Believed that all people have natural rights
Life, Liberty, Own Property
Added to Hobbes's Social Contract Theory
Said people can break the "contract" when a king becomes corrupt
Believed best government has limited powers & listens to the people
His Big Idea: If the government doesn't respect the people's rights, the people can overthrow the government!
Believed humans are naturally violent & disorderly
Believed that people form a Social Contract with the king
Give up freedoms in exchange for king's protection
His Big Idea: Citizens need government to protect them from themselves
Popularized the scientific method
Inductive Reasoning - process of reasoning from the specific to the general
Scientist, mathematician, philosopher
Deductive Reasoning - process of reasoning from the general to the specific
Deduction rhymes with reduction--you start with a set of possibilities and reduce it until a smaller subset remains.
Induction begins with the same two letters as the word increase--you start with a limited number of observations and increase that number by generalizing.
His Big Idea: Believed government should have separation of powers with checks and balances
"The Age of Reason"
Enlightenment - (1600s-1700s) the European philosopher and intellectual movement that emphasized reasoning, logic, individualism, and important political philosophies
The intellectuals of the Enlightenment were called Philosophes.
Philosphes met in Salons to discuss their ideas.
Our founding fathers studied the ideas of Enlightenment Philosophers
The Declaration of Independence & American Constitution were written by using Enlightenment ideas & principles
Used math to prove existence of gravity
Invented Calculus
Discovered laws of light, color, and motion
Newton's Three Laws of Motion:
1.) A body at rest stays at rest
2.) Acceleration is caused by force
3.) For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction
Grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation, & Scientific Revolution.
All these movements challenged accepted beliefs!
Enlightenment philosophers used the ideas and reason of the Scientific Revolution to solve problems in government & society.
Criticized old & accepted ideas
Divine Right of Kings!
Belief that kings receive their power from God
Wanted Individual Rights!
Believed people should have a say in government!
His Big Idea: Demanded that kings offer their people freedom of thought, speech, & religion
Voltaire said:
"I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!"
QUESTION: What does this statement indicate about Voltaire's views on free speech?
Made first telescope
Discovered that objects fall as the same speed regardless of weight.
Confirmed Copernicus's heliocentric model
Caused uproar--(went against the Church)
Threatened with death
Recanted his beliefs
Put under house arrest
Not allowed to publish ideas
English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights!
Her Big Idea: Women are NOT naturally inferior to men!!!
Scientific Method - a procedure consisting of observation, measurement, and experiment to test a hypotheses.
Believed people are naturally good, but power corrupts!
Best government is a direct democracy that promotes the common good of the majority
His Big Idea: People give up individual rights to be ruled by the general will of the people!
AKA What the majority wants, the majority gets!
Italian criminologist, philosopher, & politician!
His Big Ideas:
Torture & the death penalty should NOT BE USED!
A person accused of a crime should receive a fair and speedy trial!
"punishment should fit the crime"
1543 - published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
Heliocentric universe (sun-centered)
Most rejected his theory because it went against the Catholic Church's teachings
Later Tycho Brahe & Johannes Kepler continued using math and observations to prove Copernicus's theory CORRECT!
A Revolution is a complete CHANGE, or an OVERTHROW of a government, a social system, etc.
Father of modern Economics!
Wrote: The Wealth of Nations
Main Points:
Free Trade!
countries should trade naturally...
with limited government influence!
Laissez-faire - "let alone"
No tariffs, quotas, restrictions
The wealth of a nation is based on the productivity of its workers!
(1500s-1600s) the Scientific Revolution was the emergence of modern science that allowed humans to see and study the world differently using mathematics and technological advancements.
Rejected traditional ideas!
EX. Ptolemy's geocentric universe (Earth-centered)