
Protestant Reformation

Church History

Test Study Guide

Protestant Reformation

Articles 28-31


  • Indulgences

    •  "a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins" (used through money)

  • Predestination

    • The ideology that our fate when our lives end is chosen by God

  • Theocracy

    • The use of government with faith 

  • Justification

    • How you make correct decisions in the sight of God

  • Merit

    • God's free reward to those who love him. 

  • Spiritual exercises

    •  prayers and meditations developed by St. Ignatius Loyola to help people deepen their relationship with God.

  • Oath of Loyalty

    • Declared that the English monarch the head of the church and the clergy members must accept that and swear to it.

  • Act of Supremacy

    • defined the right of Henry VIII to be the supreme head on earth of the Church of England, thereby severing ecclesiastical links with Rome. 

  • Ulrich Zwingli

    • Started the work in Germany for reform, and worked with Luther. . He founded the Swiss Reformed Church 

  • Thomas More

    • Lord Chancellor, Loyal Roman Catholic and beheaded by King Henry VIII

  • Duke Frederick of Saxony

    • The Duke protected Luther from the Catholic church 

  • Puritans

    • Individuals from England 

  • Johan Tetzel

    •  Tetzel was known for granting indulgences on behalf of the Catholic Church in exchange for money.

  • Charles V

    •  the King of Spain during the rise of the Protestant Reformation and the Holy Roman Emperor

  • Pope Leo X

    •  famous for selling indulgences. Under Leo's papacy, Martin Luther published his 'Ninety-five theses'.

  • Pope Paul III

    • He called the Council of Trent in 1545

Review Questions

1. In what year and where is the official start of the Protestant Reformation?

  1. On 10/31/1517, Martin Luther wrote the 95 thesis and hammered it into the church wall. The content of the thesis was why indulgences are wrong, and other wrongdoings of the church. His action of hammering the thesis to the door inspired many poor people and others to support Lutheranism. 

2. Who were the three main Protestant reformers?

  1. Martin Luther

  2. John Calvin

  3. Henry 8

3. What were their criticisms of the Catholic Church? Explain them.


Catholic Church



Divine Revelation

Scripture and traditon



Justification through faith

Faith and good works

Humankind by faith alone

Grace of God

Cooperation and participation (indulgences)

Salvation comes by divine grace, unearned


All 7

Only Baptism and Eucharist 

Church Authority

Clergy and pope

Rulers who appoint clergy


Need to fund the church and “save the souls” from purgatory 

It is not necessary and is wrong

Marriage of Clergy



Priesthood for all

Latin and only the clergy

Translated to German/native language, so native language to spread the word, anyone, 


Catechism of the catholic church

Institutes of a Christian Religion


Separation of church and state

Church-dominated state affairs


Free will, sacraments, and why would God destroy the beauty of us

heaven/hell is determined  by God

Ritugal in Liturgy

Relics, singing, dancing, statues 

Simple Church worship


Christ is the Body and Blood of the Eucharist 

Denied christ place in Eucharistic Elements 

4. Who are their spiritual descendants?

  1. The Church of England, and Episcopalian. 

5. In what document did Luther state his beliefs about the misuse of indulgences?

  1. 95 thesis 

6. What was the council that addressed the issues of Martin Luther and the other


  1. The Council of Trent

7. When and where did the council take place?

  1. The Council of Trent occurred in 1545 in Italy

8. Why was the council called?

  1. The Protestant Reformation///Hersies out in the world 

9. What was the purpose of the council?

  1.  It served to define Catholic doctrine and made sweeping decrees on self-reform, helping to revitalize the Roman Catholic Church in the face of Protestant expansion.

  1. All bishops/clergy members. Pope Paul III, Pope Julius III,  and Pope Pius IV wanted reform from the Protestant Reformation; they wanted a more focus on the poor and simplicity of the faith.

10. What was the outcome of the council?

  1. The Catholic reform

  2. Popes also made manuals of rules for priest about what laws/rules they should follow

11. Did the council change anything within the church? If so, what? (Affirmations/New





Nicene creed is the set of beliefs


Latin bible was the official translation 

Original sin

Baptism wipes away original sin


Granted through Baptism and faith


All seven 


Christ has a true presence as body and blood


Sacrifice of the cross and a remembrance of Christ’s Passover


Holy orders are needed and they must follow all the requirements 

12. Know the Catholic Reformers from Article 31 & What they did to aid the Catholic

Church during this time period. 

  1.  Ignatius of Loyola, 

  2. Teresa of Avila, 

  3. Angela Merici,

  4. Francis de Sales, 

  5. Peter Canisius, 

  6. Charles Borromeo,  Robert Bellarmine, and Jane

  7. Frances de Chantal

13. What was the Peace of Augsburg?

  1. An agreement to accept the existence of both Lutheranism and catholicism in Germany. 

14. What was the Augsburg Confession? Who wrote it?

  1. Written by Phillip Melanchatholon in 1530, it is a basic creed for Lutherans. 
