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Augustine's Confessions

  • born 354 AD, Algeria

  • after St. Paul, Augustine is most significant writer of the church

  • student of rhetoric

  • originally a pagan (Manichaeism) - converted under Ambrose

  • paganism is a big influence in his life, especially Plato’s teaching

  • his writings seek to explain the Gospel to a pagan society

  • greatest work: City of God → the physical world is temporary; the heavenly “city” is forever

  • influenced Western Civilization with a Christian worldview

  • infancy is a miserable state → all desires internal → thoughtless and already sinful

  • children born selfish → cute when a kid does it → annoying when a kid does it

  • selfishness serves a purpose bit it’s not necessary

  • hates reading and writing

  • born to devout Christian mother and non-Christian father

  • baptism put off for a while - common because most sins come out in childhood

  • got very sick at one point → healed by God → wanted to be baptized → father not against it and mother arranged it

  • disapproves fiction → sinful to read of other peoples sins while ignorant of his own

  • cry at fiction, does'n’t shed a tear at own sin

  • watching other people’s sin will just build onto their own

  • many good things from God given to him → his many sins were a “misdirection” of the gifts given to him

  • “the single desire that dominated my search for delight was simply to love and be loved” → “misdirection” → love perverted toward worldly things

  • praises father for raising money so that he can go to Carthage to study

  • Theft of the Pears

  • desired to do wrong

  • consequence was guilt and misery

  • goes off to college in Carthage

  • gives free reign to his desires in the name of love

  • result of his immoral behavior - jealous, suspicion, fear, anger

  • discovers Cicero

  • Manichaeism - puts good and evil as equal but opposing forces

  • God is all-good and all-powerful; evil is not equal in power to good

  • justice according to Augustine

  • uses armor as a visual of what’s abstract about justice

  • “… put on his leg, a helmet, and then complain it is not a good fit…”

    • ppl not following God’s justice - making their own

  • (God’s def.) justice remains unchanged everywhere at all times - it’s universal

  • recounts a beloved friendship - someone he turned away from the faith

  • friend gets fever/becomes ill

  • friend is baptized

  • he recovers

  • Aug. jokes about baptism

  • friend tells him not to ore else their friendship ends

  • friend dies

  • Aug. thanks God because he would’ve turned him away from faith again

  • this situation had significant influence on his direction (conversion)

  • Augustine’s view on beauty

  • questions definition of beauty and its charms

  • logical, symmetrical, orderly, appealing visually

  • beauty in the world reflects the order of God

    • attracts people because of this essence

  • Augustine’s move to Rome

  • the philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Socrates) begin to shake his faith in Manichaeism → reasonable explanations and logic from them caused this

  • reason and logic destroying principles of Mani - showing irrationality

  • Mani was a persuasive talker but didn’t know what he was talking about

  • Aug. meets Faustus, a Manichee leader, who is unable to answer his questions — he was unknowledgeable

  • being a teacher of rhetoric, Aug. was fascinated with how he spoke — Faustus knew how to speak, not what he was speaking about

  • he attributes what God does in his life to the tears and prayers of his mother, Monica

  • false matter was evil but spirit/soul good

    • good God created world, so how can it be evil

  • Aug. in his reading of Plato - God keeps slipping in - the philosopher’s explanation of truth matches the revelation

  • they judged world with understanding and their beliefs seemed more probable than Manichaeism

    • Manichees attributed themselves to parts of Creation and lost in own ideas, philosophers focused on logic

  • he reflects on “conflict” between pursuing a secular life vs one devoted to spiritual things

  • a person cannot be healed except by believing in Christ

  • “I believe in order to understand”

  • in pursuit of truth

  • goes to Rome then Milan

  • meets Ambrose, devout and educated Christian

    • his life convinces Aug. of Gospel

  • loved how Ambrose spoke and followed him

  • was slowly growing closer

  • sin starts with desire

  • dismisses the sin as a burden and finds the light in obedience to God

  • introduced hymns and songs into the worship

  • sitting under fig tree grieving over sin

  • hears child say “pick up and read”

  • reads Romans 13

  • relieved of guilt

  • mother died

  • he was in grief but also believed into eternal life/heaven/afterlife

  • universal search of humanity is for happiness

  • Aug. says that happiness is found in God and living according to His Truth

  • lust - strong desire - arises from our animal nature - associated with 5 senses


