Chapter 23: Metabolism
Absorptive state - “nutrient-replete”; high blood sugar supply and high insulin (pushes sugar into cells to be metabolized); 0-4 hrs post eating
Amino acids - absorbed by small intestine and sent to body through the hepatic portal (blood vessels to liver); liver passes them to body for fuel/raw materials and converts excess to fat
Carbohydrates/sugars - absorbed by small intestine and sent through hepatic portal; liver uses as fuel and delivers to body; excess stored as fat
glycogen storage - muscles for quickly-accessible stores and liver to support blood sugar
Triglycerides (fats) - Not water soluble; broken down to fatty acids and glycerol and absorbed by intestine; then rebuilt into low density lipoproteins (chylomicrons) and enter interstitial fluid to travel through lymph (NOT blood) to muscles or other metabolically active tissue; excess stored in adipose tissue or liver
Adipose tissue - takes up blood sugar and chylomicrons to store as fat; the two-carbon metabolite of glucose (acetyl-CoA) is building block for fat
triglyceride synthesis material sources: 1) fatty acids/glycerol from digestive uptake; 2) excess fat from liver (transported by VLDL and broken down into fatty acids/glycerol); 3) carbon skeletons and energy from glucose catabolism
insulin - decreases blood sugar by increasing transport of sugar into metabolically active cells; stimulates catabolism of glucose and anabolism of fat; stimulate protein anabolism and aa transport into cell
high blood sugar; digestive hormones; PaANS stimulation; increased plasma amino acids
Type I diabetes - genetic hyposecretion of insulin (treated with exogenous insulin)
Type II diabetes - metabolic dysregulation of insulin; poor diet and sedentary lifestyle (exacerbated by genetics, obesity, etc.)
chronically high blood sugar → insulin resistance → positive feedback loop to release more insulin → cells do not have access to fuel and the osmolarity of blood increases (damage tissue and fluid dysregulation)
high sugar in urine, body is essentially starving
gestational diabetes = developed during or because of hormones from pregnancy
Post-absorptive state - “nutrient-depleted”; low blood sugar supply (need to release from glycogen in liver or catabolize fat); glucagon regulates blood sugar; 4+ hrs after eating
Four sources: liver glycogen, muscle glycogen/cori cycle, liver gluconeogenesis, protein catabolism
liver - glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis (powered by fat catabolism) to increase blood sugar
muscles - in anaerobic conditions glucose is fermented to lactic acid and released into the bloodstream and liver where it is formed back into glucose (powered by fat catabolism) = cori cycle
during starvation body will catabolize protein (net-loss)
glucose sparing - preferential oxidation of fatty acids to preserve glucose stores for the brain (long fast or low-intensity exercise)
glucagon - stimulated by low blood sugar (inhibited by high levels), stimulates liver to produce/release glucose and adipose tissue to break down fat and release FFA
epinephrine (SyANS) - increase fat mobilization and glycogenolysis to increase fuel availability
cortisol - synergizes with Epi and glucagon, inhibits protein anabolism (glycogen neutral)
growth hormone - antagonizes epi and cortisol, favors protein anabolism for growth
thyroid hormone - T3 favors increased metabolism, increased glucose uptake/use, increased fat breakdown, increase protein anabolism
testosterone/estrogen - increased protein synthesis/regulator of calcium and fat metabolism (estrogen made by adipose tissues and manages the development and distribution)
1) carb management/metabolism - maintain blood glucose, target of insulin
2) fat and cholesterol metabolism/management - lipoprotein cycles
3) protein metabolism - nitrogenous waste into urea (synthesizes most proteins in bloodstream)
4) vitamin/mineral storage
5) metabolize/remove most drugs and toxins (also excess hormones, cholesterol or RBC breakdown products in blood)
VLDL (very low density lipoproteins) - produced by liver, contain fat and cholesterol to circulate through bloodstream and deliver to other tissues; chylomicrons are similar, but bigger
LDL - VLDL stripped of fat, circulating and delivering cholesterol to tissues, “bad cholesterol”
HDL - made in liver, act as sponges to soak up excess cholesterol and deliver to liver (and less potentially clogging arteries), “good cholesterol”
saturated fat - raises LDL and HDL (found in animal fats), inhibits excretion from body
cis fats (naturally unsaturated fats) - raise HDL and lower LDL (omega 6 and 3)
trans fats (processed or partially hydrogenated) - raise LDL and lower HDL, stick in body for longer and contribute to plaque
atherosclerosis - hardening of arteries, walls are less compliant and less effective at managing blood pressure (positive feedback with hypertension that exacerbate each other)
atherosclerosis - fatty deposits with excess fat and cholesterol in small arteries (high fat, high LDL, low HDL); fatty macrophages (foam cells) lead to plaque formation that narrows radius (increasing resistance, increasing blood pressure, decreasing flow) or occlude arteries
