I Early history of Economics
A Laws of economics: general rules that guide the production, distribution, and
consumption of goods (P17)
B Mercantilism: an economic system that advocates the building up of the states
treasury with the goal of accumulating as much wealth (gold) as possible
1 Trade Balance: the difference between the amount of goods a nation
sells and the amount that it buys
2 Tariffs: taxes governments used to discourage imported goods
3 Imperialism: the establishment of colonies and territories for the benefit
of their mother countries (EX: English empire in the 17-1800s)
C Phsiocrats (“The Economists”) (P20) possible essay
1 Economists in the 1700s who 1st trie to create a science of PDC of
2 Samuel du pnt:published Physiocracy (“The Rule of Nature”)
3 Believed that a nation’s true wealth comes from Land and Natural resources
4 Laissex-faire: “Let things alone”; the govt. Should leave the economy to
operate itself with little intervention
5 Classical economics
A A Belief system that originated with physiocrats
B The Free market system is the best possible system
D Adam Smith: The founder of modern economics
II Adam smith: “Father of Modern Economics”
A Wealth of Nations: most famous economic book in history; est basic principles
of modern economics (1776)
B Smith's economic principles
1 Division of Labor: separation of complex work into individual tasks to
increase productivity
2 specialization: allowing an individual to excel in one specific area of his
field resulting in higher quality products or service
3 Labor: single most important aspect of any economy;without this, an
economy will suffer or fail- results in a productive economy
C “Invisible Hand” of the market
1 producers Desire: to sell
2 Consumers Desire: to buy
3 The “Invisible Hand” brings the 2 desires together and satisfies both of
III Ways to prosperity
A Prosperity: general economic success; the ability to enjoy many different goods
and services
B Wealth: the value of goods and finances that a person owns
C six ways to increase wealth
1 produce goods from already existing services
2 increase the resources used for producing goods
3 use new resources to satisfy existing wants
4 Make goods better at satisfying wants
5 Reducing people's wants
6 Redistribute wealth and resources
D The true source of wealth and prosperity is labor or work