identify motives/factors leading to the exploration of the new world…
wars fought between christians and muslims (holy wars)
spread of muslim faith from middle east → n. africa; could be moving into [catholic] portugal and spain - this is a “no-no”
each state has official church - taxes based on religious affiliation
pope calls for holy war, says automatic trip to heaven if killed in battle
many princes + lords led battles (7 major battles) - christians ultimately lost war
europe came into contact with a prosperous region
desire for eastern goods → "east indies" → spice islands (ie. china, japan - se asia)
spices: pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg
no refrigeration - salt to preserve or spoil
luxury items - silk, porcelain, dyes, perfumes
"status symbol" for wealthy
men who survived brought back tales of wealth, 'strange' customs, new ideas
even though they lost, many things were gained by europeans in this war
european kings and lords → $$ for new goods
→ familiarize self with purpose and impact
death of kings and lords
decline of feudalism: lords + manors/fiefs (no nations - kingdoms)
many killed in battle
decline of lords/kings leads to decline of system; political shape of europe changes
growth of towns
economic boom: "3 Ts"
trade - towns - travel
new [economic] life returning to Europe
controlled by strong central government
new growing "middle class" (Capitalism)
traders - merchants - artisans
“all-water route to east indies” → empire = #1 = wealth & power → gold, land
rise of national monarchies: one single king/queen
nationalism - patriotism: central government
creation of modern nations
portugal - spain (predominant initially)
england - netherlands - france
sought to increase power and prosperity
national pride, nationalism
taxation: people supported government and policies
trade: commercial rivalries/wars (spice islands)
italian trade monopoly - mediterranean sea
overland routes: expensive, dangerous
citizens looked to kings for power, economic needs, protection, etc.
"spice islands"
se asia → middle east → italy → europe
"rebirth" - new ideas, new things, new learning
printing press - spread of information
new technology and scientific discoveries
writings, adventures of Marco Polo
humanities: celebrated an individual's potential to change the world
In the dark ages, the church determined power - now that power lies in the individual and what they can achieve (working for self, not kingdom, church, etc.)
stressed individual achievements and successes → fame and glory
almost a sin to seek fame and glory in middle ages; went against church's teachings
religious rivalries
"official religion" of the state
protestant nations: England, Germany, Holland
catholic nations: Spain, Portugal, France
provides more motivation for exploration (more righteous justification)
national pride and superiority
missionaries: followed the explorers, created "missions"
Spanish and French
new lands = new "converts" among natives (forced)
new justification = "spread Christianity"
civilize natives = language - dress- culture - government
portugal → prince henry the navigator
only specific person given credit for spurring this period of navigation
establishes school of navigation
new technology: caravel (movable sail - steering), magnetic compass, astrolabe, quadrant
mapmaking - more accurate information
provide financial support for individual explorers
goal: find an all-water route to Asia/East Indies around African coast - to India and islands
spice islands
1488: Bartholomew Diaz - cape of good hope
1498: Vasco de Gama - Indian ocean → India
contact with Africa → African kingdoms and slaves
individual explorers
Columbus & Spanish “conquistadors”
GOLD → Spanish government
"in the name of Spain…" and the Catholic church
disadvantages for the “New world”
destruction of Indigenous civilizations
aztec - inca - mayan
leveled cities and destroyed cultures
burnt written records - erased knowledge + history
greatest unintended destruction
greatest killer - smallpox
eg. hispaniola - 1492= 1mil, 50 years later = 500
before cortez = 8-10 mil in central mexico, end of century = less than 1 mil
"3 Ds" also led to death of Indigenous peoples in the north and south american regions
disease - disunity/disorganization - disposability ("inferior + godless" to Europeans)
The Columbian / Atlantic Exchange
NW/Indigenous to maize, potatoes, tobacco; syphilis
OW/Europe to sugar cane (plantations), horses; cattle - pigs - sheep
impact on new world
motivation - "3Gs" (gold - glory - gospel)
conditions - Columbus: 1492
first world powers
Portugal and Spain
gold and raw materials (Spanish more so than Portuguese)
rivalries erupted - pope steps in and establishes:
Papal “Line of Demarcation” > Treaty of Tordesillas
Spain gets all claims to territory in NW
Portugal gets all claims to territory in Africa, Asia + Brazil
Spain gets W, Portugal gets E;
Holland - England – France
Spain and England
Spanish “conquistadors” - H. Cortez \n
gold -- destruction of native kingdoms \n
forced labor of the Native Americans \n
Spanish settlements in New World > not “colonies”
Presidios - Mission/Church - Encomienda \n \n ****treatment of Native Americans > “Black Legend” \n
Father Bartholomé de Las Casas \n
