pionners in medicine 30-40

Helen Brooke Tassing


  • American doctor, considered the Pounder of modern pediatric cardiology.

  • Developed a shunting procedure at prolongs the survival of babies born with condition related to blue baby syndrome

virginia Apgar


- American obstretrical anesthesiologist, best knownas tre inventor Of the Apgar Score (0-10), a way to quickly assess the Healtn Of a newborn child immeditly After birth.

Sir William Oster

  • canadian physician, know as the fatter of mandern medicine" for revolutionizing the way in which medical education was taught.

  • one of the founding professor of Jonns Hopkins Hopital He created one of the first Significants Scientific texxbook on mediae.

  • Discovered platicts

Sir Joseph Lister

- Britisn surgeon and medical scientist was the founder of antiseptic medicine 3

  • Developed an aticeptic from diluted
    Carbolic acid 3 used it to Sterilized surgical
    100I5 3 bandages

  • His work drastically cut down on the cases Of gangrene infection related to surgery:

Ion Sina (ARA Avicenna)


  • Acient Arabic phsician 3 philosopher

  • wrote one uf the carlist knounmedical text that eventually was traslated in Latin 3 became the standard ofmedical text for hundreds of years to come the Canons )

  • First to employme strategy of quarantine to tackie outbreaks of disease 3 documented the properties of over 700 daugs.

35 Hippocrates

4600-375 BC

  • Greek pryiscain wno lived during the Greek classical period generally considered the to be "Parer of medicine".

  • Described in early texts as the "i dealPhysician" is the best remembered for the Hippocratic Oat.
    This Oatnispromise of pro

    Herbert Needimar


    • American pediatrician, psychiatrist, researcher 3 professor at the university Of pittsburgn

    • Researched the neurodevelopmental damage caused by exposure to lead (lead posoning ).

    • played a major role in creating policies that decreased average lead content in children's
      Diood by over 90%

    Elizabetn Blackwell


    • Americon physician

    • She was the first women in the united states to rective a medical degree lin 1849)

    • She founded (in 1857) the New york infarmary
      Porwomen and children
      Marie curie


    • Curie was a polish physical chemist and is Known for herdiscovery of radio activity; the discovery or the elements radium 3 Polonium

    • Her discoveryof this is the basis of radiation therapy

    • She was awarded a nobel prize in physics in 1903 anduon another nobel prize 1911 for her disovery of radium

      Sigmund Freud


      • Austrian neurologist

      • considered the founder Of psychoanaysis. Entro-duced free association of ideas served as a basis of psychoanaysis

      • Believed that repressed a forgotten expressions underlied all abormal mental states 3 that Infantile mental processes are important in later development.

preventive medicene"
