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Chinese Notebook

你好 nǐ hǎo (hello)

谢谢 xièxie (thank you)

再见 zàijiàn (goodbye)

叫 jiào (to be called)

我 wǒ (me)

你 nǐ (you)

呢 ne (what about)

不谢 búxiè (you're welcome, no need for thanks)

好 hǎo (good, well, fine)

请 qǐng (to invite)

问 wèn (to ask)

贵 guì (honorable)

姓 xìng (last name)

小姐 xiǎojiě (Miss)

什么 shénme (what)

名字 Míngzì (first name)

先生 xiānsheng (Mr.)

是 shì (is, am, are)

老师 lǎoshī (teacher)

吗 ma (interrogative particle for question expecting yes-no answer)

不 bù (no)

学生 xuéshēng (student)

也 yě (also)

人 rén (people, person)

中国 Zhōngguó (China, mainland)

北京 Běijīng (Beijing)

美国 Měiguó (USA)

纽约 Niǔyuē (New York)

澳大利亚 àodàlìyà (Australia)

珀斯 Pò sī (Perth)

那 nà ( that )

的 de (possessive particle)

照片 zhàopiàn (picture)

这 zhè (this)

爸爸 bàba (father)

妈妈 māma (mother)

个 gè (a measure word for general use)

女 (nǚ) woman

孩子 hái zi (children)

谁 shéi (who)

她 tā (her)

他 tā (he)

姐姐 jiě jiě (older sister)

男 nán (man)

弟弟 dìdi (little brother)

大哥 dàgē (oldest brother)

哥哥 gē gē (older brother)

儿子 èrzi (son)

有 yǒu (to have)

女儿 nǚ'ér (daughter)

没 méi (not)

妹妹 mèimei (little sister)

家 jiā (family,home)

几 jǐ (how many, how much)

口 kǒu (measure word for number of family members; mouth)

两 liǎng (two)

和 hé (and)

大姐 dàjiě (oldest sister)

二姐 èrjiě (second older sister)

做 zuò (to do, to be, to make)

工作 gōngzuò (job, to work)

侓师 lǜshī (lawyer)

英文 Yīngwén (English language)

都 dōu (all, both)

大学生 dàxuéshēng (university student)

大学 dàxué (college, university)

医生 yīsheng (doctor)

商人 shāng rén (business man)

军人 jūn rén (soldier)

教授 jiàoshòu (professor)

经理 jīng lǐ (manager)

工人 gōng rén (laborer, worker)

工程师 gōngchéngshī (engineer)

农民 nóngmín (peasant, farmer)

护士 hùshi (nurse)

月 yuè (month)

一月 yīyuè (January)

二月 èryuè (february)

三月 sān yuè (March)

四月 sì yuè (April)

五月 wǔ yuè (May)

六月 liù yuè (June)

七月 qī yuè (July)

八月 bā yuè (August)

九月 jiǔyuè (September)

十月 shí yuè (October)

十一月 shí yī yuè(November)

十二月 shí'èr yuè (December)

号 hào (day of month, size)

日 rì (day of month)

一号 yī hào ( 1st of month)

星期 xīngqī (day of week)

星期一 xīng qī yī (Monday)

星期二 xīng qī èr (Tuesday)

星期三 xīng qī sān (Wednesday)

星期四 xīngqī sì (Thursday)

星期五 xīng qī wǔ (Friday)

星期六 xīng qī liù (Saturday)

星期日 xīngqī rì (Sunday)

星期天 xīng qī tiān (Sunday)

礼拜 lǐbài (informal week)

周 zhōu (another way of saying week)

天 tiān (day)

生日 shēngrì (birthday)

生 shēng (birth)

今年 jīnnián (this year)

年 nián (year)

多 duō (how many)

大 dà (big, large)

岁 suì (age)

吃 chī (to eat)

饭 fàn (meal)

怎么样 zěnmeyàng (is this ok)

太。。。了 tài...le (extremely)

喜欢 xǐhuan (to like)

菜 cài (cuisine)

还是 háishi (or)

可是 kěshì (but)

我们 wǒmen (we)

