Untitled Flashcards Set

Front: What are the three key principles of surf safety?

  1. Recognizing hazards (rips, waves, rocks, marine life)

  2. Understanding surf conditions and warning signs

  3. Adhering to beach safety protocols (flags, signage, lifeguard advice)

Front: Name five common beach hazards.

  1. Rips

  2. Waves (spilling, plunging, surging)

  3. Rocks & sandbanks

  4. Marine life (jellyfish, stingrays, sharks)

  5. Weather conditions (heat, storms, dehydration)

Front: What should you do before swimming at the beach?

  • Swim at patrolled beaches and between red and yellow flags

  • Check safety signs and water conditions

  • Never swim alone; always have a buddy

  • Avoid swimming at night or in unpatrolled areas

  • Ask lifeguards for advice if unsure

Front: What is a rip current?
A rip current is a strong, narrow current that pulls water away from the shore at 1-2 meters per second. It is dangerous because it can carry swimmers out to sea.

Front: How can you spot a rip current?

  1. Darker water – deeper channels

  2. Calm gaps between waves – water rushing out to sea

  3. Moving debris & foam – carried offshore

  4. Fewer breaking waves – no whitewater in rip area

Front: What should you do if caught in a rip?

  1. Stay calm & float to conserve energy

  2. Raise one arm to signal for help

  3. Swim parallel to escape the rip

  4. Reassess & adjust strategy if needed

Front: Name the three types of rip currents.

  1. Channelized Rips – long-lasting, found between sandbanks

  2. Boundary Rips – form near headlands, piers, jetties

  3. Flash Rips – sudden, temporary rips caused by water buildup

Front: What are the three main types of waves?

  1. Spilling Waves – gentle, safer for swimming

  2. Plunging Waves – barrel-shaped, dangerous for swimmers

  3. Surging Waves – don’t break, can knock people over

Front: How do you treat a bluebottle sting?

  • Immerse the sting in hot water (as hot as bearable) or apply ice

  • Remove tentacles (not with fingers!)

  • Do NOT use vinegar

Front: How do you treat a box jellyfish or Irukandji sting?

  1. Call 000 immediately

  2. Rinse with vinegar (not fresh water)

  3. Carefully remove tentacles

  4. Perform CPR if necessary

Front: How do you treat a shark bite?

  • Apply direct pressure to stop bleeding

  • Use a tourniquet if necessary (above the wound)

  • Call 000 and keep patient calm

Front: What does the DRSABCD action plan stand for?

  1. D – Danger: Check for hazards

  2. R – Response: Check if the person is conscious

  3. S – Send for help: Call 000

  4. A – Airway: Ensure it’s clear

  5. B – Breathing: Check if they are breathing

  6. C – CPR: Start compressions if needed

  7. D – Defibrillation: Use AED if available

Front: What are some key surf rescue techniques?

  • Use a surfboard or flotation device

  • Approach from behind to avoid being pulled under

  • Keep yourself safe while assisting others

Section A: Multiple Choice

1. What is the best way to escape a rip current?
A) Swim directly back to shore
B) Float and signal for help
C) Swim parallel to the beach
D) Both B and C

2. Which wave is safest for beginner swimmers?
A) Plunging
B) Surging
C) Spilling
D) Dumping

3. What should you NOT do for a bluebottle sting?
A) Apply hot water
B) Remove tentacles
C) Use vinegar
D) Apply ice

4. What does "DRSABCD" stand for?
👉 Answer:

Section B: Short Answer
  1. List three signs of a rip current.
    👉 Answer:

  2. Describe the first aid response for a shark bite.
    👉 Answer:

  3. Explain why boundary rips are dangerous.
    👉 Answer:

💡 Challenge Question: Why is sun safety important at the beach, and how can you prevent sunburn?

Practice Exam 2: Scenario-Based Questions

Scenario 1: Rip Rescue

You are swimming with a friend, and they get caught in a rip. They panic and start swimming against it but make no progress. What do you do?

👉 Your Response:

Scenario 2: Unconscious Surfer

You notice a surfer knocked unconscious by a wave. What steps do you take to provide first aid using the DRSABCD method?

👉 Your Response:

Practice Exam 3: Full-Length Exam

(Combination of Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Scenario Responses)

Includes questions on:

  • Rips, waves, and beach hazards

  • Surf safety rules and protocols

  • First aid (bluebottle stings, shark bites, CPR)

  • Practical scenarios (rescues, first aid application)
