Key Documents

  1. The Declaration of Independence ( 1776)

    • Justified the American Revolution.

    • Argued for natural rights (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness).

    • Established the idea of popular sovereignty.

  2. The articles of confederation (1781)

    • First as government; weak national structure.

    • No power to tax or regulate commerce.

    • Led to Shay's rebellion, showing its weakness.

  3. The US constitution (1787)

    • Replaced the articles of confederation.

    • Established federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances.

    • Includes the Bill of rights and amendments.

  4. Federalists no. 1 ( James Madison)

    • Defended a large republic.

    • Argued that factions (interest groups) are best controlled in a large republic.

  5. Brutus No. 1

    • Anti-federalist argument against the constitution.

    • Feared a large republic would erode personal liberties.

    • Advocate for smaller, localized government.

  6. Federalist No. 51 (James Madison)

    • Argued for separation of powers and checks and balances.

    • Explained how each branch of government would prevent tyranny.

  7. Federalist No. 70 (Alexander Hamilton)

    • Advocated for a strong, single executive.

    • Argued a president must be able to act quickly and decisively.

  8. Federalist No. 78 (Alexander Hamilton)

    • Explained the importance of an independent judiciary.

    • Introduced the idea of judiciary review.

  9. Letter from Birmingham jail (Martin Luther king Jr.)

    • Defended civil disobedience.

    • Called for immediate action against racial injustice.

    • Connected to the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.
