Module 10+11 Test Review


  • A new leader named Babur raised an army and began to win large parts of India

  • His Empire was called the Mughal Empire because he and his family's related to the Mongols

  • Babur's grandson was Akbar (muslim)

  • Akbar believed in religious tolerance (Produce two new languages) hindu + urdu

  • Akbar's son jahangir to control of the Mughal Empire

  • The next Mughal ruler was Shah Jahan

  •  he chose not to follow akbar's policy of religious tolerance

  •  he built the Taj Mahal, a tomb for his wife

  •  his son Aurangzeb ruled next

  •  he was a devout Muslim and he punished Hindus and destroyed their temples

  • Shivaji was an important leader of the Hindu Community called Marathas


  • In the 1400s Europeans began to explore Seas and hope to find new faster routes to asia

  • Asia was the source of spices and luxury goods and they wanted to expand Christianity to new land

  • A caravel and magnetic compass allowed them to travel more

  • Prince Henry was committed to the idea of exploring, in 1419 he started a school navigation

  •  in 1488 Bartolomeu Dias reached the southern tip of Africa

  • 10 years later Vasco da Gama led a ship around Africa, to India and back

  • In 1492 Columbus touched land in the islands of the Americas while looking for Asia

  •  in 1494 the Treaty of Tordesilla was signed

  • The Dutch East Indian company was richer and more powerful than England's company


  • In 1368 Mongol rule in China ended when Hongwu to control of the country

  •  he declared himself the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty

  •  his son Yonglo continued his better policies

  • Zheng He led several voyages to Southeast asia, India, arabia, and Africa (got to America before Columbus)

  •  in 1644 the Manchus took control and started the Qing dynasty

  • Kangxi was an important emperor

  • Powerful warriors to control of large areas of land, they were 

called Daimyo

  • In 1568, one of the daimyo, Oda Nobunaga, took control of Kyoto


  • Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa reach the Pacific Ocean

  • Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan sailed completely around the world

  • Hernando Cortez was one of the Spanish conquistadors, in 1519, Cortez came to Mexico and defeated the powerful Aztec empire led by Montezuma II

  • about 15 years later, Francisco Pizarro let another Spanish Force, he conquered the mighty Inca Empire of South America led by atahualpa 


  • In the early 1500s the French began to explore North America

  •  in the next hundred years, the French explored and claimed the area around the great lakes and the Mississippi River all the way to its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico,  the area became known as New France

  •  the main activity in this colony was trading fur

  • The first permanent settlement was Jamestown in modern Virginia in 1607 by the English

  •  in 1620 a group known as pilgrims founded a second English colony in Plymouth. in Massachusetts

  • Meanwhile the Dutch settled in the location of modern New York and called it New Netherland

  • Then the English forced the Dutch to give up their colony and then new Netherland was named New York

  • in 1754 the British and the French clashed over the Ohio Valley, the fight was called the French and Indian War

  •  in 1763 the war ended, and France was forced to give up all its land in North America

  • King Philip's War, was when Native American ruler Metacom (King Philip) led an attack on Colonial Villages throughout Massachusetts

  •  after a year of fighting British colonists defeated the Native Americans

  •  thousands of Native Americans died from European diseases


  • The European slave trade began in the 1500s

  •  when native peoples began dying from disease Europeans brought in Africans 

  • The Atlantic slave trade was from 1500 to 1870

  • Africans taken to the Americas were part of of triangular trade between europe, africa, and the Americas

  • The middle passage was part of the voyage that brought captured Africans to the americas, it was harsh and cruel


  • The Columbian Exchange was a large-scale transfer of foods, plants, and animals

  • Important foods such as corn and potatoes were taken from the Americas to europe, africa, and Asia

  • Deadly illnesses were also exchanged and killed a large part of the Native American population

  •  capitalism was the rise of an economic system

  •  a joint stock company is when many investors pull their money to start business and share in profits

  • Mercantilism is an economic policy of increasing wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and selling more Goods than are bought


  • Philip II was a Spanish King who took control of Portugal but failed in his invasion of England

  •  two of the greatest artists of the 16th and 17th century were El Greco and Diego Velazquez

  • Prices rose, unfair taxes, and loss of land led to the downfall of Spain

  • The Dutch prospered because it was a republic, not a kingdom, it also practiced religious tolerance

  •  absolute monarchs are Kings or Queens with complete control

  •  Divine Right is the idea that a ruler receives the right to rule from God

  •  absolute rule equals absolutism


  • In 1589 King Henry the 4th, became Catholic to please his people

  •  in 1598 he issued an order called the Edict of Nantes,  it gave huguenots the right to live in peace

  •  he was followed by his son Louis XIII, a weak King

  •  however he had a very capable chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu 

  • Richelieu ordered the huguenots not to build walls around their cities and he gave extra power to government workers who came from middle class, reducing the power of the Nobles

  •  skepticism developed and meant nothing could be known for certain

  •  in 1643 Louis XIV (the sun king) became king

  •  he kept Nobles out of his counsel and gave more power to attendance

  •  his minister of finance, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, urged people to settle in the New Colony of Canada, the fur trade brought wealth to France

  •  Louis built the Palace of Versailles, he promoted art

  • As Louis became Bolder and tried to seize other lands, the league of Augsburg stopped him in 1680s

  • The high cost of wars and poor harvest produced problems in France


  • Ivan the Terrible came to throne in 1533

  • he used secret police to hunt down his enemies and kill them, he even murdered his oldest son

  •  the next ruler was Michael Romanov

  •  Peter the Great came into power in the 1600s

  •  he began an intense program to try to modernize Russia

  •  Peter traveled to Europe to learn about new technology and ways of working

  • To change Russia first he increased his power so he can force people to make the changes he wanted, then he put the Russian Orthodox Church under his control, he also reduced the power of nobles, and he built up the Army and made it better trained

  •  he also changed Russia through westernization

  •  he fought a long war with Sweden, and built a brand new capital city, St Petersburg

Essay- Absolutism

one religion: different opinions are viewed as a threat

ex: Shah Jahan and his son Aurangzeb (devote muslim and punished Hindus and destroyed their temples) from the Mughal empire

ex 2: Cardinal Richelieu from France ordered the huguenots not to build walls around their cities

lesson power of nobles: increase loyal nobles postition

ex: Cardinal Richelieu gave extra power to government workers who came from middle class, reducing the power of the Nobles

ex 2: Louis XIV kept Nobles out of his counsel and gave more power to intendants

Expand and war constantly:

ex: Hernando Cortez, a Spanish conquistadors, came to Mexico and defeated the powerful Aztec empire led by Montezuma II

ex 2: Francisco Pizarro led another Spanish Force and conquered the mighty Inca Empire of South America led by Atahualpa 

ex 3: By the English, the first settlement, Jamestown provided many resources and the pilgrims founded the second English colony Plymouth
