I see that you've uploaded an image containing a list of historical terms. I'll define each of them below:
William H. Seward - U.S. Secretary of State who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867.
Monroe Doctrine - A U.S. foreign policy stating that European nations should not interfere in the Americas.
Seward’s Folly - A term used to mock the purchase of Alaska, as critics saw it as a useless land acquisition.
Queen Liliuokalani - The last monarch of Hawaii, overthrown by American interests in 1893.,
Alfred Thayer Mahan - A naval strategist who emphasized the importance of sea power in national strength.
“White Man’s Burden” - A phrase from a Rudyard Kipling poem that justified imperialism as a duty to civilize non-Western peoples.
Pan-American Conference - Meetings between the U.S. and Latin American nations to foster economic and political cooperation.
Jingoism - Aggressive nationalism and warlike foreign policy.
“Yellow Journalism” - Sensationalized and exaggerated news reporting to attract readers and influence public opinion.
De Lôme Letter - A letter from a Spanish diplomat criticizing U.S. President McKinley, which increased tensions leading to the Spanish-American War.
USS Maine - A U.S. battleship that exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898, fueling the Spanish-American War.
Teller Amendment - A resolution stating that the U.S. would not annex Cuba after the Spanish-American War.
Platt Amendment - Allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuban affairs and maintain a naval base at Guantanamo Bay.
Treaty of Paris (1898) - Ended the Spanish-American War; Spain ceded Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the U.S.
Emilio Aguinaldo - Filipino revolutionary leader who fought against Spanish and later U.S. rule.
Insular Cases - Supreme Court cases that determined that full constitutional rights did not automatically extend to U.S. territories.
Spheres of Influence - Areas where foreign powers exerted control over trade and investment, especially in China.
Boxer Rebellion - A Chinese nationalist uprising against foreign influence, suppressed by an international force.
TR’s “Big Stick” Policy - Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy of using military power to achieve diplomatic goals.
Panama Canal - A waterway built by the U.S. to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans for trade and military purposes.
Roosevelt Corollary - An extension of the Monroe Doctrine allowing U.S. intervention in Latin America to maintain stability.
Russo-Japanese War - A 1904-1905 conflict where Japan defeated Russia; the U.S. mediated the Treaty of Portsmouth.
“Gentlemen’s Agreement” - A deal between the U.S. and Japan to limit Japanese immigration in exchange for better treatment of Japanese-Americans.
Great White Fleet - A fleet of U.S. Navy battleships that toured the world to demonstrate American military power.
International Peace Conference - Early efforts to promote diplomacy and prevent wars, leading to later international treaties.
William Howard Taft - U.S. President known for “Dollar Diplomacy,” promoting economic investments abroad.
“Dollar Diplomacy” - U.S. foreign policy encouraging economic investments to maintain influence in Latin America and Asia.
Woodrow Wilson - U.S. President during WWI, known for his Fourteen Points and efforts to establish the League of Nations.
William Jennings Bryan - A populist politician and anti-imperialist who opposed U.S. expansionism.
Jones Act - Granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans and promised future independence to the Philippines.
Pancho Villa - A Mexican revolutionary who led raids into the U.S., prompting military intervention.
Lusitania Crisis - The sinking of the British ship Lusitania by a German U-boat, killing American passengers and pushing the U.S. toward WWI.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare - Germany’s WWI policy of sinking ships without warning, a key factor in U.S. entry into the war.
Zimmermann Telegram - A secret German message to Mexico proposing an alliance against the U.S., intercepted and leading to U.S. involvement in WWI.
Bolsheviks - A communist group led by Lenin that overthrew the Russian government in 1917.
American Expeditionary Force - U.S. troops sent to fight in Europe during WWI under General John J. Pershing.
Fourteen Points - Wilson’s plan for postwar peace, including the League of Nations.
Big Four - Leaders from the U.S., Britain, France, and Italy who negotiated the Treaty of Versailles.
Treaty of Versailles - The peace treaty that ended WWI, imposing harsh penalties on Germany.
Self-Determination - The right of people to choose their own government, promoted by Wilson after WWI.
League of Nations - An international organization aimed at preventing future wars, though the U.S. did not join.
Henry Cabot Lodge - A U.S. senator who opposed the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.
Mobilization - The process of preparing a nation’s economy and military for war.
Food Administration - A WWI-era U.S. agency that encouraged food conservation and increased production.
Railroad Administration - Government control of railroads during WWI to ensure efficient war transportation.
National War Labor Board - A U.S. agency that mediated labor disputes during WWI to prevent strikes.
Liberty Bonds - War bonds sold to finance WWI.
Committee on Public Information - A government agency that used propaganda to support U.S. involvement in WWI.
Espionage Act - A WWI law restricting anti-war activities and speech.
Sedition Act - A law that made it illegal to criticize the government during WWI.
Schenck v. US (1919) - A Supreme Court case that upheld restrictions on free speech during wartime.
Selective Service Act - A law requiring men to register for the military draft during WWI.
Let me know if you need further clarification on any of these terms!