Why Ethics Matter:
Involves vulnerable individuals (offenders, victims).
Unique rights and needs require attention.
Potential Consequences of Unethical Practices:
Psychological harm to participants.
Legal repercussions for researchers.
Erosion of public trust in forensic research.
Intersects with criminal behavior, legal systems, and vulnerable populations.
Necessitates careful ethical considerations due to sensitive topics.
Key Terms:
Consent, confidentiality, dual relationships, impacts on participants, implications for justice.
Key Sources:
American Psychological Association (APA) Ethics Code.
British Psychological Society (BPS) Code of Human Research Ethics.
Participants must understand the nature, purpose, risks, and benefits before consenting.
Comprehension Issues: Cognitive impairments, language barriers, low literacy.
Coercion Risks: Pressure to participate in institutional settings (prisons, courts).
Research involving incarcerated individuals requires addressing power imbalances.
Key Source:
APA Ethics Code Section 3.10; Grisso, T. (1998). Forensic Evaluation of Juveniles.
Vulnerable populations lack full understanding of rights or feel unable to decline participation.
Special Considerations:
Additional consent protections for prisoners, minors, and individuals with mental health issues.
Dual Consent:
For minors, consent from both the participant and a legal guardian is necessary.
Juvenile studies must ensure minors know they can withdraw anytime without repercussions.
Key Source:
BPS Code of Human Research Ethics; Caldwell, M. F., & Van Rybroek, G. J. (2005).
Occurs when researchers hold multiple roles with a participant (e.g., researcher and clinician).
Objectivity: Difficulty remaining impartial.
Ethical Conflicts: Conflicts of interest impact research validity.
Power Imbalance: Affects consent and responses.
Influence: Researchers may inadvertently influence participants’ legal outcomes.
A psychologist conducting research in prison may inadvertently impact inmate's access to clinical services.
Key Source:
Greenberg, S. A., & Shuman, D. W. (1997). Irreconcilable Conflict Between Therapeutic and Forensic Roles.
Protects personal information and builds trust.
Legal obligations to report certain disclosures (e.g., confessions, harm).
Privacy issues in small, confined communities.
Data security and ensuring sensitive information is securely stored and anonymized.
Complex issues arise when violent offenders disclose potential future threats.
Key Source:
Melton, G. B., et al. (2007). Psychological Evaluations for the Courts.
Potential for distress from sensitive questions or scenarios.
Challenges in Forensic Settings:
Risk of re-traumatization from discussions of past trauma.
Need for pre-screening to identify at-risk participants.
Provision of support services and mental health referrals.
Research on PTSD in victims may evoke sensitive memories that risk harm.
Key Source:
Elbogen, E. B., et al. (2004). The Ethical Practice of Forensic Psychology.
Ensuring participants can opt-out without consequences.
Prison environments may inadvertently pressure inmates to participate.
Avoid coercive incentives such as parole consideration in exchange for participation.
Key Source:
Moser, D. J., et al. (2004). Coercion and Informed Consent in Research.
Researcher Risks:
Safety dangers when working with offenders or in secure environments.
Strategies for Safety:
Conduct in secure settings with safety protocols in place.
Provide training for researchers to handle high-risk situations.
Vicarious Trauma:
Researchers may experience trauma exposure from participants’ distressing accounts.
Bias Impact:
Researchers may develop biases, particularly around sensitive topics.
Careful planning is required for research with violent offenders.
Key Source:
APA Guidelines on Researcher Safety; Silver, E. (2006).
Misrepresentation of data can mislead courts and impact lives.
Confidentiality must be maintained even in case studies.
Digital records present new privacy challenges.
Tech in Research:
Use of technology (e.g., VR for reconstructions) introduces new ethical dilemmas.
Participant Privacy:
Importance of anonymizing and avoiding identifiers in publications.
Impact of Findings:
Consider potential harm from publishing sensitive results.
Avoiding specifics that could identify participants or victims.
Key Source:
Cavoukian, A. (2012). Privacy by Design.
Ethical issues in forensic psychology demand a balance between participant rights and research integrity.
Role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs):
Oversight in enforcing ethical standards.
Trauma-informed research practices.
Emphasis on cultural sensitivity and digital privacy considerations.
Researcher Bias:
Consideration of researcher biases when studying sensitive issues.
Disclosure Conflicts:
Forensic researchers may face obligations to report illegal activities, impacting confidentiality.