wrote "a brief description of the devastation of the Indies" (1542)
opposed enslavement of Indigenous people and the practice of "encomiendas"
led the passage of "new laws" in 1542 - ended the practice of encomiendas
forced to return to Spain bc of growing opposition in NW from wealthy landowners
rigid class system
1. Spaniards (land & power) “pure bloods”
2. Creoles: born in NW
3. Mestizoes: Sp. & Indian
4. Mulattoes: Sp. & Blacks
late-comer to Exploration ("get in on the action”) \n
1497 - John Cabot: Newfoundland/Nova Scotia \n \n ****claimed land on eastern coast of New World \n
Gilbert and Raleigh: encouraged settlements in New World \n \n ****used for bases for attacks on Spanish settlements & on Spanish galleons → gold \n
growing rivalry with Spain \n
"sea dogs" pirates - privateers
raided Spanish galleons (as mentioned above)
eg. francis drake → "dashing hero" - english hero of the time
major failures:
rivalry with spain
Cabral's outward voyage of 1500
1533: henry viii divorced spanish queen catherine
leaves catholic church → forms anglican (protestant) religion
rejected authority of pope
1558: queen elizabeth - bitter enemy with Spain
strong supporter of protestants
sought to challenge Spain + their naval domination
sought to create an english empire
never marries - doesn't want to give up power "virgin queen" → virginia
1580s: relations at their worst - "sea dogs"
elizabeth knights francis drake, phillip mad
king philip plans retaliation against england
assembles massive fleet (spanish armada) to attack england
turning point in world history: 1588—british defeat of the spanish armada
french settlement in the new world
french explorers
canada + mississippi river
1st settlement: 1608 → Quebec
louisiana territory
claimed by french government (named for king louis)
spanish + french had settlements but never colonized like england
england is very small in size, france + spain already have enough land in their home countries
fur trade (!!)
dutch settlement in the new world
already established east india company
now, sought to establish dutch west india co
trade routes + bases to raid Spanish settlements
henry hudson: explored for the dutch (englishman), claimed land for the dutch
peter minuet: purchased manhattan island
new netherland: new amsterdam - main city (ny state: ny city)
"patroonships": land grants to encourage settlement, make place profitable
peter stuyvesant: appointed governor
not a popular leader - not supported by the people (rigid, authoritarian - anti-democracy)
forced to surrender new netherland to the british
british restricted between appalachian mountains + sea
colonies and their major cities
georgia - savannah
sc - charleston
nc - new bern
virginia - jamestown, williamsburg
maryland - annapolis
delaware - n/a
nj - trenton
ny - nyc
mass - boston
connecticut - new haven
new hampshire - portsmouth
rhode island - providence
penn - philadelphia
motives for early english colonization
confiscated church property
needed money
enclosure movement - kicking farmers off land, fencing in to raise sheep → farmers go to new world, look for new life
fleeing religious persecution (religious freedom)
national ambition - countries competing, who can reap most profits from settlement?
english v. french, dutch
england's first colonies
1607: jamestown → john smith, john rolfes, pocahontas \n
settlers (men) were just looking for gold - didn't want to farm or do work
second + third sons, etc.
winter - starving time kills almost half of group (unprepared - no homes, no crops, always waiting for more ships → new supplies, more people)
don't eat your dead wife challenge
most miserable piece of land on which to start a colony - marshy, wet, humid, disease-ridden
relationship with powhatan Indigenous peoples, eg. pocahontas
1620: plymouth → mayflower \n
rejected english church, sought separation - went to holland but didn't want kids growing up dutch etc. → came to america (pilgrims)
william bradford
leader of group
found deserted Indigenous village
mayflower compact
"will of the majority"
brutal winter 1/2 of population died
Squanto, a member of a local Indigenous tribe, taught pilgrims to grow crops and helped them survive the winter
the great migration
puritans: sought to purify anglican church (church of england)
viewed as problem by england
initially 10,000 - increased to 30,000 \n
charters \n give land
guaranteed rights
bible commonwealth
"city on the hill" → perfect colony at bible commonwealth
model colony
prove that you are one of the elect to be saved + sent to heaven, predestination (!!!)
very strict lifestyles (puritan)
had schools → bible commonwealth → kids must learn to read bible + write
rhode island
new england confederation: stick together if attacked by Natives or Dutch
dominion in new england: obeying navigation acts
nav acts: ensure that colonies provide resources to mother england
put a stop to trade w dutch + spanish
one large colony
king appoints edmund andros to govern this new colony
mass in particular hates it
everyone hates him though
in power until glorious revolution when william and mary become king and queen of england
edmund tries to dress up as a woman and dip, caught
scots irish cause problems for pennsylvania (mayhem)
fight Indigenous peoples
william penn caught between a rock and a hard place