Mother Russia and the Later Romanovs
Romanov dynasty had been around for a while
Czar/tsar-russian ruler
Mimics name Ceasar bc russia saw itself as third rome (after og rome, byzantine empire (eastern half of collapsed empire after constantine moved there) then russia)
Heavy byzantine influence in russia
Orthodox Christianity came from them
Gave slavic peoples in eastern europe written language to read bible, dramatically improved culture and technology
Russian czar Vladimir wants an ally to help them against numerous threats, byzantines, mongols, western countries.
After Svyatoslav, his son Vladimir I takes rule (980-1015)
Explorers discover Catholicism, but controlled by Pope in Rome
Islam powerful, lots of trade, no gov interference but dietary restrictions hard to implement
Judaism - historically unwelcome
Close relations with byzantines, so made people Christian
He made widespread adoption of Eastern Orthodox Christianity
They copy rituals and dress and icons (jesus, saints, etc)
But mzany russians illiterate, cant read bible etc.
Cyrillic language
He also created more trade with Byzantines and brought more cultural diffusion (literacy art architecture and wealth)
Caesaropapism - government and religious power to one person
Way for tsars to be seen as warm, welcoming figures
Both romonavs:
Peter the Great (“father figure of modern russia”)
First russian tsar to realize the future is with europeans
Bc they most powerful, richest
Need to watch them. See them as threat
So copies their economic systems, architecture, military etc.
Builds st petersburg on baltic sea -wins through war
Big deal bc window to west
All this expensive
Catherine the Great
Conquered more than peter
German married to russian prince, he dies so she becomes queen
Originally name sophia
Very popular - ppl love her, miliatry rallies around her
Gets part of poland, more than austria and prussia
Real target is turkey (bc of access to mediterranean sea)
Russia push southward
Would give even more wealth, power, land, trade, cultural diffusion
Russia had high taxes to afford its expansion
No rising middle class
Instad tax Boyears - nobles
Gave them more control over serfs in exchange
Opposite of natural rights in europe
After both of them things went poorly for them
Alexander I - the “enigmatic tsar” difficult to be understood
Starts as great reformer
Initially wants liberalism and rights
Wanted to be liberal but couldnt be
Most ppl were serfs - bound to boyar (and their land)
Social progres lacking
While europe has liberation of working class, rights, russia is 500 years behind
Starts “unofficial committee” for rights of working class
Then napoleon comes along, invades russia
War of 1812 - lots of suffering in russia (1812 overture celebrates expulsion of french)
So liberal ideas reminded ppl france (bc thats what compelled napoleon)
After wants to create Holy Alliance which would protect Christians everywhere in Europe
Scared of liberalism bc of what happened in france
Nicholas I (“the reluctant autocrat”)
Did not want to be tzar
Very conservative, wants ton of censorship, serfdom. Says liberalism is bad, look what happened in france
Third Section of the Imperial Chancellery - basically spies in generally population
Secret police, get many dif names
Distrustful of intellectuals - especially universities
Narodnost - national policy: what will nationalism look like in russia (bc its inevitable)
Orthodoxy - leads to oppression of jews
Autocracy - he becomes absolute ruler
Nationality - no one rly knows what it means. What can russia unify around?
