some european countries at the end of World War II was attracted to communism this was because it seemed like an effective way to build a fairer society after the devastation of war
Harry truman gave a speech to congress in march 1947. He hated communism and sent a message to the soviet that communism expansion had to end he stated -
communism posted a real threat and he will do anything to stop it
he would support any country under the threat of becoming communism and that communism had to be contained
The policy of the containment became known as the truman doctrine
In 1947 the US government launched the european recovery plan known as the marshall plan to provide countries with the economic support they need after the war
The Aims :
to enable quick economic recovery in europe so that communism wouldn’t look as attractive
To encourage european countries to work with the USA and
Create a market for american goods and help the US economy
The Plan:
13 Billion US dollars were given to countries in europe that denounced communism and accepted aid . Aid was offered to all countries in europe but only 15 accepted including the UK, France, Italy, West Germany, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Norway and Iceland . all other eastern european countries that were controlled by the USSR refused
The aid helped to rebuild war-torn economies, stabilize governments, and prevent the spread of communism in Western Europe. Additionally, the Marshall Plan fostered economic cooperation and integration among the participating countries
he believed the truman doctrine and the marshall plan was a threat to the communist countries in eastern europe and responded with cominform and comecon
Cominform established in 1947
Stalin saw the truman doctrine as major threat to communism
he created the communist information bureau known as the cominform
cominform brought together the countries of the eastern bloc together to form one group that followed the policies set by stalin in moscow
Comecon established in 1949
Stalin saw the marshall plan as and example of dollar imperialism (the usa using its wealth to secure and spread capitalism around the world
stalin told the countries to not accept the marshall plan
Stalin created the comecon as an alternative to the marshall plan
Countries that signed up for comecon agreed to work together and share resources to rebuild their countries as equal partners it was tightly controlled in moscow