Biome- large area with similar climate conditions that determine plant & animal species there
Mutualism: relationship that benefits both organisms (coral reef)
Competition: organisms fighting over a resource like food or shelter; limits pop. size
Predation: one organism using another for energy
source (hunters, parasites, even herbivores)
Commensalism: relationship that benefits one organism & doesn’t impact the other (birds nest in trees)
Herbivores: (plant eaters) eat plants for energy (giraffe & tree)
True predators: (carnivores) kill and eat prey for energy (leopard & giraffe)
Parasites: use a host organism for energy, often without killing the host & often living inside host Ex: mosquitoes, tapeworms, sea lamprey
Parasitoids: lay eggs inside a host organism; eggs hatch & larvae eat host for energy Ex: parasitic wasps, bot fly
Symbiosis- any close and long term interaction between two organisms of different species.
Mutualism: Organisms of diff. species living close together in a way that benefits both
Resource partitioning: different species using the same resource in diff. ways to reduce competition
Competition: Reduces pop. size since there are fewer resources available & fewer organisms can survive
Temporal partitioning: using resource @ different times, such as wolves & coyotes hunting @different times (night vs. day)
Spatial partitioning: using diff. areas of a shared habitat (diff. length roots)
Morphological partitioning: using diff. resources based on diff. evolved body features