Nationalism in russia struggles bc nothing to rly unify around
Even industrialism, either serf or working in terrible factory conditions
Display military constantly - parades
Biggest in europe
Alexander II
More relaxed
Wanted to liberate serfs - officially in 1861
Becomes more capitalist, lower class struggles naturally
Give lower class land, but they cant afford so pay off over time
Now they have to pay taxes, make their own money
They become angry bc no job security, have to pay taxes
The People’s Will - wants to kill the Tsar
Liberal group finds him too liberal
They want to gain power, create republic
Need someone to oppose to create unity around them
With a dictator easy to create rebellion - ppl like him though
Try to kill him a few times, fail so becomes more liberal, makes them even more angry
Alexander III
“The last autocrat”
Like nicolas
Against liberalism
“Temporary regulations” 1881
Martial law which becomes permanent
Especially against students bc liberal
Still needs way to unify people, gain support
Goes back to Naradonst instead of liberalism
Focuses on russianness
Forces Germans and Poles to assimilate, create one national identity, one religion
Alienates jews, dramatic rise of anti-semitism
Nicholas II - the last emperor of russia
Kind of apathetic
Didnt want to rule, delegated a lot of power
Doesnt think a lot about public image
One guy decided to be very oppressive, lots of executions
Rasputin - the mad monk
Goes back to conservatism bc safer in short term
When WW1 comes, becomes very volatile
Overall russia in 19th century very expanisionsit, not much social change, against liberalism. Some industrialization. Know they should enbrace liberalism but they dont’. Bismarck makes ruler look benevolent, makes people want to love ruler and country. Russia just tells ppl directly to love ruler, be nationalistic or else
Not many modertes, lot of liberals and conservatives. Rulers go back and forth- no real progress cant decide or unify
Ottoman empire. Both experiencing nationalism, industrialization
“Sick man of europe”
Starts losing territory
Interior rebellion
Becomes two groups
Both predominantly Muslim
Lost a lot of territory to ethnic nationlaism
Response to nationalist challenge\
Young Ottomans
European-style democratic, con-
constitutional regime that could curtail the absolute power of the emperor.
Keep Islam but adopt western technology and science without european matiralism
Young Turks
Based in ethnicity
Increased military presence despite relative peace - German Empire a large threat
Triple Alliance:
Germany experienced industrial rev after unification
Exceeded france and Britain in steel production
Became natural rivals due to competition
France didn’t like bc of Franco-prussian war
Britain experienced German influence domestically
All of europe competed with them in colonization of Africa and asia
Bismarck avoided war after unification bc it could tear empire to pieces
Wanted to alienate france from europe, keep them at odds with Britain
Germany formed alliance with Austria-Hungary, added Italy later
The triple alliance
Bismarck made alliance with russia also, but didn’t last after he retired
Triple Entente
France, facing the Triple alliance formed alliance with Russia
Very unlikely given opposite political ideologies
German builds navy in opposition to Britain
Created British insecurity, starts working with france
France gets russia to join despite their previous opposition to Britain
Not a specific or strict alliance, rather an understanding
No military commitments
Germany tested British allegiance to france in Morocco twice, both times strengthening their commitment
Slavic peoples united, forming their own kingdom at Austria’s expense
Austria wanted to prevent this, take full control of Bosnia which they had occupied for some time (was part of ottoman?)
Russia meanwhile wanted to take over Constantinople as the Ottomans declined
Common enemy of Ottomans, agreed to publicly support each other’s plans
After Italy declares war on turkey, other Balkan states follow trying to reclaim territory from the Ottomans
Bulgaria was much more successful than rest, taking too much territory and angering them
Resulted in Balkan Wars4
First Balkan War: Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria successfully take territory in Turkey
Second Balkan war: in 1912 and 1913 in which Serbia, Greece, Romania and turkey defeated Bulgaria
Albania subject of contention, very divided between dif powers. Russia, seeking downfall of Ottomans, supported Serbians in full control, Austria did not bc they wanted control of sea. Ultimately became independent nation
Third Balkan Crisis
Bosnia revolutionary assinates Austria-Hungarian heir
Austria therefore desires to crush serbians
Declares war on them with Germany’s support
Russia not wanted to lose influence in europe supoprts Serbs
Mobilizes army along Austrian and German borders prompting Germany to decalre war on Russia and then France (bc ally of Russia)
Germany assumed Britain (given their historical isolation) would not enter the war
(rememebr they didn’t agree to military commitment unlike France and Russia)
England ultimately declares war on Germany
Essentially all of europe went to war over Austrian heir’s assination over a few days
Caused by many conflicts, divisions, and agreements to defend one another, Germany rise as a global power
Public full with France and Russia
Secret defensive with Britain
Causes of World War 1:
Germany and others constantly preparing for war rather than peace
Means small conflicts draw in large powers
Everyone wants an empire
Italy, others trying to gain and protect territory
What sparks everything
Internal problems, economic goals (industrial needs- need raw materials), geography (running out of space for growing empires- russia and germany), fear (countries join war not bc they want to, but bc they’re scared someone will attack them)
Fears of a war had existed for a while, so when it started ppl were excited. Nationliasm compelled many ppl to join army, fight
IMAGINE dragons (F -ear)
A lot of unknown arrangements made in secret
On July 28, 1914 Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia after the asination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne. The next day, Austria mobilized its army and began attacking Belgrade, Serbia. In support, Germany mobilized its army prompting Britain to do the same.
The next day, Russia mobilized its army to protect its interests and influence in the Mediterranean. They didn’t actually want to fight Austria since Germany would support them. Meanwhile, Britain still wouldn’t commit to defending France. Foreign Secretary Edward Gray didn’t want to join the war.
On July 31, Russia mobilized its army, showing Germany it was prepared to fight. But Russia wasn’t Germany’s only threat. France, to the west, wanted redemption for the Franco-Prussian war 40 years earlier. Germany now faced a two-front war with France to the west and Russia to the East.
Alfred Von Schlieffen, Germany’s Army Chief, had a plan. He wanted to attack France first through Belgium and take Paris in 6 weeks. Germany demanded Belgium let them pass through, however, Belgium was neutral, and Britain was willing to defend them.
Meanwhile, Germany sends ultimatum demanding Russia stop war measures, rejected
So on August 1st, 1914 declared war on Russia. However most of the army was already in the west preparing to invade and move towards France, so they started invading Luxembourg and taking control of telegraphs and railways which enabled them to get to France.
On Aug 2 German troops enter France with small battles at border and the next day Germany officially declared war on France
On Aug 4 Germany entered Belgium despite their neutrality, prompting Britain to declare war on Germany
Aug 5 - Germany faced its first real opposition in Liege, France. The French and Belgians had built fortresses to defend themselves. Liege had 7 of these which Germany destroyed in a few days, demonstrating their superior technology. The fortresses could not defend against Germany’s long range artillery.
Finally, on Aug 6, Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia, and Serbia on Germany.
Aug 12 - Austria invaded Serbia, not paying attention to Russia. Army chief diverted troops to serbia which were meant to go to russia, some in secret. Allies wanted them to go back to fight Russia, but bad railway system made this inefficient. Lots of armies from drafts, so armies were incompetent overall.
Army was poorly trained and equipped. Britain had mostly highly trained army, declraed war on Austria Hungary.
Britain sends troops to france on aug 9
-called British expeditionary force (BEF)
-France tries to reclaim Lorraine and and Alsace
-Frances plan called Plan XVII
- attack of border with Germany
-France struggled against superior German weapons
-Stalled along border with Germany
-Progress continued in north and in Belgium
-Germany attacked British forces at Mons
-British marksmanship proved superior despite 3:1 ratio of soldiers
-British and France slowly retreated towards Paris, slowing German advance
Gave russia more time to move towards Berlin
-By end of August, Germany abandoned Schlieffen plan bc France turned out to be bigger threat than russia
Triple entente/Allied powers/=British,french, russia
Triple alliance/central=austria-hungary,germany,italy
Battle of Marne
Sep 6 to 9
British and French offensive against Germans
German commander Moltke retreated, British and French followed
Moltke replaced by General Erich von Falkenhayn
He ordered more troops be sent through belgian and french ports which british helped defend
Both sides dug trenches in Belgium, kinda where front lines were
Belgian army greatlyr educed
British brought in Indian soldiers who were underprepared with inferior weapons
Through 1914 France suffered greates losses with Britain losing some of its most eperinced soldiers
British and Germans exchanged gifts on Christmas
British and French wanted to make one big offensive and break through German lines
They underestimated Germans though
After Schlieffen offensive failed, Germany turned to fighting a defensive war
In 1915, Germany pushed for peace treaties with France and Russia
With major land concessions by each
War continued regardless, very defensive in Belgium. Germany got better trenches at higher elevation
Low water table in Germany created problems for British trenches
Terrible hygiene, discomfort, lack of sleep, dead bodies, disease, etc.