Hunger/metabolic rate
established by the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus
POMC (anorexigenic) - instructs VMN to release CRH and TRH to suppress appetite and increase BMR
NPY (orexigenic) - stimulate LHA to release orexins to increase appetite and inhibit actions of VMN
hormonal controls - insulin (blood sugar), CCK and GLP-1 (digestive system, measuring nutrients), somatostatin (low growth), stretch (PP/PYY), leptin (fat levels)
insulin, leptin, CCK downregulate hunger by blocking NPY
glucagon, epinephrine, ghrelin (dinner bell) rise during fasting and stimulate appetite
BMR - basal metabolic rate to stay alive (higher under stress or sick, lower when resting)
TMR - total metabolic rate, BMR + physical activity
Body temperature - hypothalamus is thermostat through neurons located in LPO and DMH
hypothermia - low body temp (<90), vasoconstriction to extremities, shivering, increased BMR; failure of homeostasis
hyperthermia - high body temp (>105), vasodilation, sweating
febrile response (fever) - higher homeostatic setpoint by eicosanoid stimulation in the hypothalamus (pyrogens in infectious agents increase inflammatory response); accelerates enzymatic mechanisms, increases blood flow (and WBC recruitment)
advil or tylenol are antipyretics and target production of eicosanoid to decrease body temp
Chapter 24/25: Renal System
Kidneys - upper abdominal cavity, 20% of blood flow passes through kidneys; regulation of water and electrolytes, removal of (soluble) waste, gluconeogenesis, endocrine roles (EPO, renin, VitD)
nephron - functional unit of kidney, ~1 million nephrons/kidney
tubule - wrap around the renal corpuscle and connect bowman’s capsule with the nephron loop and collecting duct (glomerular ultrafiltrate becomes urine)
duct - collect filtrate into ureter
renal corpuscle = Bowman’s capsule + glomerulus
glomerulus - blood vessels, fenestrated endothelium forms filtration bed
bowman’s capsule - podocytes filter, collection of urinary filtrate
gaps between podocytes and fenestrations of endothelium create filtration bed and ultrafiltration of blood at MUCH higher rates than the rest of the body (180-200 L/day)
mesangial cells - regulate flow by controlling “tightness” of filtration bed
afferent and efferent arterioles - carry blood to/from glomerular filtration capillaries (no gas/nutrient exchange, so it is still an arteriole when leaving), maintains high pressure, efferent feeds into peritubular capillaries or vasa recta
peritubular capillaries - ordinary gas/nutrient exchange in cortex, tubular secretion and absorption
vasa recta - ordinary gas/nutrient exchange and salt/water exchange (juxtamedullary nephrons)
counter current exchanger - permeability of NaCl and water is high, so blood reacts passively to the osmotic and solute gradients established by nephron loop; loses water and gains salt to stay in equilibrium with medulla going down, gains water and loses salt going up; net effect is to reabsorb water and salt and blood volume increases
juxtaglomerular apparatus - collection of regulatory tissues between distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and arterioles
macula densa - specialized part of DCT that “senses” sodium flux and reports it to JG cells as control for urinary flow
granular cells - secrete renin (start RAAS) in response to low urinary flux/sodium or SyANS stimulation or drop in blood pressure
JG cells - part of the vascular smooth muscle of arterioles, control arteriolar diameter to compensate for pressure changes
Filtration and urine production
urine filtration
glomerular filtration - filtration of bulk fluid through fenestrated endothelium and podocytes (due to hydrostatic pressure), physical basis of urine
ultrafiltration through fenestrated endothelium, basement membrane, podocyte epithelium (plasma and solutes can pass but not proteins), driven by overall pressure difference (+10 mmHg)
different from ordinary capillaries because there is no gas exchange or reverse filtration in glomerulus, no major drop in pressure
GFR (glomerular filtration rate) - amount of plasma filtered into Bowman’s capsule per minute or hour, “renal clearance” to determine chemical filtration (only accurate if it is not reabsorbed, more accurate to use creatinine clearance)
Net Filtration Pressure (NFP) is maintained by arteriolar smooth muscle and should be +10 mmHg despite the osmotic imbalance into the blood
tubular reabsorption - transport materials from tubules back into capillaries
the lack of permeability of kidney tubule and strength of sodium gradient (sodium potassium pump) determines what solutes move where and when
PCT - sets basic urine/blood composition
nearly complete secretion of toxins or other foreign chemicals (drugs), large amount of reabsorption of materials from urine (nutrients, 65% water and salts, regulated phosphate reabsorption
Nephron loop - establishes/maintains hyperosmotic medulla
