Florence - City where a lot of Renaissance events took place
Filipo Brunelleschi - A genius who was drawn to old world mysteries. He got easily irritated, insulted people, and had a bad temper.
Defenestration - punishment where u get thrown off a window
What are the men searching for and why is it dangerous?
They were searching for knowledge. They wanted to learn what people in Greek and Roman times used and what ways they can implement into society again. It’s dangerous because it’ll give them power and prone to attack
What was the meeting in Florence? What Who, When
The meeting was between Cosimo De Michi, his father Giovani and it was about lending money to be able to run for pope to a pirate in the back of a small scale wood shop.
Cosimo was - banished from Florence
Patron = supporter
What was the great embarrassment of Florence? - The unfinished dome (100 years)
What did the Medici family do about the Dome? - Hired a guy named Filipo Brunelleschi who helped finish the dome.
What advice does Giovanni give to Cosimo before he dies? - don't show off ur wealth cuz ppl don't like when u show off and u could get attacked
Why did spending money on art during the bad economy make sense? - it led to more power and precision, bc the better artist u commission, the better art u get, and wealthy u look.
Who was Donatello and what controversial art piece did he make?
Donatello = a sculptor who made the first free standing sculpture
He made nude sculptures of guys and that kind of stuff was prohibited back then
What was the situation between the Medici and the Albizzi family?
Two families could not rule and one had to go, risking war which would cause Florence's downfall.
Where was Cosimo summoned to? - The government center
What was waiting for Cosimo at the government center? - Albizzi, who then took him to the highest jail cell in the town.
What was the vote for? - To determine whether or not Cosimo committed treason against Florence, but it was rigged and an unfair judgment came in
What happens to Cosimo after the vote? He faces execution but he pays the jail guards to let him go and he flees.
What happens under Albizzi's ruling and what happens after 1 year? The city struggles and eventually the pope's army comes in, kills the Abizzi’s and lets Cosimo back in.
What happens after cosmio gets back into the throne? - He revives Florence, starting the biggest bank in Europe, and big wealth.
Leonardo & Michelangelo Readings & Questions -
Leonardo De Vinchi - Painter and Sculptor who lived in Florence
Vasari - artist and architect. He’s best known for his series of biographies about Renaissance Artists. Many people call him the Father of Modern Art History.
Four Traits the Leonard had which Vassari praised:
Personal beauty & grateful movements
Problem solving skills
Love for animals
Knowledge in so many fields
Why did Leonardo De Vinchi fail to complete so many projects? - his mind created picture perfect ideas that his hands couldn’t recreate
Why was the prior at S. Maria Delle Grazie upset con Leonardo? He spent more time thinking than painting which he found weird, but Leonarado says he’ll paint his face on the face of Judah if he doesnt leave him alone
Did Leonardo feel that he offended God because he didn't use his talents to the fullest? Yes
How did Michelangelo receive his artistic training? He was born in a stone working family, and gotta work along with Domenico Ghirlando who was a painter
Why didn’t Michelangelo want to work on the sistine Chapel? Because he was a sculptor and not a painter
Why did michealdeanglo agree to do the sistine chapel? Because he would of never got to work with the church again if he said no to Pope Jullian II
Pope beeat michealdeanglo becasue - he took so long with the sistine chapel
What is the subject of the ceiling paintings? 300 figures recreating the story of Genesis from the Bible
How long did the Sistine Chapel take? 4 years
What is the wall painting called? The Last Judgment
How does the last judgment differ from the sistine chapel? - The sistine chapel is joyful and happy while the last judgment showed the negative side, darkness, grief, and pain.
The sistine chapel was called… the “Symbol of an age”
Chapter 17 Section 1 HW
Where did the Renaissance originate from? Italy
What did the Renaissance mark? A period of art, literature, and thought.