March 10, 1915 British with Indian force overcame Germans at Neuve Chapelle
Creates hole in German trenches, enabling British to pass through
Their troops became trapped though due to lack of communication caused by trenches
Big German offesnive at Ypres in april and may 1915 to create better defensive position
Second battle of Ypres
Germans used tear gas against french, killing hundreds
Did not achieve complete breakthrough, like British at Nueve Chapelle
Then used against British who were more prepared
Chlorine gas was already illegal but they used anyways
In response, Allied forces developed their own poison gasses
Used against Germans in Champagne and Artois
British didn’t want to attack yet bc didn’t have shells until 1916, but french wanted to attack asap
Gas couldn’t replace artillery though
German trenches were very well defend with barbed wire
Meanwhile Germans were succeeding in Russia, taking their territory
Battle of Tannenburg was major defeat of Russia by Germany, showing France was bigger threat than Russia and abandon Schlieffn p,an
Austria sent troops to Serbia bc ego so less to defend against russia
Also not enoguh to be succesful in serbia, so waste of resources
WW1 had very little movement because of new artillery
Armies are so big they can’t move easily, have to coordinate attacks
General’s were “glory hounds”, wouldn’t communicate with each other
Old generals in a young mans war
WW1 is mostly defensive, Attrition
Basically waiting to kill all of other army
Rape of Belgium:
German invasion of Belgium
Killed civilians
Battle of Tannenburg
Huge German win takes russian territory
Allows them to control East Prussia
Belgians get destroyed by Germans
German army was considered most disciplined, so rape of ppl in Belgium was suprised
Makes it easy for British to antagonize Germans, makes them Barbarians
Made for good propaganda which made easy for British to recruit soldiers
The battle of Marne
7 weeks into war
Three offensive in actions
Germans attacking Russians
Russians in Austria
Germans against British and French
Germans had bad communication
Rly close to Paris
French split Germans into two, encircled them.
Had been retreating, very desperate
Germans retreated
Showed failure of Schlieffen plan
Pact of London
Entente agreed not to agree to peace unless they all did
Leader of French defense: Joseph Joffre
German commander: Molke
Welcome to the dirt
Trench warfare
Septemer 13 1914
Germans were retreating from Marne river
Built trenches on hill near Aisne river
This front remained constant for 4 years
British initially thought war would be over by christmas
Race to the sea:
Austria very weak bc of reliance on germany, so russia wants to focus on them
Germans send 4 corps to fight russians
Germans trying to go around french trenches, both keep moving westward until his sea, stopping germans from going around
So Germans start using U boats (submarines = u stands for underwater)
French start using planes, germans ships
Germans sink British cruises
No certain safety, much more traumatic then previous wars
War to end all wars: Homefront Propaganda:
Most german soldier in german were untrained, British had superior technology
The manifesto
Proclamation of german artists, scholars, etc.
