if highlighted blue ignore it for my personal needs
A. Nationality is the part of your identity that you share with a particular country or nation for example France or Nigeria
B. Race is the part of your identity that comes from a biological ancestor and shared similar physical
appearances like skin, hair, facial, body, etc.
Race is very complicated as can be seen in the 2000 US census and the life of president Barack Obama
Racial features like skin tone matter little biologically but important to geographers because it impacts behavior and how people are treated like how they live, what school they go to, and etc.
In its worst form racial classification can be used to assign intelligence and justify racism
C. Ethnicity is the part of your identity that comes from sharing cultural traditions of a particular homeland
and often results in similar languages, religion, traditions, and etc. For example Asian Americans and
African Americans
Example- Beyonce
Nationality- American (Politically)
Race- Black or African ( Biologically)
Ethnicity- African American (Cultural)
Nationality and ethnicity are place based but race is not
A. Its importance comes from the fact that it is not nearly as fluid as language or even religion and helps
resist globalization by protecting local diversity
Tough issues- discrimination
B. Ethnicity in the US- on a regional scale, eccentricities have distinctive distribution within the US.
African American- 13%
Many upper New England and plains states have fewer than 1%
Most African Americans ancestors are from west Africa and central Africa
1/4 of population in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, South Maryland
Hispanic American
People from Spanish speaking countries in Latin america
Mexican- Largest group
Clustered in Arizona, New mexico, Texas (1/3 of the population), California ( 1/4 pf the population)
Asian American
Chinese (23%) , Filipinos (18%), Korean and Vietnamese (10%), Japanese (7%)
1/2 live in California
Hawaii (more than 40% of the population)
Native American/ indigenous people
7% of the US population
first native Inuit and the metros
large number in Canada 4%
biggest native Hawaiian Cherokee and Navajo
Ethnic enclaves is a place with a high concentration of an ethic group different from the surrounding area usually large cites
A. Benefits of the enclaves- Protection from racism economic support, common culture, help navigating
B. Examples of the Urban Ethnic Enclaves can be found in African in Paris, Asian in London, White African-
Americans and Hispanics in Chicago
C. Urban Enclaves may transform over time such as in Detroit as Europeans moved out and ethnoburbs are
created and ethnicity is mainly maintained through shops and religion
Ethoburb- a suburban area with an ethnic cluster
South- Whites
North- Indigenous (brown)
Northeast- Brown and Black
West/ Central- white and brown
West Border- indigenous
Northeastern coast- East indian
North/Central- black
A. Clustering is largely a functional of migration in all its forms: International voluntary or forces and internal inter-regional or intra-regional
B. International Migration
Forced Migration: African Slave Trade
often captured by west African tribes and sold to Portuguese, Spanish, or English
triangle slave trade- money to Africa, slaves to the new world, sugar or rum to Europe
650,000 to north america
large population in need of labor were located in the south growing cotton and tobacco
10 million enslaved in total
Voluntary Migration: Latin America and Asia
Clustering has happened due to job opportunities and the easing of immigration laws
in recent years a large number are 1st or 2nd generation Hispanic immigration
C. Internal Migration
Inter-regional migration: African-American
Sharecroppers are replaced by farm equipment and move due to debt problems
head north on 4 main routes to big cites such as NY, Detroit, and Chicago
Occurs around WW1 (1920-20’s) and WW2 (1940’s-50’s) for jobs
called the great migration
Intra-regional migration- movement within
Reached big cited and clustered in one or two neighborhoods (ghetto)
high density result in moving to adjacent neighborhoods expanding the ghetto
Blockbusting and White Fight
blockbusting is encouraging whole neighborhoods to sale cheap and then reselling the property to another ethnic group for profit
White flight- emigration of white from one area in anticipation of clack immigration into the area
D. Racial Segregation
United States
Plessy v Ferguson 1896 separate but equal
Louisianans’ law that requires black and white passengers to ride in separate railways cars rules constitution
Jim Crow laws- common name for set of laws to segregate blacks from whites. Like schools, shops, restaurants, and etc.