Italy had thriving cities so the Renaissance was a good place for it to take place in especially with the Medici families support
The Renaissance focused on.. Classical texts which lead to humanism
During the Renaissance many styles emerged like.. Realism, 3d art, perspective, human expression, and scientific additions to it sometimes.
Artemisia Gentilesani - She drew females figures
During the renaissance writers develop strategies even used today
Dante wrote in Italian, his one .. Native language leading to self expression and personality
Machiavelli wrote about the complex topic of politics saying that rulers prioritize effectiveness over morality.
Colonna wrote about personal poetry from a female perspective
Different writes had their own approaches all sing different styles helping spread the renaissance
Chapter 17 Section 2 HW
Utopia - “No place” in greek and in English it means an ideal place
William Shakespeare - Most famous writer of the Elizabethan Age, he wrote plays and poems
Johann Gutenberg - A craftsman who made a printing press that is used in many modern day technologies today. Made book production cheap and easy, so he prints the bible
What could have helped start the renaissance? - war and the plague were in this time period and had many people who suffered and died, and those who survived wanted to learn about the spirits, church, and human life.
How did Albrechts work reflect the influence on the Italian renaissance? Popularity of his work spread to renaissance artists. He did many arts like woodcuts and engravings of religious subjects, myths, or realistic landscapes. He worked on realism which is a big style in art even today.
Christian Humanism - People in the north used Italian humanist ideas to examine the traditional teachings of the Christian Church. The objective was simple: reform society. They found education of women very important, so they founded schools for girls and boys, not just single gender.
Why was the invention of the printing press important? It allowed the printer to produce hundreds of copies of literature in a cheap and fast manner. This resulted in books becoming affordable for everyday people, strengthening education with literature.
German Works:
Germans focused more on religious themes with a lot of emotion, and symbolism. They had a lot of detail showing the paintings realism. A few Germans even had science in their paintings, such as Albercht Durer.
Flemish Works:
Flemish painters used many vibrant colors, and layered detail with paints. They painted everyday life and real life situations in great lifelike detail.
Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man demonstrates humanism by using proportions and symmetry, something that wasn't used before.
What did the printing press mean for education? Cheap books meant that schools had easy access to books, and textbooks. Many people could buy books for their kids or themselves to learn how to read.
Characteristics of Art:
Realism and expression
Geometric elements
Light and shading
4 main artists
Leandardo Da Vinchi
Class Notes
What 2 businesses does the Medici family do? Banking and textiles
Flemish people are from…. Flanders
Textiles = wool work
Secular - something that has no spiritual or religious awareness.
2 german painters:
Hanz Holbien - paints portats of people
Albert Jure - Popularized woodwork and engravings
2 Flemish painters
Pieter Bruglie - everyday topics of human life
Yan Van Eyke - oil paintings with vivid colors and oil paints
3 Christan Humanists want.. Reform
3 Christan Humanists:
Eramus - praise of foly, church reform
More - utopia - come as close to perfection as posibnle
Christine - Book of ladies - gender eqaulity
Elizibatain Age - the period of 50 years were queen elizibeth ruled and she supported shakespeare, also shakespeare age
Johan Gutenberg - printing press
Castiligone - Wrote book saying how men and women should act
Isabel De Iste - Powerful woman in Italy who hired artists
Rapeal painted the - School of Athens
Danatello made the - bronze David,
Leonardo most popular works - Mona Lisa, Last Super
Michelangelo most famous works - Sistine Chapel and the sculpture of david
Brunelleshi invented - perspective
Anguisola - Female portrait painter
Gentileschi - Female portrait painter
Victoria Colonga - female author
Machiavelli - book called the prince, do what u need to get what u want
Petrach - wrote sonnets
Donte - The divine comedy in Italian Vernacularity
Boccanio - Storeies about the plague, Deccamaron off color-> TV MA content
Vencular - common everyday language not just Latin
Divine Comedy - Story by Donte where he went to hell, heaven, and purgatory
Donte’s Inferno = hell was filled with lots of good people