Signer are responding to lies of enemies, claims Germany didn’t cause war
Or trespass into neutral Belgium, that it was self defense
British PM Lloyd George says War to end all wars
Would bring improved morals
More peace
Not true
Says this bc needs support of country, needs to give then inspiration and hope
Crafts message, what they are fighting war
Kinda promises this will be the last war
Both sides cause each other of lying,
German army chief of staff
Eric von Falkenhaym
The Defensive war on the Western front: watch this vid
British stopped Germany from reaching English Chanel
British army was now mostly recruits rather than experienced soldiers
Russian invasion of turkey:
Turkey had joined Austria and Germany
Turkey nearly defeated russia leading to low moral amongst Russians
Remember turkey is sick man of europe, now struggling against Germany and Turkey
Major point of fighting between British, french and german in Yprs
Gas: the new horror
Turks lost territory to Russians
Turks also try to take suez canal in egypt, but british stop
Germans sink more ships
Kaiser Wilhem removes all restrictions on submarine warfare, defying multiple treaties
Germans used poison gas against russians
Neither side rly knew how to use
For ex it would blow to wrong side
First use of lethal gas in ysrp in 1915
Russians advanced on feb 3rd in austria
The battle of Gallipoli:
Allies wanted to knock ottomans out of war
Over 6 month period
Meanwhile no progress on western front, russians not doing well either
Plan was to trap Ottomans on peninsula
Churchill’s biggest failure
ANZACS-australian and new zealand troops combined
25th april 1915
Landed in wrong place, big hills,
Ottomans had advantage, throwing explosives down hill
Mustafa Kamal in command
Most succesful ottoman general
Founds modern turkey
After first day ottomans maintained posiiont
Attacking a fortified beach, excpetionally difficult to succeed
Second day British came in, half lost lives
W and Z beach
Initially successful, Alibaba hill
Wanted to quickly take peninsula
Ppl died for no good reason, generals didn’t know what they were doing
British ship headed to europe across atlantic
Fastest passenger ship
Were told may 6 1915 that u boats may try to attack
U-20 sunk the Lusitania
Captain ignored advice to zig zag full speed
Woodrew Wilson remained neutrality
But americans start to antagonize Germany
Shows concept of total war
Attacking civilians
Cowardly war - sneak attacks killing from afar
Ppl can’t defend themselves
Technology worsens war
Germany later agrees to stop attacking passenger ships
New alpine front:
Italians suffer many casualties
Not prepared for conditions
Luigi Cordona
Italians near breakdown
Caused revolt
Were part of triple alliance but realize not a good look
So join allies
Completely incompetent
Fighting in alps
Artillery war:
Germany had superior cannons and artillery to French
French artillery wasn’t useful enough, range, angle etc.
The Paris gun allowed Germany to pound Paris from German territotry
Howitzer-another name for cannon
Traditionally had been for short distances (against ships, castles)
Now fire shells for miles
Many types of shells
Gas shells
In later stages of war:
Creeping barrage
Artillery fires at enemy as army attacks
Artillery shoots right in front of army
On the move but going nowhere:
Allied landings in Gallipoli was supposed to be easy
Basically back and forth in trenches in turkey
On western front nothing happening
On eastern slowly chasing down Russia
Know Falkenhayn
Know ludendorff
Nothing important here
The tumbling giant:
Until now Russians had been winning
Lost of pows so mostly inexperienced recruits
Russia lost at Carpathian mountains
Little progress in Ottomans, trench warfare made difficult
Russia wining their battles but at extreme human cost
Battle of Verdun - They Shall Not Pass:
Tons of german artillery used, oblitering french
German offesensive, French ultiamtley hold out
Highest percentage of deaths in any ww1 battle
Battle of the Somme:
Allies had been prepearing offesnive
Symbolizes whole war
Stupidity of British general, but good tactics
Huge British deaths
1 million casualties in total
Same time as Verdun
Both sides on offense in different places
Shows stupidity of war, so many people dying
British general haig
French commanders: Ferdinand Foch
In charge of western front Joseph Geoffre
German Ludendorff
Unrestricted sub warfare:
Germany resumes attacks of civilian ships and hospital ships
Decalres unrestricted submarine warfare
no domestic opposiiotn, shows total war mindset
Meant germans would attack british merchant ships and hospitial ships
And passengers helps
US needed trade with Britain
German general Holdzendorff
Wanted to starve britain by sinking import ships
Russian revolution
Feb 1917, romanov dynasty overthrown
Later second revolution makes them communist, pull out of war
Means germany no longer has two front war
Can americans get there soon enough to replace russians?