Brown v Board of Education 1953 separate but equal ruled unconstitutional
schools have to desegregate
rather than integrate, white resisted or left
Civil Rights acts of 1964
discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, or religion is illegal
South Africa
White control
apartheid- south African’s segregation
created by descendants of white who arrived from Holland in 1652
White Control Apartheid
Black White Colored (Mix white and Black) or Asian divisions
Each race had different legal status voting, where they could live (homeland), attend school, work, shop, and own land
African Nationalist Party- Nelson Mandela
principle anti-apartheid
many countries had cut off this to south Africa in protest of apartheid
apartheid ends in 1991
1994 first time black could vote, nelson Mandela elected president
A. Nationality is identifying with a particular country and is based on similar experience like citizenship, voting, patriotism, and civil duties
B. Generally speaking most countries exits with one nationality and many ethnicity such as the United States
C. Nationality can be unclear due to political issues such as In North Ireland and Canada with French speaking Quebecois of Quebec who want independence
A. The UK consists of 4 distinct ethnicity who are semi-independent- North Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales
B. 3 of the groups came from Celtic backgrounds and England came from German invasion
C. They are separated by cultural, landscape, and politics, They are all British.
A. Nationalism is extreme devotion to a nationality and promotes one nations above all others
B. It can be a force for good or bad ans is considered a centripetal force or force that unifies the people and build support for the nation
A. Colonial India Divided
Controlled by the British with many ethnic and religious groups
B. India Partitioned
British leaves in 1947 and divided it into East and West Pakistan for Muslim and India for the Hindus
C. Ethnicity New Countries and Violence
Violence erupts white people are moving Bangladesh forms and they never resolve casmir
A. The residue of WW1 (Sunni Muslims) almost got independence until the kurks decide to expand turkey
B. Treatment of the Kurds
Scattered across turkey , Iran, Iraq, and Syria
Oppressed by turkey and Iraqi governments
Turkey made Kurdish language illegal until 1991 but it is still banned in schools
C. Kurds in Iraq
The US has helped them have some independence in Iraq after the 1st Gulf War and after the 2nd Gulf War
Ethnic boundaries and nationality rarely match up causing much tention
A. Turkey
Majority Turks control government with Kurds being the largest minority
B. Lebanon
Tried to slave political powers among ethnic group (Muslim, Christian, Druze) sometimes successful
C. Syria
90% Arab and 9% Kurd. Arab extremely divided over Muslim religion and civil war has occurred
D. Iraq
Us invlvment in created a democracy has been difficult die to ethnic conflict between Shiite Muslims, Kurds, and Sunni Muslims
E. Iran
Persian, largest group of Shiite Muslim and have control of government
US/Iran relations bad since 1979 revolution hostage crisis
F. Pakistan
Ethnic group divided over Sunni and Shia Muslim
A. Definition of ethnic cleansing the practice of removing an ethnic group bu violence or terror inspiring means
*WW2 Example-
B. The Balkan region - Yugoslavia
Mixed ethnicity- Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrin, Croats, and Slovenes were united after WW2 to create the country of Yugoslavia under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito
a. As the cold war ending Yugoslavia fell apart into 7 countries which didn’t match ethnic group well
b. Ethnic cleansing resulted
Bosnia- Herzegovina
a. One of the former Yungo, countries, made up of Bosmiaks, Croats, Serbs. They experienced ethnic cleansing because of Croatia and Serbia
b. Outcome- war crimes were committed and punished but the Serbs and Croats manage to expand their territory
a. Mainly made up of Albanians but controlled by 10% Serbian population
b. the Serbians used ethnic cleansing against the Albanians but the US military intervened and helped Kosove get independent
Croatia also experienced ethnic cleansing as Serbs rebelled and teied to form a separate country in Croatia
C. Africa
African problems stem from ethnic boundaries due to colonization by Europeans
genocide in Sudan
a. Darfur- the Arab controlled government has killed the black population 450,00
b. South Sudan- North Muslim and South Christian ethnicity fought resulting in 700,00 people ethnically cleansed and two separate countries
c. Border areas are also in conflict such as Abyei, South Kordonfon, and the Blue Nile
Genocide in Rwanda and Burundi
a. Hutus and Tusi have killed over 1.1 million people since 1990
b. Rwanda is now ruled by tutsis and Burundi by Hutus
a. jHutu and Tusi violence has spilled in Congo resulting in genocide and 5 million daethss
Congo Stuff
Congo is Congo Brazzaville
Democratic republic of Congo is Congo Kinshasa
Self Rule- (self determination) desire to transform ethnic group into a nationality (Kurds)
Nation State- a state (country) whose territory matches the ethnic boundaries (Japan and Denmark)
Centrifugal Force- forces that lead a state disunity (Ex, religion, language, ethnicity, ideology) (opposite of centripetal)
Multi Ethnic State- nation with multiple ethnic groups with an tradition of self- rule (Uk, Soviet Union) ]
Irredentism- desire to reclaim land based on past affiliation (Germany)
Balkanized- destabilization of an area due to feuding ethnic groups
Balkanization- the process of the breaking down of a nation due to ethnic struggles
Genocide- mass killing of an ethnic group