latin revision end of year


ambulo I walk

clamo I shout

intro I enter

laboro I work

neco I kill

paro I prepare

festino I hurry

sum I am

voco I call

habito –are I live

invito –are I invite

lacrimo –are I cry

habeo -ere I have

iubeo -ere I order

moneo -ere I warn

video -ere I see

debeo –ere I ought, should

respondeo -ere I reply

maneo –ere I stay, remain

duco -ere I lead

mitto -ere I send

traho -ere I drag

discedo –ere I leave, depart

quaero –ere I look for, search for,

audio -ire I hear

dormio -ire I sleep

venio -ire I come

possum, posse I am able

volo, velle I want

nolo, nolle I do not want

inquit, inquiunt he/she/it says, they say


1st declension nouns

ancilla slave-girl/woman

dea goddess

domina mistress

pecunia money

puella girl

villa house

culina kitchen

2nd declension nouns

amicus friend

coquus cook

deus god

dominus master

hortus garden

servus slave

consilium plan

cubiculum bedroom


bonus-a-um good

iratus-a-um angry

laetus-a-um happy

miser-era-erum miserable, sad

pulcher-chra-chrum beautiful, handsome

totus-a-um whole

meus-a-um my


quod because

necesse est it is necessary

per + acc through

mihi to/for me

tibi to/for you

sibi to/for him/her

nobis to/for us

ad + acc to/towards

nunc now

subito suddenly
