Lecture notes 18 from George Symeonidis
Key Questions:
How do people deal with risky situations?
How can risk averse individuals reduce risk?
Main Topics:
Investment and risk-taking choices
Diversification as a risk reduction strategy
Discussion of risk pooling and insurance
Elimination/reduction of risk through information
Concept of Risk Aversion:
Risk averse individuals dislike risk but may take on risks for greater expected returns.
Mean-Variance Framework:
Individuals care about expected return and the variance of potential outcomes.
Wealth Levels and Probabilities:
Consider a project with wealth results W1, W2,…,WN and respective probabilities P1, P2,…, PN.
Expected Value (0):
Formula: E[W] = μ = P1W1 + P2W2 +…+ PNWN
Variance of Lottery:
Formula: Var(W) = σ² = P1(W1–μ)² + P2(W2–μ)² + …+ PN(WN–μ)²
Interpretation of Variance:
Higher variance indicates a riskier lottery for a fixed expected return (μ).
Example Calculation:
Probability EV:
EV = 0.3 × 80 + 0.4 × 100 + 0.3 × 120 = 100
Payoff Range: $80, $100, $120
Example Calculation:
Probability EV:
EV = 0.1 × 80 + 0.8 × 100 + 0.1 × 120 = 100
Payoff Range: $80, $100, $120
Variance Calculation:
Internet Company:
Variance = 0.3 × (80–100)² + 0.4 × (100–100)² + 0.3 × (120–100)² = 240
Public Utility:
Variance = 0.1 × (80–100)² + 0.8 × (100–100)² + 0.1 × (120–100)² = 80
Conclusion: Internet company stock is riskier than public utility stock.
Diversification as a Risk Reduction Strategy:
Discussed in investment context.
Investing in Multiple Projects:
Investing in two risky projects can mitigate risk.
Co-Relationship of Projects:
Projects may be positively correlated (same industry) or negatively correlated.
Utility Concepts:
Utility increases with expected return but decreases with variance.
By investing in both projects, variance associated with returns can be reduced.
Adage: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
Project Characteristics:
Project A:
Rain: £1.12 per £1
Sunshine: £1.02 per £1
Project B:
Rain: £1.04 per £1
Sunshine: £1.10 per £1
Expected Returns:
Investing £100 in each project gives expected returns of £107 for both.
Investor Strategies:
Invests Z in Project A and £100-Z in Project B.
Return Calculations:
If rain: Return = 1.12Z + 1.04(100-Z)
If sunny: Return = 1.02Z + 1.10(100-Z)
Expected return remains £107 regardless of Z.
Variance Calculation in Investments:
Variance lower under suitable diversification strategy.
Achieving zero variance at optimal Z = 37.5 implies no risk.
Goal of Minimizing Variance:
Optimal utility maximization equates variance minimization in certain cases.
General considerations:
Expected returns and variance differ across options.
Diversification Benefits:
Common among people and institutions (e.g., pension funds).
Multi-product firms face lower market risks.
Inherent Risks:
Insurance is crucial for managing unavoidable risks.
Risk Pooling Concept:
Insurance companies collect premiums and cross-share risks.
Limited insurance options on not largely independent risks (e.g., natural disasters).
Consideration of Multiple Drivers:
N drivers commuting to work, each with an accident probability P.
Individual accidents are independently occurring events.
Individual Wealth Bet Analysis:
Possible outcomes for wealth-based accidents and their probabilities defined.
Scenario with Two Drivers:
Four outcomes categorized by probabilities regarding accidents.
Expected Value Calculation:
Expected value remains W – PD for both_shared and no shared scenarios.
Diagram Illustrating Wealth Situations:
Comparison between sharing and no sharing of accident costs.
Utility Function Example:
Expected Utility Dynamics in shared vs non-shared accidents.
Pooling raises expected utility for all drivers.
Conditions for Effective Pooling:
Risks must largely be independent for effective pooling.
High variance in accident probabilities across drivers hinders pooling.
Practical Agreements:
Insurance simplifies risk pooling by aggregating individuals.
Risk Averse Individuals:
Examine demands for insurance against unavoidable risks like health or unemployment.
Risk Adverse Responses:
Individuals might fully insure if insurance priced fair.
Definition of fair insurance: Expected value equals zero.
Loss Scenarios:
Individual loss mechanism illustrated through insurance premium payments.
Movement on Budget Line:
Analysis of how purchasing insurance impacts wealth across states of occurrence.
Demand Modeling:
Indifference curves represent risk-averse preferences.
Fair Insurance Conditions:
Correlate premium rate to probabilities to maintain zero expected value.
Overview of Equilibrium Conditions:
Risk-averse individuals meet budget constraints resulting in equilibrium at fair pricing.
Insurer Profitability:
Higher premiums than probabilities lead to under-coverage.
Shift in Equilibrium:
The budget line moves leftward; individuals cannot fully insure against risk.
Conclusions on Risk Averse Individuals:
Full insurance demanded under fair conditions; inefficiencies occur under high premium environments.
Additional Strategies:
Individuals may seek information to lessen uncertainty around risks.
Jack's Housing Investment Scenario:
Home town investment yields certain returns; French home's risk varies with renovation costs.
Decision Analysis Technique:
Describes available options and risks for decision-making.
Decision Tree Example without Information:
Jack's options compared between home town and French investments.
Jack's Calculated Outcomes:
Risk-neutral assessment of net returns indicates home town yields higher utility.
Summary of Outcomes:
Jack's risk comparison leading to a preference for local investment.
Decision Importance:
Costless information improves Jack's decision-making outcome significantly.
Analysis when Information is Free:
Options compared more favorably with gained knowledge of house condition.
Discrepancy in Expected Utilities:
Jack's preference to obtain information when its value exceeds cost.
Reinforcement of better decisions through no-cost information acquisition.
Variations on Utility with Increasing Costs for Information:
Balance of expense vs. benefit in acquiring valuable data.
Example of costly information depicts diminishing returns on expected utility.
Comparative Analysis of Utilities:
Deriving maximum cost useful to inform decision paths.
Overall conclusion on information:
It represents the maximum payment an agent is prepared to make to clarify uncertain outcomes.
Situations where one party possesses more information than another, leading to risk uncertainties.
Examples of Agent Actions:
Factors influencing perceived effort and risk in markets with hidden parameters.
Individual Knowledge Disparities:
Relevant information undetected by other parties impacting transaction terms.