hyperosmolarity generator to power water recovery and urinary volume tuning
reduces urine volume; reabsorption of water in descending loop, reabsorption of salt in ascending loop (establishes/maintains hyperosmotic gradient via active Na/K pumps, regulated by aldosterone); secretion of urea in ascending loop and DCT
Countercurrent generation -
descending loop - concentrates urine 4x by reducing water volume
ascending loop - sodium transport into loop allows sodium to enter the medulla, restoring the osmotic strength of the urine to the cortical isosmotic value
dehydration - aldosterone increase Na and water recovery into DCT, and urea transport into medulla and water transport into blood
DCT/cCD - regulates urine composition
regulated reabsorption of salt and water (ALD and AngII), regulated secretion of K+ (ALD), regulated reabsorption of Ca+2 (PTH), regulated secretion of H+
mCD - regulates urine concentration/volume
regulated reabsorption of water (without additional salt, driven by medullary gradient), regulated reabsorption of urea
tubular secretion - transport materials out of capillaries to tubules
mostly in convoluted tubules (drugs/toxins in PCT; K+, H+, urea in DCT)
excretion - removal of waste from body (urination)
detrusor - autonomic muscle surrounding bladder to squeeze out urine, PaANS stimulates contraction when triggered by stretch reflexes
internal urethral sphincter - contracts during filling, must relax to pee, stimulated by SyANS stretch reflex on pontine micturition center
external urethral sphincter - contracts during filling, must relax to pee, automatic control of pons
In general: stretch reflexes activate PaANS to contract detrusor and relax sphincters, while SyANS tone keep sphincters closed
conscious action (managed through pontine micturition and pontine storage centers) can intentionally hold or void
SyANS involvement explains why you can’t pee while stressed or high levels of stress can induce urination
myogenic mechanism - smooth muscle of afferent arteriole contracts or relaxes in response to changing systemic BP to maintain proper pressures
tubuloglomerular mechanism - macula densa senses sodium flux through DCT (high sodium means GFR is exceeding reabsorption capacity), triggers afferent arteriole to relax/constrict
systemic blood pressure - low BP triggers SyANS vasoconstriction to increase TPR and increase blood volume (RAAS)
kidney increases blood volume through increased reabsorption
higher sympathetic tone helps GFR through increased BP
TG mechanism will keep this under control
RAAS (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system)
renin - produced by JC in response to tubuloglomerular response, low stretch, local ANGII levels and SyANS; converts ANGogen to ANGI
ANGI (angiotensin I) - converted to ANGII and III by ACE and ACE2 enzymes present in heart and lungs
ANGII/III - stimulates vasoconstriction and aldosterone release from adrenal cortex
aldosterone - stimulated by high K+, ACTH stimulation of cortex, low BP (RAAS); leads to increased Na+ and therefore water reabsorption
ANGII/III mediates vasoconstrictive effects and increases salt/water reabsorption in CCD, stimulates aldosterone
ANP - produced by atria upon stretching, negative feedback against excessive BP, inhibits RAAS and ADH, decreases Na+ recovered by DCT/cCD
ANGII (also dry mouth, osmoreceptors and hypothalamus) stimulate hypothalamic thirst centers → signal that body needs more water, decreased blood volume; wet mucous membranes, full stomach induced by water are negative feedback to thirst
ADH - stimulated by low BP, high osmolarity of brain stem ECF; ADH-stimulated aquaporins and urea transporters increase water without altering sodium (protection against hypotonic hydration)
dehydration - excessive water loss (sweating, diarrhea, blood loss), blood pressure drops so that systemic circulation cannot be maintained (hypovolemic shock) and tissue osmolarity can interfere with cellular function
hypotonic hydration - massive intake of water or damage to kidney function, low ISF electrolyte concentration (hyponatremia) which is disruptive to nervous system
pH sensitive cells in PCT and cCD can excrete protons/proton equivalents or bicarbonate
type A tubular cells recover filtered bicarbonate un urine; protons transported to urine, bicarbonate transported by sodium secondary active transport to blood
type B cells do the opposite to secrete additional bicarbonate
additional H+ is secreted and buffered by phosphate in urine or transported as ammonium H+ equivalents
PTH increases DCT reabsorption of Ca2+ bringing it from urine into bloodstream, also increases phosphate reabsorption to counterbalance ionic charge
Chapter 26: Reproductive System
Gametes - haploid reproductive cells; produced by meiosis; unique due to independent assortment and homologous recombination
GnRH - produced by hypothalamus, stimulates LH and FSH production in anterior pituitary
FSH and LH involved in stimulation of testosterone and estrogen and spermatogenesis and oogenesis
Testosterone and estrogen provide negative feedback to LH and FSH