The American declarltion of war on germany
After lusitania sunk, wilson said this was final straw
Americans on board
Germans new this would tip stalemate for allies
The armistice:
Germany broke ceasefire
Not a fair agreement
At least germans dont think so
“All quiet front on the Western Front”
Battle of Belleau Wood Begins:
Major action by USA
US Commander John J Pershing (Blackjack)
Derogatory nickname
Bc he was in command of all black unit
US is fresh, we make mistakes
Everyone else used to it by now
Germany defeats Russia, allowing them to transfer troops to western front
Germany nearly defeats Allies but America saves them with great manpower
Now they outnumbered Allies on Western front, first time
Also have high moral now
Germany War General Erich Ludendorff
Germany was running out of recruitments though
Arrival of American forces tipped the scales
Britian and France wanted to absorb american troops, but america wanted to retain independence in anticipation of peace treaties
Douglas Haig commander of BEF
French general Ferdinand Foch
US Commander General John Pershing
Under President Wilson
France remained in control of allied forces given their size
Made Ferdinand Foch leader of Allied forces
Ludendorff understood he’d have to attack before American’s arrived in large numbers
Operation Michael
March 21, 1918
German surpires attack on Western front
Use of gasses and stormtroopers
British unprepared for most part, lost battle lots of POW
Germans break through British forces, looting countryside
Allied forces ultimately stop Operation Michael in April
Next German attack in Flanders
Operation Georgette
Shellings and gas and explosives
Haig demanded British don’t retreat
Still retreated a little but kept control of Ypres
Eventually Germans stopped attack
Paul Hindenburg another general
Operation Blücher-Yorck
German operation intending to capture Paris
Germans used Stormtrooper tactics
Allied forces persevere
Causes Ludendorff’s leadership to be questions
Makes Germans interested in peace negotiations
Second Battle of Marne
Allied offensive against Germany
Successful counterattack in response to German offensive on July 15
German’s running out of manpower
While americans delivering more and more soldiers
Combined with british and french colonial powers, Germans were outnumber
Both sides started to struggle when Influenze worsened (spanish flu)
August 8th allies attack on Somme battlefields
Used lots of aircraft and artillery
Shows progression of technology through war
Use of British tanks as well
Germans starting surrendering
Ludendorff called this the “black day of the German army”
In fall influenze worsened, impacting both sides
Americans led by General John J. Pershing
Now Americans had enough troops to be their own army, instead of fighting with British and French
French and British agreed, Americans wanting leverage in peace negotiations
Called First American Army
Huge attack on September 12th at St. Mihiel
Big win for Allies over Germans
In October, French and American’s start recapturing territory
Kaiser Wilhelm opens peace negotations with Americans, against the wishes of Hindenburg and Ludendorff
On october 4th, German accepts President Wilson’s Fourteen Points peace settlement and called for an armisitice
Caused by low german moral, international pos (other countries boycotting?)
