Document Header: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Education, Chemistry Textbook, Grade 9
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Sisay Tadesse (Ph.D.)
Tegene Tesfaye (Ph.D.)
Tesfaye Semela (Ph.D.), Curriculum Editor
Kenenisa Beresa (M.A.), Language Editor
Ahmed Awel (M.Sc.), Content Editor
Illustrator: Abinet Tilahun (M.Sc.)
Design: Konno B. Hirbaye (M.Sc.)
Legesse Adane (Ph.D.)
Nega Gichile (B.Sc., M.A.)
Sefiw Melesse (M.Sc.)
Tolessa Mergo (B.Sc., M.Sc.)
Publication Date: First published in 2023
Published by: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Education, supported by multiple international organizations.
Copyright Note: All rights reserved; reproduction prohibited without permission.
1.1 Definition and Scope of Chemistry (2)
1.2 Relationship between Chemistry and Other Natural Sciences (6)
1.3 Role of Chemistry in Production and Society (8)
1.4 Common Chemical Industries in Ethiopia (12)
2.1 Measurements and Units in Chemistry (19)
2.2 Chemistry as Experimental Science (35)
3.1 Historical Development of the Atomic Theories (51)
3.2 Fundamental Laws of Chemical Reactions (56)
3.3 Atomic Theory (64)
3.4 Discoveries of Subatomic Particles and the Atomic Nucleus (69)
3.5 Atom Composition and Isotopes (85)
4.1 Historical Development of Periodic Classification of Elements (109)
4.2 Mendleev’s Classification of the Elements (113)
4.3 The Modern Periodic Table (116)
4.4 Major Trends in the Periodic Table (125)
After completing the Unit:
Define chemistry and its scope.
Discuss chemistry's relationships with physics, biology, medicine, geology, and other subjects.
Describe chemistry's application in agriculture, medicine, food production, and construction.
Recognize common chemical industries in Ethiopia and their products.
Discussion Points:
Components of common materials (air, water, clothing, food).
The importance of understanding material composition.
Fundamental Role of Chemistry:
Importance in meeting basic human needs (food, clothing, shelter, health).
Definition of Chemistry:
Chemistry is the science that deals with the properties, composition, structure of substances, and transformations of matter along with energy changes.
Matter: Physical substances with uniform properties (examples: gold, water).
Substance: Continuous changes in properties observed in various conditions.
Define the term chemistry.
Explain properties, composition, and structure of substances.
Branches of Chemistry:
i. Physical Chemistry
ii. Organic Chemistry
iii. Inorganic Chemistry
iv. Analytical Chemistry
v. Biochemistry
Extends into agriculture, medicine, food production, building construction, etc.
List examples of chemicals in various fields: agriculture, medicine, construction.
Discuss local problems caused by dangerous chemicals affecting the environment.
Discussion Points:
Chemical properties linking evidence across Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.
General Discussion:
Types of fertilizers used in Ethiopian agriculture.
Common household chemicals and their industrial origins.
Types of medical treatments known traditionally and modern.
Common fuels available at gas stations.
Summary of the importance of chemistry in daily life and its industrial applications.
Impact of chemistry on society’s modern challenges.
Identification and analysis of major chemical industries and their contributions to local economy.
(Additional structured notes are continued for the remaining pages following the same format.)