testosterone - produced by testes in men, adrenal cortex and ovary in women; libido in women and bone mineralization, metabolic rate, RBC formation, precursor to estrogen synthesis
estrogen - leydig cells, sertoli cells, bone, adipose tissue in men; metabolic regulation, decreased glucose tolerance, bone resorption
Progesterone - inhibits release of gonadotropins
inhibin specifically inhibits FHS
spermatogenesis - formation of sperm in seminiferous tubules of testes
leydig cells (interstitial endocrine) - in connective tissue around seminiferous tubules, produce androgens
stimulated by LH to produce testosterone → negative feedback to inhibit LH and GnRH
sertoli cells (sustentocytes) - large columnar cells surround developing sperm, divide basal compartment and lumen, phagocytize defective sperm
respond to FSH stimulation to stimulate sperm proliferation and stimulate inhibin → negative feedback to inhibit FSH
progenitor cells (spermatogenic) - cells that develop into sperm, enveloped in sertoli cells
mature in epididymis and released by vas deferens during ejaculation
ejaculate is delivery system for sperm, semen contains secretions of seminal gland and prostate; feed, activate, protect sperm
pre-ejaculate secretions are meant to clean and lubricate reproductive tract
testosterone - acts on sertoli cells, induces differentiation of male accessory organs and secondary sex characteristics, stimulates protein anabolism and bone growth, sex drive
oogenesis - formation of ova in ovaries during fetal development (arrested at meiosis I)
mitosis - oogonium (during fetal development)
meiosis I - primary oocyte, at birth
meiosis II - completed only if sperm penetrates oocyte, each month a few dozen eggs undergo this process but only about 1 becomes mature
secondary oocyte is released during ovulation
ovulation - follicle breaks open in ovary and releases egg into fallopian tube
follicle becomes corpus luteum (temporary organ to produce estrogen and progesterone)
oocyte in meiosis II and stays there until fertilized by sperm (completes meiosis and merges genetic material)
ovarian cycle
lowered estrogen/progesterone trigger rise in LH and FSH to develop follicle and start ovarian cycle
developing follicle raises estrogen to induce endometrial development in uterus and positive feedback for GnRH to spike LH (FSH blocked by inhibin and estrogen); follicle fuses and ovulation of egg
corpus luteum produces high levels of estrogen and progesterone to maintain endometrium in a state of readiness and prevent menstruation (similar in pregnancy)
in absence of fertilization the CL degrades, estrogen and progesterone levels drop and FSH and LH take over, cycle restarts
menstrual cycle
menstruation (days 0-4) - uterus sheds endometrium
proliferative phase (days 5-14) - endometrium rebuilds itself in response to rising estrogen
secretory phase (days 14-28) - endometrium prepares for implantation, rising levels of progesterone from CL and endometrium converts to secretory mucosa
sperm produced by the billions each month, 4/progenitor cell, small with tails, only contains genetic material, does not survive fertilization (only genetic material)
eggs produced by thousands during fetal development, only one gets through maturation process/month, one egg/progenitor cell, metabolic capability and substance of all 4 progenitor cells (polar bodies)
Human reproductive life stages
zygote/fetal development - GnRH, gonadotropins made in high amounts for development (basic internal/external genitalia and secondary sex characteristics)
internal - develops from gonadal ridge and wolffian/mullerian duct tissues of early embryo (6-8 weeks); Y chromosome changes Wolffian duct to epididymis, vas deferens, etc. and AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) degrades mullerian ducts); in absence of Y chromosome wolffian duct degrades and mullerian duct becomes fallopian tubes and uterus (gonadal ridge becomes ovaries)
external - genital turbuncle differentiates into penis or clitoris with/without testosterone; urogenital fold becomes urethra and internal penis or vaginal tract; labioscrotal fold becomes externals of penis and scrotum or labia majora
mammalian embryos are inherently female and require hormones (testosterone, AMH, dihydrotestosterone) to become male
Fertilization - zygote formation
Implantation - fertilized zygote (blastocyte) implants in endometrium after ~6 days
Gestation (pregnancy) - placenta (bridge between mother and fetus, has some viral/cancer properties) develops after implantation, produces large amounts of estrogen and progesterone and relaxin (supresses contractions) to maintain endometrial lining and prevent further menstruation
Parturition (labor and delivery) - falling levels of placental hormones (drop in relaxin) trigger labor and contractions, triggers positive feedback mechanism with oxytocin until delivery
Lactation - prolactin stimulates breastmilk production and oxytocin triggered by palpation of breast releases milk, provides nutrients and microbiota and antibodies