Ottomans agree to Armisitce with British on October 30
Had to disband army and surrender all territory outside Turkey
Fall of Ottoman Empire
And had to allow Allied powers to take over railways and ports in Turkey
Bulgaria surrenders to Allies
Italy wages offensive against Austria who starts to collapse as an empire following their defeat
Allies take control of Trieste
Austrian emperor Karl was overthrown do to growing nationalist movements
Led to a more republican gov
President Wilson says wont negotiate with a monarch, so Kaiser Wilhem demotes himself to a Constitutional Monarch (like Britain), creating the Reichstag, parliament
New German chancellor Prince Max accepts Wilson’s Fourteen Points in October
British and French were mad America negotiated with Germany directly
But they both accept Fourteen Points as basis for negotiations
Britian, france and germany all had dif interpretations, self serving
Some Germans wanted to keep fighting, like Ludendorff who was subsequently fired
Mutiny started amongst German sailors, revolutonoaries against war took over ports in Germany
Soldiers realised pointless to keep fighitng
Friedrich Ebert replaced Prince Max
At 11am on November 11th, “the guns fell silent”
The Impact of the War
Africa, middle east and europe affected by the dissolution of empires
Many places ravaged, burned
Ypres, Somme, Verdun all part of concentrated Western front
Combination of technology with war, is industrializing good
Realized can’t move so many soldiers around, why Schlieffen plan failed
Between 8 and 9 million soldiers died
Allied powers lost more than Central
Central were more efficient but Allied had more manpower
Allies spent twice as much
Led to medical advances too, new triage systems, germ theory, blood transfers, dealing with disabled veterans, etc.
German occuptaion of Belgium and France had significant impact on residents
Both sides persecuted Jews
Unfortunately, did not dissuade people from violence
In fact, the culture changed to encourage it
Led to rise of totalitarianism in 20s and 30s
Peace Settlements
Allies imposed harsh terms on Central
British and French wanted revenge
Wilson’s demands were idealistic, Germany expected to alter them
Wilson lost support of Americans, lost election
Main question was what to do with Germany
Germany had paid price in terms of soldiers and money, but the country itself was untouched
Underwent extreme inflation
Threatened internal revolution like Russians
Treaty negotiated at Versailles
War wasn’t actually over yet, just in armistice
Everyone was motivated by greed, wanting loans to be repaid, debts, settled, reparations delt
Americans wanted loans to be repain
British and French wanted repreartions from Germany
Germans not included in deliberations, just presented with offer on may 7 1919
They would have to:
Return Alsace and Lorraine
Give up colonies
Give up eastern territory, creating Poland
Allow France to occupy certain western terriotries for 15 years
Limited Size of german army (100k soldiers) and navy (12 ships)
Give up subs, tanks, military aircraft,
Give up some merchant and fishing ships
Pay war reperations to Britain and france to be negotiated at a later time
German was embarrased
Refused to admit it started war
Under pressure of resuming war, Germany agreed in mid june
In 1921, reperations commitee decided Germany was to pay 33,000,000 dollars, 400,000,000,000 today
(actually given as 132,000,000,000 marks)
Germany couldn’t raise taxes, so resorted to inflation
Later, reparations renegotiated reducing amount and Americnas provided loans in support. Stopped decreasing in 1931 when great depression worsened
Germans resented treaty
Hitler rose to power in 1933 and rejected all terms of Versailles treaty
Overall the treaty was very one sided, Allied powers basically got all colonies leading to disruption in middle east, creation of Turkey
1919 treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye recognized nation of Yugoslavia
1920 treaty of Trianon divided Austro-hungarian empire into its ethic groups, creating Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Yugoslavia
Austria was treated like Germany
Austria, Hungary, and Germany agreed to admit they caused the war
In the next decade, many eastern european countries went from Democracy to Dictatorship
Russian Civil war followed between Bolsheviks and everyone else
Bolsehviks won through war communism which attempted to create pure commonism
Wrecked economy and Lenin reversed in 1921
Russia now called Soviet Union
Rise of Communism against Wilson’s idealistic peaceful world of democracies
US congress denied ratification of of Treaty of Versailles
Next president Warren Harding made separate treaties with each Central power
All these things combined led to increased militarism and totalitarianism
Environmental factors:
Many things beyond control
Western front mostly recovered from siginficatn damage
Technologies built before war were altered slighlty
Horses still very important, tanks in early stages
Airplanes and poison gas devloped during war
Technology aided in killing
Dont forget poets
Quizlet generated summary:
The Romanov Dynasty and Russian History
The Romanov Dynasty
The Romanov dynasty ruled Russia for several centuries.