点 diǎn (hour)

半 bàn (half hour)

晚上 wǎn shang (evening, night)

见 jiàn (to see, to meet)

再 zài (then)

现在 xiànzài (now)

刻 kè (quarter)

事(儿) shì(r) (event)

今天 jīn tiān (today)

很 hěn (very)

忙 máng (busy)

明天 Míngtiān (tomorrow)

晚饭 wǎnfàn (dinner)

为什么 wèi shénme (why)

为 wèi (for)

因为 yīn wéi (because)

还 hái (also, too)

同学 tóngxué (classmate; schoolmate)

认识 rènshi (to recognise)

朋友 péng yǒu (friend)

木 mù (wood, tree)

水 shuǐ (water)

火 huǒ (fire)

食 shí (eat, food)

子 zǐ (son)

金 jīn (metal, gold)

衣 yī (clothes)

门 mén (gate, door)

太太 tàitai (Mrs, wife)

那 nǎ (which)

那儿 nǎr (where)

那个 nàge (which + ge)

女孩子 nǚháizi (girl child)

小学 xiǎoxué (primary school)

中学 zhōngxué (high school)

初中 chūzhōng (junior high)

高中 gaozhōng (senior school)

没有 méiyǒu (don't have)

一 yī (1)

二 èr (2)

三 sān (3)

四 sì (4)

五 wǔ (5)

六 liù (6)

七 qī (7)

八 bā (8)

九 jǐu (9)

十 shí (10)

十一 shí yī (11)

二十一 èrshíyī (21)

零 líng (0)

百 bǎi (100)

张 zhāng (MW for flat objects)

兄弟姐妹 xiōng dì jiě mèi (siblings)

分 fēn (minutes)

点钟 diǎnzhōng (hour)

上午 shàngwǔ (morning)

下午 xiàwǔ (afternoon)

几月 jǐ yuè (what month)

一刻 yī kè (quarter past)

三刻 sān kè (quarter to)

周末 zhōumò (weekend)

打球 dǎ qiú (to hit a ball)

打 dǎ (to play)

秋 qiú (ball)

看 kàn (to look, to see)

电视 diànshì (television)

电 diàn (electricity)

视 shì (vision, see)

唱歌 chàng gē (to sing songs)

歌 gē (song)

唱 chàng (to sing)

跳舞 tiào wǔ (dance)

跳 tiào (to jump)

舞 wǔ (dance)

听 tīng (listen to)

音乐 yīnyuè (music)

听音乐 tīng yīnyuè (listen to music)

书 shū (books)

对 duì (correct, right)

有的 yǒu de (some)

时候 shíhou (time)

电影 diànyǐng (film)

影 yǐng (shadow)

常常 chángcháng (often)

去 qù (to go)

外国 wàiguó (foreign)

请客 qǐng kè (to invite someone)

昨天 zuótiān (yesterday)

所以 suǒyǐ (so)

属 shǔ (animal sign)

睡觉 shuìjiào (to sleep)

吃饭 chī fàn (to eat)

小 xiǎo (little, small)

好久 hǎo jiǔ (a long time)

久 jiǔ (long)

不错 bú cuò (not bad; good)

错 cuò (wrong)

想 xiǎng (to want)

觉得 juéde (to feel/think that...)

有意思 yǒu yìsi (interesting)

意思 yìsi (meaning, idea)

只 zhǐ (only, just)

算了 suàn le (forget it)

找 zhǎo (to look for)

别人 biérén (other people; another person)

别 bié (other)

呀 ya (softening particle)

进 jìn (to enter; to advance)

快 kuài (quick; fast)

进来 jìnlai (to come in)

来 lái (to come)

介绍 jièshào (to introduce, introduction)

一下 yíxià (a bit)

高兴 gāoxìng (happy)

漂亮 piàoliang (beautiful)

坐 zuò (to sit, to travel by)

在 zài (to be at)

学校 xúe xiào (school)

和 hē (to drink)

点(儿) diǎn(r) (a bit)

茶 chá (tea)

咖啡 kāfēi (coffee)

吧 ba (sentence particle)

要 yào (to want)

瓶 píng (measure word for bottles)

可乐 kělè (coke)

可以 kěyǐ (may)

对不起 duìbuqǐ (sorry)

给 gěi (to give)

杯 bēi (measure word for cup and glass)

了 le

哪里 nǎ lǐ (not really, where)

琓 (儿) wán(r) (to play, hang out)

图书馆 túshūguǎn (library)

一起 yìqǐ (together)

聊天 liáo tiān (to chat)

才 cái (not until)

回家 huí jiā (to go home)

回 huí (to return)

时间 shíjiān (time, duration)

问题 wèntí (question)

课 kè (class, course, lesson)

年级 niánjí (grade in school)

节 jié (measure word for class periods)

考试 kǎoshì (test, exam)

开会 kāi huì (meeting)

办公室 bàngōngshì (office)

等 děng (to wait for)

到。。。去 dào...qù (arrive, to go to)

空 kòng (available)

以后 yǐhòu (after; afterwards)

要是 yào shi (if; suppose)

方便 fāngbiàn (convenient)

行 xíng (all right)

没问题 méi wèntí (no problem)

不客气 bú kèqì (you're welcome)

给 gěi (for, to; to give)

专业 zhuán yè (major)

约时间 yuē shí jiān (making an appointment)

喂 wéi (hello)

得 děi (need to, must)

进去 jìn qu (go in)

回来 huílai (to come back)

回去 huí qu (to go back)

下个 xià ge (next)

中文 Zhōngwén (Chinese language)

文 wén (language)

帮 bāng (to help)

准备 zhǔnbèi (to prepare)

练习 liànxí (to practice)

说 shuō (to say; to speak)

啊 a (sentence final particle of exclamation, interrogation, etc)

但是 dànshì (but)

跟 gēn (with)

见面 jiàn miàn (to meet up)

面 miàn (face)

生词 shéngcí (vocabulary)

语法 yǔfǎ (grammar)

汉字 Hànzì (Chinese characters)

说话 shuōhuà (to speak)

话 huà (speech)

复习 fùxí (to review)

写 xiě (write)

字 zì (character)

慢 màn (slow)

至 zhī (MW for long and thin objects)

笔 bǐ (pen)

教 jiāo (to teach)

怎么 zěn me (how come)

懂 dǒng (to understand)

真 zhēn (really)

预习 yùxí (to preview)

学 xué (to learn/study)

第 dì (a prefix for numbers)

容易 róngyi (easy)

难 nán (hard)

老虎 lǎo hǔ (tiger)

跑 pǎo (run)

眼睛 yǎn jīng (eye)

尾巴 wěi bā (tail)

奇怪 qíguài (strange)

就 jiù (ASAP)

平常 píng cháng (usually)

早 zǎo (early)

这么 zhème (so; such)

晚 wǎn (late)

早上 zǎo shang (morning)

功课 gōng kè (homework; schoolwork)

大家 dà jiā (everybody)

上课 shàng kè (to be in class)

开始 kāishǐ (to begin)

念 niàn (to read out loud)

课文 kè wén (text of a lesson)

录音 lùyīn (sound recording)

学习 xuéxí (to study)

帅 shuài (handsome)

酷 kù (cool)

好看 hǎokàn (good-looking)

难看 nán kàn (ugly)

篇 piān (measure word for essays)

日记 rì jì (diary)

累 lèi (tired)

起床 qǐ chuáng (to get up from bed)

床 chuáng (bed)

洗澡 xǐ zǎo (shower)

早饭 zǎofàn (breakfast)

一边 yìbiān (simultaneously)

教室 jiàoshì (classroom)

发音 fāyīn (pronunciation)

新 xīn (new)

电脑 diànnǎo (computer)

脑 nǎo (brain)

中午 zhōngwǔ (noon)

餐厅 cāntīng (cafeteria)

午饭 wǔfàn (lunch)

上网 shàngwǎng (go online)

宿舍 sùshè (dormitory)

正在 zhèngzài (in the middle of)

以前 yǐqián (before)

告诉 gàosu (to tell)

已经 yǐ jīng (already)

知道 zhīdao (to know)

封 fēng (measure word for letter)

信 xìn (letter)

最近 zuìjìn (recently)

最 zuì (most)

近 jìn (close)

学期 xuéqī (school term)

除了。。。以外 chúle...yǐwài (in addition to)

会 huì (can, skilled enough to)

后来 hòulái (later)

音乐会 yīnyuèhuì(concert)

希望 xīwàng (to hope)

能 néng (can)

用 yòng (to use)

笑 xiào (to laugh at; smile at)

祝 zhù (to wish)

专业课 zhuānyèkè (school major)

商店 shāng diàn (shops)

买 mǎi (to buy)

东西 dōngxi (things; objects)

售货员 shòuhuòyuán (shop assistant)

衣服 yīfu (clothes)

件 jiàn (MW for clothes)

衬衫 chènshān (shirt)

颜色 yánsè (colour)

黄 huáng (yellow)

红 hóng (red)

穿 chuān (to wear clothes)

条 tiáo (measure word for pants)

裤子 kùzi (pants)

中 zhōng (medium, middle)

便宜 pián yí (cheap)

如果。。。的话 rúguǒ。。。de huà (if, in case)

长短 chángduǎn(length)

长 cháng (long)

短 duǎn (short)

合适 héshì (suitable)

试 shì (to try)

不用 búyòng (no need to)

一共 yí gòng (all together)

多少 duōshao (how many, how much)

钱 qián (money)

块 kuài (MW for the basic Chinese monetary unit)

毛 máo (mw for 1/10 块)

分 fēn (MW for 1/100 块; cent)

找(钱) zhǎo qián (to give change back)

双 shuāng (MW for pair)

鞋 xié (shoes)

换 huàn (to change)

一样 yíyàng (same)

虽然 suīrán (although)

大小 dàxiǎo (size)

咖啡色 kāfēisè (brown)

种 zhǒng (MW for type/kind)

黑 hēi (black)

样子 yàngzi (style)

挺 tǐng (very)

它 tā (it)

这儿 zhèr (here)

刷卡 shuā kǎ (to pay with a credit card)

刷 shuā (to swipe)

卡 kǎ (card)

收 shōu (to accept)

信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ (credit card)

不过 búguò (however)

付钱 fùqián (to pay money)

付 fù (to pay)

寒假 hánjià (winter break)

飞机 fēijī (plane)

飞 fēi (to fly)

机 jī (machine)

票 piào (tickets)

(飞)机场 fēijīchǎng (airport)

公共汽车 gōnggòng qìchē (bus)

公共 gōnggòng (public)

汽车 qìchē (automobile)

车 chē (car)

或者 huòzhě (or)

地铁 dìtiě (subway)

走 zǒu (walk)

先 xiān (first)

站 zhàn (mw for stops of bus, train, etc.)

下车 xià chē (to get off a bus/train)

然后 ránhòu (then)

绿 lǜ (green)

线 xiàn (line, route)

最后 zuìhòu (final; last)

蓝 lán (blue)

麻烦 máfan (troublesome, inconvenient)

打车 dǎchē (to take a taxi)

出租汽车 chūzū qìchē (taxi)

出租 chūzū (to rent out)

租 zū (rent)

开车 kāi chē (driving; drive car)

开 kāi (to open, to start)

送 sòng (to see off, to take someone somewhere)

电子邮件 diànzǐ yóujiàn (email)

电子 diànzǐ (electron)

让 ràng (to allow or cause somebody to do something)

花 huā (to spend)

不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi (feel embarrassed)

每 měi (every; each)

城市 chéngshì (city)

特别 tèbié (especially)

高速公路 gāosù gōnglù (expressway, freeway)

高速 gāosù (high speed)

公路 gōnglù (highway)

路 lù (road)

紧张 jǐnzhāng (nervous, anxious)

自己 zì jǐ (oneself)

手机 shǒujī (mobile phone)

发短信 fā duǎnxìn (to send a text message)

新年 xīnnián (new year)

快乐 kuàilè (happy; merry)

Chinese Notebook

你好 nǐ hǎo (hello)

谢谢 xièxie (thank you)

再见 zàijiàn (goodbye)

叫 jiào (to be called)

我 wǒ (me)

你 nǐ (you)

呢 ne (what about)

不谢 búxiè (you're welcome, no need for thanks)

好 hǎo (good, well, fine)

请 qǐng (to invite)

问 wèn (to ask)

贵 guì (honorable)

姓 xìng (last name)

小姐 xiǎojiě (Miss)

什么 shénme (what)

名字 Míngzì (first name)

先生 xiānsheng (Mr.)

是 shì (is, am, are)

老师 lǎoshī (teacher)

吗 ma (interrogative particle for question expecting yes-no answer)

不 bù (no)

学生 xuéshēng (student)

也 yě (also)

人 rén (people, person)

中国 Zhōngguó (China, mainland)

北京 Běijīng (Beijing)

美国 Měiguó (USA)

纽约 Niǔyuē (New York)

澳大利亚 àodàlìyà (Australia)

珀斯 Pò sī (Perth)

那 nà ( that )

的 de (possessive particle)

照片 zhàopiàn (picture)

这 zhè (this)

爸爸 bàba (father)

妈妈 māma (mother)

个 gè (a measure word for general use)

女 (nǚ) woman

孩子 hái zi (children)

谁 shéi (who)

她 tā (her)

他 tā (he)

姐姐 jiě jiě (older sister)

男 nán (man)

弟弟 dìdi (little brother)

大哥 dàgē (oldest brother)

哥哥 gē gē (older brother)

儿子 èrzi (son)

有 yǒu (to have)

女儿 nǚ'ér (daughter)

没 méi (not)

妹妹 mèimei (little sister)

家 jiā (family,home)

几 jǐ (how many, how much)

口 kǒu (measure word for number of family members; mouth)

两 liǎng (two)

和 hé (and)

大姐 dàjiě (oldest sister)

二姐 èrjiě (second older sister)

做 zuò (to do, to be, to make)

工作 gōngzuò (job, to work)

侓师 lǜshī (lawyer)

英文 Yīngwén (English language)

都 dōu (all, both)

大学生 dàxuéshēng (university student)

大学 dàxué (college, university)

医生 yīsheng (doctor)

商人 shāng rén (business man)

军人 jūn rén (soldier)

教授 jiàoshòu (professor)

经理 jīng lǐ (manager)

工人 gōng rén (laborer, worker)

工程师 gōngchéngshī (engineer)

农民 nóngmín (peasant, farmer)

护士 hùshi (nurse)

月 yuè (month)

一月 yīyuè (January)

二月 èryuè (february)

三月 sān yuè (March)

四月 sì yuè (April)

五月 wǔ yuè (May)

六月 liù yuè (June)

七月 qī yuè (July)

八月 bā yuè (August)

九月 jiǔyuè (September)

十月 shí yuè (October)

十一月 shí yī yuè(November)

十二月 shí'èr yuè (December)

号 hào (day of month, size)

日 rì (day of month)

一号 yī hào ( 1st of month)

星期 xīngqī (day of week)

星期一 xīng qī yī (Monday)

星期二 xīng qī èr (Tuesday)

星期三 xīng qī sān (Wednesday)

星期四 xīngqī sì (Thursday)

星期五 xīng qī wǔ (Friday)

星期六 xīng qī liù (Saturday)

星期日 xīngqī rì (Sunday)

星期天 xīng qī tiān (Sunday)

礼拜 lǐbài (informal week)

周 zhōu (another way of saying week)

天 tiān (day)

生日 shēngrì (birthday)

生 shēng (birth)

今年 jīnnián (this year)

年 nián (year)

多 duō (how many)

大 dà (big, large)

岁 suì (age)

吃 chī (to eat)

饭 fàn (meal)

怎么样 zěnmeyàng (is this ok)

太。。。了 tài...le (extremely)

喜欢 xǐhuan (to like)

菜 cài (cuisine)

还是 háishi (or)

可是 kěshì (but)

我们 wǒmen (we)

点 diǎn (hour)

半 bàn (half hour)

晚上 wǎn shang (evening, night)

见 jiàn (to see, to meet)

再 zài (then)

现在 xiànzài (now)

刻 kè (quarter)

事(儿) shì(r) (event)

今天 jīn tiān (today)

很 hěn (very)

忙 máng (busy)

明天 Míngtiān (tomorrow)

晚饭 wǎnfàn (dinner)

为什么 wèi shénme (why)

为 wèi (for)

因为 yīn wéi (because)

还 hái (also, too)

同学 tóngxué (classmate; schoolmate)

认识 rènshi (to recognise)

朋友 péng yǒu (friend)

木 mù (wood, tree)

水 shuǐ (water)

火 huǒ (fire)

食 shí (eat, food)

子 zǐ (son)

金 jīn (metal, gold)

衣 yī (clothes)

门 mén (gate, door)

太太 tàitai (Mrs, wife)

那 nǎ (which)

那儿 nǎr (where)

那个 nàge (which + ge)

女孩子 nǚháizi (girl child)

小学 xiǎoxué (primary school)

中学 zhōngxué (high school)

初中 chūzhōng (junior high)

高中 gaozhōng (senior school)

没有 méiyǒu (don't have)

一 yī (1)

二 èr (2)

三 sān (3)

四 sì (4)

五 wǔ (5)

六 liù (6)

七 qī (7)

八 bā (8)

九 jǐu (9)

十 shí (10)

十一 shí yī (11)

二十一 èrshíyī (21)

零 líng (0)

百 bǎi (100)

张 zhāng (MW for flat objects)

兄弟姐妹 xiōng dì jiě mèi (siblings)

分 fēn (minutes)

点钟 diǎnzhōng (hour)

上午 shàngwǔ (morning)

下午 xiàwǔ (afternoon)

几月 jǐ yuè (what month)

一刻 yī kè (quarter past)

三刻 sān kè (quarter to)

周末 zhōumò (weekend)

打球 dǎ qiú (to hit a ball)

打 dǎ (to play)

秋 qiú (ball)

看 kàn (to look, to see)

电视 diànshì (television)

电 diàn (electricity)

视 shì (vision, see)

唱歌 chàng gē (to sing songs)

歌 gē (song)

唱 chàng (to sing)

跳舞 tiào wǔ (dance)

跳 tiào (to jump)

舞 wǔ (dance)

听 tīng (listen to)

音乐 yīnyuè (music)

听音乐 tīng yīnyuè (listen to music)

书 shū (books)

对 duì (correct, right)

有的 yǒu de (some)

时候 shíhou (time)

电影 diànyǐng (film)

影 yǐng (shadow)

常常 chángcháng (often)

去 qù (to go)

外国 wàiguó (foreign)

请客 qǐng kè (to invite someone)

昨天 zuótiān (yesterday)

所以 suǒyǐ (so)

属 shǔ (animal sign)

睡觉 shuìjiào (to sleep)

吃饭 chī fàn (to eat)

小 xiǎo (little, small)

好久 hǎo jiǔ (a long time)

久 jiǔ (long)

不错 bú cuò (not bad; good)

错 cuò (wrong)

想 xiǎng (to want)

觉得 juéde (to feel/think that...)

有意思 yǒu yìsi (interesting)

意思 yìsi (meaning, idea)

只 zhǐ (only, just)

算了 suàn le (forget it)

找 zhǎo (to look for)

别人 biérén (other people; another person)

别 bié (other)

呀 ya (softening particle)

进 jìn (to enter; to advance)

快 kuài (quick; fast)

进来 jìnlai (to come in)

来 lái (to come)

介绍 jièshào (to introduce, introduction)

一下 yíxià (a bit)

高兴 gāoxìng (happy)

漂亮 piàoliang (beautiful)

坐 zuò (to sit, to travel by)

在 zài (to be at)

学校 xúe xiào (school)

和 hē (to drink)

点(儿) diǎn(r) (a bit)

茶 chá (tea)

咖啡 kāfēi (coffee)

吧 ba (sentence particle)

要 yào (to want)

瓶 píng (measure word for bottles)

可乐 kělè (coke)

可以 kěyǐ (may)

对不起 duìbuqǐ (sorry)

给 gěi (to give)

杯 bēi (measure word for cup and glass)

了 le

哪里 nǎ lǐ (not really, where)

琓 (儿) wán(r) (to play, hang out)

图书馆 túshūguǎn (library)

一起 yìqǐ (together)

聊天 liáo tiān (to chat)

才 cái (not until)

回家 huí jiā (to go home)

回 huí (to return)

时间 shíjiān (time, duration)

问题 wèntí (question)

课 kè (class, course, lesson)

年级 niánjí (grade in school)

节 jié (measure word for class periods)

考试 kǎoshì (test, exam)

开会 kāi huì (meeting)

办公室 bàngōngshì (office)

等 děng (to wait for)

到。。。去 dào...qù (arrive, to go to)

空 kòng (available)

以后 yǐhòu (after; afterwards)

要是 yào shi (if; suppose)

方便 fāngbiàn (convenient)

行 xíng (all right)

没问题 méi wèntí (no problem)

不客气 bú kèqì (you're welcome)

给 gěi (for, to; to give)

专业 zhuán yè (major)

约时间 yuē shí jiān (making an appointment)

喂 wéi (hello)

得 děi (need to, must)

进去 jìn qu (go in)

回来 huílai (to come back)

回去 huí qu (to go back)

下个 xià ge (next)

中文 Zhōngwén (Chinese language)

文 wén (language)

帮 bāng (to help)

准备 zhǔnbèi (to prepare)

练习 liànxí (to practice)

说 shuō (to say; to speak)

啊 a (sentence final particle of exclamation, interrogation, etc)

但是 dànshì (but)

跟 gēn (with)

见面 jiàn miàn (to meet up)

面 miàn (face)

生词 shéngcí (vocabulary)

语法 yǔfǎ (grammar)

汉字 Hànzì (Chinese characters)

说话 shuōhuà (to speak)

话 huà (speech)

复习 fùxí (to review)

写 xiě (write)

字 zì (character)

慢 màn (slow)

至 zhī (MW for long and thin objects)

笔 bǐ (pen)

教 jiāo (to teach)

怎么 zěn me (how come)

懂 dǒng (to understand)

真 zhēn (really)

预习 yùxí (to preview)

学 xué (to learn/study)

第 dì (a prefix for numbers)

容易 róngyi (easy)

难 nán (hard)

老虎 lǎo hǔ (tiger)

跑 pǎo (run)

眼睛 yǎn jīng (eye)

尾巴 wěi bā (tail)

奇怪 qíguài (strange)

就 jiù (ASAP)

平常 píng cháng (usually)

早 zǎo (early)

这么 zhème (so; such)

晚 wǎn (late)

早上 zǎo shang (morning)

功课 gōng kè (homework; schoolwork)

大家 dà jiā (everybody)

上课 shàng kè (to be in class)

开始 kāishǐ (to begin)

念 niàn (to read out loud)

课文 kè wén (text of a lesson)

录音 lùyīn (sound recording)

学习 xuéxí (to study)

帅 shuài (handsome)

酷 kù (cool)

好看 hǎokàn (good-looking)

难看 nán kàn (ugly)

篇 piān (measure word for essays)

日记 rì jì (diary)

累 lèi (tired)

起床 qǐ chuáng (to get up from bed)

床 chuáng (bed)

洗澡 xǐ zǎo (shower)

早饭 zǎofàn (breakfast)

一边 yìbiān (simultaneously)

教室 jiàoshì (classroom)

发音 fāyīn (pronunciation)

新 xīn (new)

电脑 diànnǎo (computer)

脑 nǎo (brain)

中午 zhōngwǔ (noon)

餐厅 cāntīng (cafeteria)

午饭 wǔfàn (lunch)

上网 shàngwǎng (go online)

宿舍 sùshè (dormitory)

正在 zhèngzài (in the middle of)

以前 yǐqián (before)

告诉 gàosu (to tell)

已经 yǐ jīng (already)

知道 zhīdao (to know)

封 fēng (measure word for letter)

信 xìn (letter)

最近 zuìjìn (recently)

最 zuì (most)

近 jìn (close)

学期 xuéqī (school term)

除了。。。以外 chúle...yǐwài (in addition to)

会 huì (can, skilled enough to)

后来 hòulái (later)

音乐会 yīnyuèhuì(concert)

希望 xīwàng (to hope)

能 néng (can)

用 yòng (to use)

笑 xiào (to laugh at; smile at)

祝 zhù (to wish)

专业课 zhuānyèkè (school major)

商店 shāng diàn (shops)

买 mǎi (to buy)

东西 dōngxi (things; objects)

售货员 shòuhuòyuán (shop assistant)

衣服 yīfu (clothes)

件 jiàn (MW for clothes)

衬衫 chènshān (shirt)

颜色 yánsè (colour)

黄 huáng (yellow)

红 hóng (red)

穿 chuān (to wear clothes)

条 tiáo (measure word for pants)

裤子 kùzi (pants)

中 zhōng (medium, middle)

便宜 pián yí (cheap)

如果。。。的话 rúguǒ。。。de huà (if, in case)

长短 chángduǎn(length)

长 cháng (long)

短 duǎn (short)

合适 héshì (suitable)

试 shì (to try)

不用 búyòng (no need to)

一共 yí gòng (all together)

多少 duōshao (how many, how much)

钱 qián (money)

块 kuài (MW for the basic Chinese monetary unit)

毛 máo (mw for 1/10 块)

分 fēn (MW for 1/100 块; cent)

找(钱) zhǎo qián (to give change back)

双 shuāng (MW for pair)

鞋 xié (shoes)

换 huàn (to change)

一样 yíyàng (same)

虽然 suīrán (although)

大小 dàxiǎo (size)

咖啡色 kāfēisè (brown)

种 zhǒng (MW for type/kind)

黑 hēi (black)

样子 yàngzi (style)

挺 tǐng (very)

它 tā (it)

这儿 zhèr (here)

刷卡 shuā kǎ (to pay with a credit card)

刷 shuā (to swipe)

卡 kǎ (card)

收 shōu (to accept)

信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ (credit card)

不过 búguò (however)

付钱 fùqián (to pay money)

付 fù (to pay)

寒假 hánjià (winter break)

飞机 fēijī (plane)

飞 fēi (to fly)

机 jī (machine)

票 piào (tickets)

(飞)机场 fēijīchǎng (airport)

公共汽车 gōnggòng qìchē (bus)

公共 gōnggòng (public)

汽车 qìchē (automobile)

车 chē (car)

或者 huòzhě (or)

地铁 dìtiě (subway)

走 zǒu (walk)

先 xiān (first)

站 zhàn (mw for stops of bus, train, etc.)

下车 xià chē (to get off a bus/train)

然后 ránhòu (then)

绿 lǜ (green)

线 xiàn (line, route)

最后 zuìhòu (final; last)

蓝 lán (blue)

麻烦 máfan (troublesome, inconvenient)

打车 dǎchē (to take a taxi)

出租汽车 chūzū qìchē (taxi)

出租 chūzū (to rent out)

租 zū (rent)

开车 kāi chē (driving; drive car)

开 kāi (to open, to start)

送 sòng (to see off, to take someone somewhere)

电子邮件 diànzǐ yóujiàn (email)

电子 diànzǐ (electron)

让 ràng (to allow or cause somebody to do something)

花 huā (to spend)

不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi (feel embarrassed)

每 měi (every; each)

城市 chéngshì (city)

特别 tèbié (especially)

高速公路 gāosù gōnglù (expressway, freeway)

高速 gāosù (high speed)

公路 gōnglù (highway)

路 lù (road)

紧张 jǐnzhāng (nervous, anxious)

自己 zì jǐ (oneself)

手机 shǒujī (mobile phone)

发短信 fā duǎnxìn (to send a text message)

新年 xīnnián (new year)

快乐 kuàilè (happy; merry)