Helen Brooke Tassing
American doctor, considered the Pounder of modern pediatric cardiology.
Developed a shunting procedure at prolongs the survival of babies born with condition related to blue baby syndrome
virginia Apgar
- American obstretrical anesthesiologist, best knownas tre inventor Of the Apgar Score (0-10), a way to quickly assess the Healtn Of a newborn child immeditly After birth.
Sir William Oster
canadian physician, know as the fatter of mandern medicine" for revolutionizing the way in which medical education was taught.
one of the founding professor of Jonns Hopkins Hopital He created one of the first Significants Scientific texxbook on mediae.
Discovered platicts
Sir Joseph Lister
- Britisn surgeon and medical scientist was the founder of antiseptic medicine 3
Developed an aticeptic from diluted
Carbolic acid 3 used it to Sterilized surgical
100I5 3 bandages
His work drastically cut down on the cases Of gangrene infection related to surgery:
Ion Sina (ARA Avicenna)
Acient Arabic phsician 3 philosopher
wrote one uf the carlist knounmedical text that eventually was traslated in Latin 3 became the standard ofmedical text for hundreds of years to come the Canons )
First to employme strategy of quarantine to tackie outbreaks of disease 3 documented the properties of over 700 daugs.
35 Hippocrates
4600-375 BC
Greek pryiscain wno lived during the Greek classical period generally considered the to be "Parer of medicine".
Described in early texts as the "i dealPhysician" is the best remembered for the Hippocratic Oat.
This Oatnispromise of pro
Herbert Needimar
American pediatrician, psychiatrist, researcher 3 professor at the university Of pittsburgn
Researched the neurodevelopmental damage caused by exposure to lead (lead posoning ).
played a major role in creating policies that decreased average lead content in children's
Diood by over 90%
Elizabetn Blackwell
Americon physician
She was the first women in the united states to rective a medical degree lin 1849)
She founded (in 1857) the New york infarmary
Porwomen and children
Marie curie
Curie was a polish physical chemist and is Known for herdiscovery of radio activity; the discovery or the elements radium 3 Polonium
Her discoveryof this is the basis of radiation therapy
She was awarded a nobel prize in physics in 1903 anduon another nobel prize 1911 for her disovery of radium
Sigmund Freud
Austrian neurologist
considered the founder Of psychoanaysis. Entro-duced free association of ideas served as a basis of psychoanaysis
Believed that repressed a forgotten expressions underlied all abormal mental states 3 that Infantile mental processes are important in later development.
preventive medicene"