What is waste?
There have been several definitions of waste proposed in recent years. One common thread among these definitions is the concept that waste is a material that is unwanted by its producer.
Waste is any unwanted or undesired material or substance resulting from industrial, commercial mining, and agricultural operations, and from community activities.
With the increase in population, the waste generated is becoming unmanageable.
Open dumps and heaps is a common site. This creates unhygienic environment because untreated waste becomes breeding ground for flies, rats, etc. which spread various diseases. The rain water run-off from such sites contaminates our environment.
There are two types of wastes- biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste.
i) Biodegradable waste-
They are those substances which can be broken down by microorganisms into harmless and non-toxic substances.
Microorganisms and other abiotic factors together break down complex substances into simpler organic matter, which eventually suspend and fade into the soil. The whole process is natural, which can be rapid or slow. Therefore, the environmental issues and risks caused by biodegradable wastes are low.
Biodegradable waste can be commonly found in municipal solid waste as green waste, food waste, paper waste and biodegradable plastics. Other biodegradable wastes include human waste, manure, sewage, and slaughterhouse waste.
ii) Non-biodegradable waste-
They are those substances that cannot be broken down by microorganisms.
Unlike biodegradable wastes, non-biodegradable cannot be easily handled. Non-biodegradable wastes are those that cannot be decomposed or dissolved by natural agents. They remain on earth for thousands of years without any degradation. Hence, the threat caused by them is also more critical. Since non-biodegradable wastes are not Eco-friendly, they need to be replaced.
Waste that cannot be decomposed by biological processes is known as “Non-biodegradable wastes”. Most of the inorganic waste is non-biodegradable. Non-biodegradable wastes that can be recycled are known as “Recyclable waste” and those which cannot be recycled are known as “Non-recyclable waste”.
A notable example is plastics which are a commonly used material in almost every field. To give these plastics a long-lasting effect, improved quality plastics are being put to use. This made them more temperature resistant and more durable even after use. Other examples are cans, metals, and chemicals for agricultural and industrial purposes. They are the main causes of air, water and soil pollution and diseases like cancer.
What is pollution?
Pollution is the addition of any such constituent to air, water or land which deteriorates the natural quality of environment.
Pollution occurs when an amount of any substance or any form of energy is put into the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed or safely stored. The term pollution can refer to both artificial and natural materials that are created, consumed, and discarded in an unsustainable manner.
Pollution of all kinds can have negative effects on the environment and wildlife and often impacts human health and well-being.
What are pollutants?
Pollutant is any such constituent which causes pollution.
Pollutants can be introduced into the environment in many ways, both naturally and by humans. What pollutants do once they are emitted into the atmosphere, soil or water supply is dependent on the type of pollutant, however it is useful to characterize them in the following way: Primary pollutants are emitted directly into the environment, while secondary pollutants are formed from primary pollutants and external factors.
Many pollutants are introduced into the environment in different ways, they have different and sometimes unique health effects and are found in different amounts. It is hard to briefly describe these for each chemical, however they can be read about on each pollutant's own page. Different types of pollutants include:
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
Sulfur oxides (SOx)
Mercury (Hg)
and more
air pollution
water pollution
soil pollution
radiation pollution
noise pollution