The Russian rulers were known as czars or tsars, which is similar to the title of Caesar in Rome.
Russia saw itself as the Third Rome, following the original Rome and the Byzantine Empire.
The Byzantine Empire had a significant influence on Russia, particularly in terms of Orthodox Christianity.
Vladimir I, a Russian czar, adopted Eastern Orthodox Christianity and spread it throughout the country.
Vladimir I also introduced the Cyrillic language, which allowed the Slavic peoples in Eastern Europe to read the Bible and improved culture and technology in Russia.
The Romanovs, particularly Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, sought to modernize Russia by adopting European economic systems, architecture, and military strategies.
Peter the Great built the city of St. Petersburg, which served as a window to the West and facilitated trade and cultural diffusion.
Alexander I and Nicholas I
Alexander I was known as the 'enigmatic tsar' and initially wanted to introduce liberalism and rights in Russia.
However, due to the prevalence of serfdom and the lack of social progress, Alexander I was unable to fully implement his reforms.
Nicholas I, known as 'the reluctant autocrat', was a conservative ruler who favored censorship and serfdom.
He believed that liberalism was dangerous and sought to maintain autocratic rule in Russia.
Nicholas I implemented policies such as the Third Section of the Imperial Chancellery, which acted as a secret police force to monitor the population.
He also promoted narodnost, a national policy that aimed to unify Russia around Orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality.
This policy led to the oppression of Jews and the suppression of intellectual and liberal movements in Russia.
Causes and Events of World War I
Causes of World War I
Militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand were the main causes of World War I.
Germany and other countries were constantly preparing for war, which created a tense atmosphere.
Alliances between countries meant that small conflicts could quickly escalate into large-scale wars.
Nationalism and imperialism led to competition between countries for power and resources.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist sparked the beginning of the war.
Events of World War I
The war began with Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Germany, Russia, France, and Britain all mobilized their armies in response to the escalating conflict.
The war quickly spread across Europe, with battles taking place on the Western Front, Eastern Front, and in the Balkans.
Trench warfare became the dominant form of combat, with both sides digging elaborate networks of trenches to protect their positions.
Technological advancements such as poison gas, tanks, and aircraft were used for the first time in warfare.
The war resulted in significant loss of life and suffering, with millions of soldiers and civilians killed or injured.
The war ended with the signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918, which brought an end to the fighting.
The Impact of World War I
Social and Cultural Impact
World War I had a profound impact on society and culture.
Medical advances were made in areas such as triage systems, germ theory, and blood transfusions.
The war also led to the rise of totalitarianism and the persecution of minority groups, particularly Jews.
Propaganda played a significant role in shaping public opinion and encouraging nationalism.
The war also brought about changes in gender roles and the rights of women.
The concept of total war, in which civilians and infrastructure were targeted, became more prevalent.
Political and Territorial Impact
The war resulted in the dissolution of empires and the redrawing of national borders.
The Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh terms on Germany, leading to economic instability and resentment.
New nations were created, such as Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, while others, like Austria-Hungary, were divided.
The war also led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of new states in the Middle East.
The peace settlements following the war, particularly the Treaty of Versailles, laid the groundwork for future conflicts and tensions.
Peter the Great
-did all the stuff, focused on europeanism, adopted christianity, etc
Catherine the great continued his work, gained land
Alexander the first pursued liberalism and freeing serfs unitl war of 1812 which demonstrated to russian public the dangers of liberalism
Nicholas the I
-very conservative
-distrustful of public, espcially intellecutals (spies_
-nardonast policy of nationalism
Alexander the II
-back to liberal, freeing serfs
-extremists tried to assinate bc too liberal
Alexander III went back to Nicholas nationalism
Nicholas II was apathetic, delegated power, relctuant to rule, led to Rasputin executing ppl lol