Title: Behavior and Attitudes
Presented by: Karel K. Himawan, Ph.D.
Attitude and Behavior
When Attitudes Predict Behavior
When Behavior Affects Attitudes
Why Behavior Affects Attitudes
Definition of Attitude
An evaluation of objects, people, or issues (Wrightsman, 1993).
Beliefs and feelings related to persons/events (Myers, 2005).
Associations between attitude objects and evaluations (Fazio & Roskos-Ewoldsen, 1994).
Evaluations of aspects of the social world (Baron & Byrne, 2001).
Understanding Attitude
Sikap: Positive (favorable) or negative (unfavorable) evaluations towards topics like issues, ideas, people, social groups, or objects.
Components of Attitude
Cognitive Component: Beliefs about certain ethnic groups (e.g., laziness).
Affective Component: Feeling dislike towards people from certain ethnic backgrounds.
Behavioral Component: Treating these individuals discriminatorily.
Importance of Studying Attitudes
Attitudes significantly influence cognitive schemas.
Example: Differing opinions on marriage age between Ibu Ani and Ibu Ina.
Illustrative Example
Mild Confrontation: Ibu Ani's agreement on early marriage vs. Ibu Ina's view on later marriage highlights differing interpretations of youth behavior.
Measuring Attitude
Wawancara (Interviews)
Angket (Questionnaires)
Scales used:
Semantic Differential
Likert Scale
Forming Attitudes - Social Learning
Classical Conditioning: Subliminal learning influences attitudes unconsciously (Cacioppo, 1993).
Example: Association of classical music with boredom in children.
Forming Attitudes - Instrumental Conditioning
Parents reinforce behaviors (e.g., rewarding with ice cream after ballet practice).
UTS Teaser
Discussion Prompt: How does COVID-19 impact children's formation of attitudes towards cleanliness and hygiene?
Forming Attitudes - Social Comparison
Individuals compare themselves with others (e.g., hairstyles, clothing).
Comparison often made with respected or loved ones.
Forming Attitudes - Biological/Genetic Influence
Identical twins share genes and tend to have similar attitudes, regardless of upbringing.
Attitude and Behavior - Empirical Study
Richard T. Le Piere (1934): Discrepancy between stated attitudes toward Chinese customers and actual behavior in establishments visited.
Attitude vs Behavior - Research Findings
Batson et al. (2002): Moral hypocrisy illustrated disparity between attitudes and behaviors, such as cheating.
When Attitudes Predict Behavior
Analysis of factors that link attitude to behavior.
Specific Example of Prediction
Example: Ani's affection towards Jokowi's figure would correlate with her voting behavior.
Myers (2007) Findings
Predictive Conditions:
Minimal social influences.
Examining attitudes specific to behaviors.
Potent attitudes increase the likelihood of corresponding behaviors.
Influence of Situations on Attitudes
Situational factors can either facilitate or hinder behavior exhibition (e.g., moral situations like infidelity).
Situational Influence Example
Choosing between two seminars highlights how situations influence decision making based on attitudes.
Intensity of Attitude
Stronger attitudes correlate with stronger behavioral implications.
Factors affecting importance of an attitude include personal relevance and social identification.
Individual Characteristics
Lower self-monitoring individuals have attitudes more predictive of their behavior compared to high self-monitors.
Theory of Planned Behavior
Attitudes, perceived norms, and feelings of control together result in behavior intentions leading to behavior.
Further Example of Behavior Intention
Attitude toward Psychology studies leading to registration in the program as a behavioral intention.
Subjective Norms and Control
Influence of aspirations and perceived ability on the decision to pursue a degree in psychology.
Behavioral Impact on Attitudes
Brainstorming Prompt: Can behavior actually change underlying attitudes?
When Behavior Affects Attitudes
Discussion on the mechanisms by which behavior can reshape attitudes.
Examples of Behavior Influencing Attitudes
Hypnosis demonstration indicating how actions can produce justifications for behavior.
Role Playing and Attitude Change
Zimbardo Study (1971): Attitude change based on assigned roles, showcasing flexibility in attitudes based on situational behavior.
Role Playing Impacts on Behavior
Individuals often adjust their behaviors to fit prior statements or roles.
Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon
Larger requests are more likely to be agreed to after initial smaller requests are accepted.
Justification in Evil and Moral Acts
Individuals often rationalize their actions, leading to shifts in corresponding attitudes in support of their behavior.
Understanding Why Behavior Affects Attitudes
Factors explaining the relationship between behavior and subsequent attitude changes.
Self-Presentation and Impression Management
The need for consistency between attitudes and behaviors influences perception management.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Cognitive Dissonance: Discomfort experienced with conflicting cognitions. Methods of resolving include attitude or behavior alteration.
Cognitive Dissonance Quotations
Leon Festinger: Illustrates frustration with logical inconsistencies during discussions.
Case Study Example
Scenario comparing different dissonance experiences between two individuals compensated differently for the same task.
Dissonance Cognitive Resolution
Budi's approach to reducing dissonance can involve changing attitudes post-experiment.
Individual Perspectives
Quote comparisons reflecting differing justifications between Andi and Budi regarding their paid participation.
Self-Perception Theory
Theory positing individuals deduce their attitudes by interpreting their own behavior and situational context.
Various Theories on Behavior Affecting Attitudes
Self-presentation, self-justification, and self-perception as explanations for why behavior impacts attitudes.
Conclusion and Questions
Quote by Zig Ziglar: "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude."