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Period 1: 1491-1607

The First Discoverers of America

  • For some 25,000 years people crossed the Bering land bridge from Eurasia to North America

  • Gradually they dispersed southward down ice-free valleys, populating both the American continents

North American Natives

Iroquois (NE woodlands) - closest civilization to Incas and Mayans “Iroquois Confederacy”

  • Most natives lived in small, impermanent settlements

  • Many matrilineal

Three Sister Farming:

  • Beans, Cornstalk, Squash

  • Used SE Atlantic Seaboard leads to large populations such as Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Iroquois

Principal Voyages of Discovery

  • Much of the earliest exploration was done by Italians, notably Christopher Columbus of Genoa

  • John Cabot (1497-98), another native of Genoa (his original name was Govanni Caboto), sailed for England’s King Henry VII

  • Giovanni da Verrazano (1524, 1534) was a Florentine employed by France

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), by Ridolfo di Domenico Ghirlandaio

  • By 1492 roughly 54 million natives in Americas: 2000 languages

  • Largest civilizations: Incas, Mayans, Aztecs

    • Cultivation of maize

    • Human/Blood sacrifices

  • In North America (Above Mexico) no complex city-states to compare against

The Columbian Exchange

  • Columbus’s discovery initiated the kind of explosion in international commerce that a later age would call “globalization”

    • Killed up to 90% of Native populations in New World

Treaty of Tordesillas 1494

Pope Alexander VI took action to clear up any confusion that may have arisen over territorial claims. He issued a decree which established an imaginary line running North and South through the Mid-Atlantic, 100 leagues (480 km) from the Cape Verde islands.

  • Spain would have possession of unclaimed territories to the west of the line

  • Portugal would have possession of unclaimed territory to the east of the line

“Black Legend”

  • There is a fusion of cultures in Spanish held America that will NOT be seen in English held America

Principal Early Spanish Explorations and Conquests

  • Coronado traversed northern Texas and Oklahoma

    • He found a drab encampment, probably of Wichita Indians

Important Factors That Stimulated Trade and Discovery

  • The Christian Crusaders who brought back a taste for the silks and spices of Asia

  • The Arab slave traders on the east coast of Africa

  • The Scandinavian sailors who had kept up continuous trade contacts with North America

  • The division of Spain into small kingdoms competing for wealth and power

  • Copernicus’s discovery that the Earth revolved around the sun

The Flood of Gold and Silver

  • This flood of gold and silver into Europe plays a large role in the:

    • Rise of Capitalism and modern merchant banking

    • Protestant Reformation

    • Development of an industrial working class

    • Expansion of the Jewelry industry

    • development of a modern system of precious metal currency

The Indian Peoples of the Americas

  • Developed no advanced forms of civilization

  • Migrated by boat from the South Pacific region about 10,000 B.C.

  • Were under the control of the two large empires of the Incas and Aztecs

  • Relied primarily on nomadic hunting for their sustenance

  • Were divided into many diverse cultures, speaking more than 2000 different languages


Period 1: 1491-1607

The First Discoverers of America

  • For some 25,000 years people crossed the Bering land bridge from Eurasia to North America

  • Gradually they dispersed southward down ice-free valleys, populating both the American continents

North American Natives

Iroquois (NE woodlands) - closest civilization to Incas and Mayans “Iroquois Confederacy”

  • Most natives lived in small, impermanent settlements

  • Many matrilineal

Three Sister Farming:

  • Beans, Cornstalk, Squash

  • Used SE Atlantic Seaboard leads to large populations such as Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Iroquois

Principal Voyages of Discovery

  • Much of the earliest exploration was done by Italians, notably Christopher Columbus of Genoa

  • John Cabot (1497-98), another native of Genoa (his original name was Govanni Caboto), sailed for England’s King Henry VII

  • Giovanni da Verrazano (1524, 1534) was a Florentine employed by France

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), by Ridolfo di Domenico Ghirlandaio

  • By 1492 roughly 54 million natives in Americas: 2000 languages

  • Largest civilizations: Incas, Mayans, Aztecs

    • Cultivation of maize

    • Human/Blood sacrifices

  • In North America (Above Mexico) no complex city-states to compare against

The Columbian Exchange

  • Columbus’s discovery initiated the kind of explosion in international commerce that a later age would call “globalization”

    • Killed up to 90% of Native populations in New World

Treaty of Tordesillas 1494

Pope Alexander VI took action to clear up any confusion that may have arisen over territorial claims. He issued a decree which established an imaginary line running North and South through the Mid-Atlantic, 100 leagues (480 km) from the Cape Verde islands.

  • Spain would have possession of unclaimed territories to the west of the line

  • Portugal would have possession of unclaimed territory to the east of the line

“Black Legend”

  • There is a fusion of cultures in Spanish held America that will NOT be seen in English held America

Principal Early Spanish Explorations and Conquests

  • Coronado traversed northern Texas and Oklahoma

    • He found a drab encampment, probably of Wichita Indians

Important Factors That Stimulated Trade and Discovery

  • The Christian Crusaders who brought back a taste for the silks and spices of Asia

  • The Arab slave traders on the east coast of Africa

  • The Scandinavian sailors who had kept up continuous trade contacts with North America

  • The division of Spain into small kingdoms competing for wealth and power

  • Copernicus’s discovery that the Earth revolved around the sun

The Flood of Gold and Silver

  • This flood of gold and silver into Europe plays a large role in the:

    • Rise of Capitalism and modern merchant banking

    • Protestant Reformation

    • Development of an industrial working class

    • Expansion of the Jewelry industry

    • development of a modern system of precious metal currency

The Indian Peoples of the Americas

  • Developed no advanced forms of civilization

  • Migrated by boat from the South Pacific region about 10,000 B.C.

  • Were under the control of the two large empires of the Incas and Aztecs

  • Relied primarily on nomadic hunting for their sustenance

  • Were divided into many diverse cultures, speaking more than 2000 different languages