Augustine's Confessions

  • born 354 AD, Algeria

  • after St. Paul, Augustine is most significant writer of the church

  • student of rhetoric

  • originally a pagan (Manichaeism) - converted under Ambrose

  • paganism is a big influence in his life, especially Plato’s teaching

  • his writings seek to explain the Gospel to a pagan society

  • greatest work: City of God → the physical world is temporary; the heavenly “city” is forever

  • influenced Western Civilization with a Christian worldview

  • infancy is a miserable state → all desires internal → thoughtless and already sinful

  • children born selfish → cute when a kid does it → annoying when a kid does it

  • selfishness serves a purpose bit it’s not necessary

  • hates reading and writing

  • born to devout Christian mother and non-Christian father

  • baptism put off for a while - common because most sins come out in childhood

  • got very sick at one point → healed by God → wanted to be baptized → father not against it and mother arranged it

  • disapproves fiction → sinful to read of other peoples sins while ignorant of his own

  • cry at fiction, does'n’t shed a tear at own sin

  • watching other people’s sin will just build onto their own

  • many good things from God given to him → his many sins were a “misdirection” of the gifts given to him

  • “the single desire that dominated my search for delight was simply to love and be loved” → “misdirection” → love perverted toward worldly things

  • praises father for raising money so that he can go to Carthage to study

  • Theft of the Pears

  • desired to do wrong

  • consequence was guilt and misery

  • goes off to college in Carthage

  • gives free reign to his desires in the name of love

  • result of his immoral behavior - jealous, suspicion, fear, anger

  • discovers Cicero

  • Manichaeism - puts good and evil as equal but opposing forces

  • God is all-good and all-powerful; evil is not equal in power to good

  • justice according to Augustine

  • uses armor as a visual of what’s abstract about justice

  • “… put on his leg, a helmet, and then complain it is not a good fit…”

    • ppl not following God’s justice - making their own

  • (God’s def.) justice remains unchanged everywhere at all times - it’s universal

  • recounts a beloved friendship - someone he turned away from the faith

  • friend gets fever/becomes ill

  • friend is baptized

  • he recovers

  • Aug. jokes about baptism

  • friend tells him not to ore else their friendship ends

  • friend dies

  • Aug. thanks God because he would’ve turned him away from faith again

  • this situation had significant influence on his direction (conversion)

  • Augustine’s view on beauty

  • questions definition of beauty and its charms

  • logical, symmetrical, orderly, appealing visually

  • beauty in the world reflects the order of God

    • attracts people because of this essence

  • Augustine’s move to Rome

  • the philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Socrates) begin to shake his faith in Manichaeism → reasonable explanations and logic from them caused this

  • reason and logic destroying principles of Mani - showing irrationality

  • Mani was a persuasive talker but didn’t know what he was talking about

  • Aug. meets Faustus, a Manichee leader, who is unable to answer his questions — he was unknowledgeable

  • being a teacher of rhetoric, Aug. was fascinated with how he spoke — Faustus knew how to speak, not what he was speaking about

  • he attributes what God does in his life to the tears and prayers of his mother, Monica

  • false matter was evil but spirit/soul good

    • good God created world, so how can it be evil

  • Aug. in his reading of Plato - God keeps slipping in - the philosopher’s explanation of truth matches the revelation

  • they judged world with understanding and their beliefs seemed more probable than Manichaeism

    • Manichees attributed themselves to parts of Creation and lost in own ideas, philosophers focused on logic

  • he reflects on “conflict” between pursuing a secular life vs one devoted to spiritual things

  • a person cannot be healed except by believing in Christ

  • “I believe in order to understand”

  • in pursuit of truth

  • goes to Rome then Milan

  • meets Ambrose, devout and educated Christian

    • his life convinces Aug. of Gospel

  • loved how Ambrose spoke and followed him

  • was slowly growing closer

  • sin starts with desire

  • dismisses the sin as a burden and finds the light in obedience to God

  • introduced hymns and songs into the worship

  • sitting under fig tree grieving over sin

  • hears child say “pick up and read”

  • reads Romans 13

  • relieved of guilt

  • mother died

  • he was in grief but also believed into eternal life/heaven/afterlife

  • universal search of humanity is for happiness

  • Aug. says that happiness is found in God and living according to His Truth

  • lust - strong desire - arises from our animal nature - associated with 5 senses