory, focused on introspection.

  • Philip Zimbardo: Conducted the Stanford prison experiment, revealing the power of roles.

AP Psychology People to Know

flashcard set for the rest of psych

ap psych study guide

Figures In Psych (highlighted most important)

  • Alfred Adler: A Neo-Freudian, emphasized parenting styles and inferiority complex.

  • Mary Ainsworth: Studied early emotional attachment with "The Strange Situation" experiment.

  • Gordon Allport: Classified personality traits into cardinal, central, and secondary traits.

  • Albert Bandura: Conducted the Bobo doll study, explaining social learning theory.

  • Aaron Beck: Father of cognitive therapy, known for the cognitive triad of depression.

  • Alfred Binet: Developed the first widely used intelligence test, IQ formula.

  • Paul Broca: Discovered Broca's area, linked to speech production.

  • Raymond Cattell: Identified 16 personality traits using factor analysis.

  • Noam Chomsky: Proposed the theory of universal grammar in linguistics.

  • Hermann Ebbinghaus: Created the forgetting curve, showing the exponential nature of forgetting.

  • Paul Ekman: Studied facial expressions and identified six universal emotions.

  • Albert Ellis: Founded rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) to challenge irrational beliefs.

  • Erik Erikson: Known for psychosocial development stages, based on Freud's theories.

  • Hans Eysenck: Proposed two dimensions of personality: extraversion and neuroticism.

  • Sigmund Freud: Father of psychoanalysis, introduced concepts like the unconscious mind and psychosexual stages.

  • Solomon Asch: known for his experiments on conformity, where he demonstrated the influence of group pressure on individual behavior.

  • Phineas Gage: Case study showing brain damage's effect on personality.

  • Howard Gardner: Developed theory of multiple intelligences, opposed to general intelligence.

  • Carol Gilligan: Criticized Kohlberg's theory of moral development as male-centered.

  • Francis Galton: Studied nature vs. nurture, emphasizing genetics.

  • Daniel Goleman: Known for emotional intelligence theory, EQ's importance.

  • Harry Harlow: Studied attachment in monkeys, emphasizing contact comfort.

  • Ernest Hilgard: Researched hypnosis, proposed the "hidden observer" theory.

  • Karen Horney: Focused on parental indifference and neurosis.

  • William James: Emphasized the functional approach to psychology.

  • William James and Carl Lange: Proposed James-Lange theory of emotion.

  • Carl Jung: Believed in the collective unconscious and studied persona.

  • Garcia and Koelling: Discovered taste aversion.

  • Lawrence Kohlberg: Developed stages of moral development theory.

  • Elizabeth Loftus: Studied false memory formation and misinformation effect.

  • Konrad Lorenz: Studied imprinting in animals.

  • Abraham Maslow: Founded humanistic psychology and proposed hierarchy of needs.

  • Stanley Milgram: Conducted obedience experiments, showing the power of authority.

  • Ivan Pavlov: Discovered classical conditioning with experiments on dogs.

  • Jean Piaget: Defined stages of cognitive development in children.

  • Carl Rogers: Developed client-centered therapy, emphasizing self-concept.

  • Hermann Rorschach: Created the Rorschach inkblot test.

  • David Rosenhan: Conducted the "insanity" experiment in mental hospitals.

  • Martin Seligman: Studied learned helplessness and positive psychology.

  • Hans Selye: Proposed General Adaptation Syndrome.

  • Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer: Developed two-factor theory of emotion.

  • B.F. Skinner: Associated with operant conditioning and Skinner Box.

  • Charles Spearman: Proposed general intelligence theory.

  • Robert Sternberg: Distinguished analytical, creative, and practical intelligence.

  • George Sperling: Studied iconic sensory memory.

  • Lewis Terman: Revised Binet's IQ tests.

  • Edward L. Thorndike: Known for the law of effect in behavioral psychology.

  • Edward Tolman: Studied latent learning.

  • John Watson: Established behaviorism, conducted "Little Albert" experiment.

  • Ernst Weber: Known for sensation and difference thresholds.

  • Benjamin Whorf: Proposed linguistic relativity theory.

  • Wilhelm Wundt: Established the first psychology laboratory, focused on introspection.

  • Philip Zimbardo: Conducted the Stanford prison experiment, revealing the power of roles.
