US History
Revolutionary War
AP United States History
3.12 Movement in the Early Republic
Learning Objective: Explain how and why migration and immigration to and within North America caused competition and conflicts over time.
Theme Focus: Migration and Settlement
Native Americans
Sought to limit migration of white settlers
Kept moving onto native territories
Destroying tribal conditions
Wanted to maintain control of their native lands
Changed alliances with the US, Europeans, and other tribes
Alliances with Great Britain in particular caused issues between the US and Britain
US thought that the natives were “their problem, not Britians”
Increasing numbers of migrants moved westward
Frontier culture fueled social, political, and ethnic tensions
How to try and control people out west
Expansion of Slavery
Growth of slavery in the deep South and adjacent western lands
Rising antislavery movement
Mostly in the north
Some argued for moral and some argued for economic reasons against slavery
Distinctive regional differences about slavery
South is in full support of slavery
In the north there was less support
Federalists anti-immigrant policies
Alien Laws: gave the president the power to deport immigrants
Sedition Act: limited freedom of speech; anyone who spoke out against the government could be imprisoned or penalized
This is why anti-federalists wanted freedom of speech in the Bill of Rights
10 newspaper editors where convited of speaking out against the government
In Response
Jefferson: Kentucky Resolution
Madison: Virginia Resolution
Both (many democratic-republicans did) spoke out against the Alien and Sedations acts
Both said that by adding on the bill of rights, the state has entered into a contract with the federal government
Compact Theory
Because these aren’t constitutional, the states do not have to follow the laws
Not endorsed by a lot of the other states
Nullinvoid (not right)
States’ rights