Both use the same word and are on the scale of أَفْعَلُ
The same word is used for feminine, masculine, singular, and plural
taller: أَطْوَلُ
tallest: أَطْوَلُ
more beautiful: أَجْمَلُ
most beautiful: أَجْمَلُ
Hamid is the tallest student: حميد اطول طالب
When followed by مِنْ, the word مِنْ is translated as than:
حميد أطول من فاطمة (Hamid is taller than Faatimah)
أنا أقصر منك (I am shorter than you*)
*remember that the pronoun **you (**ك) combines with مِنْ
وَلَكِنَّ : but
وَلَكِنَّ is one of the sisters of إِنَّ and follows it’s grammatical rules**
بلال مجتهد ولكن حسن كسول : Bilal is hardworking, but Hasan is lazy
كَأنَّ is one of the sisters of إِنَّ and follows it’s grammatical rules**
كَأنَّ: looks as if/ looks like
كَأنَّ الإمام مريض : It looks like the imam is sick
كَأنَّ هذه السيارة له : It looks as if the car is his
**see lesson 2
ma’dud: the word a number is describing
both parts of the number agree with the word (in gender)
أحدَ عشرَ طالبًا : eleven (male) students
اثنتَا عشرةَ طبيبةً: twelve female doctors
the second part agrees with the ma’dud (in gender) and the first does not
ثلاثة عشر طبيبا: thirteen (male) doctors
خمسة عشر طبيبا: fifteen (male) doctors
أربع عشرة طالبة: fourteen (female) students
طبيبا | عشر | ثلاثة |
masculine | masculine | feminine |
طالبة | عشرة | أربع |
feminine | feminine | masculine |
عشرون : twenty
This number is the same for both masculine and feminine
عشرون ولدا : twenty boys
عشرون طبيبة : twenty (female) doctors
Isn’t it so? = أليس كذلك؟
انت طالبة اليس كذلك؟ : You are a student, isn’t that so?
أَيُّهُمَا = Which of the two?
هناك طالبان طويلان في الفصل. أيهما هو أخوك؟ : There are two tall students in the class. Which of the two is your brother?
hotel: مهجع
hotels: مهاجع
star: كوكب
stars: كواكب
team: فريق
teams: فرقاء
full brother: شقيق
full borthers:أشقاق
spacious: واسع
price: ثمن
scholar: عالم
famous: شهير
month: شهر/شهور أو أشهر
player: لاعبٌ
players: لاعبون
in dream: في المنام
feminine form of كسلان :كسلى