Metabolism: All the chemical reactions that provide energy and the substances required for continued cell growth.
Catabolic Reactions: These are complex molecules that are broken down into simpler ones with an accompanying release of energy.
Anabolic Reactions: These utilize the energy available in the cell to build large molecules from simple ones.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP): A high-energy compound that stores energy in the cells. It consists of adenine, a ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups.
Cell membrane: It separates the contents of a cell from the external environment and contains structures that communicate with other cells.
Cytoplasm: It consists of the cellular contents between the cell membrane and nucleus.
Cytosol: It is the fluid part of the cytoplasm that contains enzymes for many of the cell’s chemical reactions.
Endoplasmic reticulum: It is the rough type that processes proteins for secretion and synthesizes phospholipids; smooth type synthesizes fats and steroids.
Golgi complex: It modifies and secretes proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum and synthesizes cell membranes.
Lysosome: It contains hydrolytic enzymes that digest and recycle old cell structures.
Mitochondrion: It contains the structures for the synthesis of ATP from energy-producing reactions.
Nucleus: It contains genetic information for the replication of DNA and the synthesis of protein.
Ribosome: It is the site of protein synthesis using mRNA templates.
Catabolism begins with the processes of digestion in which enzymes in the digestive tract break down large molecules into smaller ones.
Within the cells, catabolic reactions continue as the digestion products are broken down further to yield two- and three-carbon compounds.
The major production of energy takes place in the mitochondria, as the two-carbon acetyl group is oxidized in the citric acid cycle.
As long as the cells have oxygen, the hydrogen ions and electrons from the reduced coenzymes are transferred to electron transport to synthesize ATP.
Enzymes produced in the salivary glands hydrolyze some of the 𝜶-glycosidic bods in amylose and amylopectin, producing maltose, glucose, and dextrins — which contain three to eight glucose units.
After swallowing, the partially digested starches enter the acidic environment of the stomach, where the low pH stops carbohydrate digestion.
In the small intestine, which has a pH of about 8, enzymes produced in the pancreas hydrolyze the remaining dextrins to maltose and glucose.
Then enzymes produced in the mucosal cells that line the small intestine hydrolyze maltose as well as lactose and sucrose.
The resulting monosaccharides are absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream, which carries them to the liver, where the hexose fructose and galactose are converted to glucose.
Glucose is the primary energy source for muscle contractions, red blood cells, and the brain.
It begins in the small intestine when the hydrophobic fat globules mix with bile salts released from the gallbladder.
Emulsification: A process where the bile salts break the fat globules into micelles.
Enzymes from the pancreas hydrolyze the triacylglycerols to yield monoacylglycerols and fatty acids, which are then absorbed into the intestinal lining where they recombine to form triacylglycerols.
Chylomicrons: The nonpolar compounds are then coated with proteins to form lipoproteins which are more polar and soluble in the aqueous environment of the lymph and bloodstream.
It begins in the stomach, where hydrochloric acid at pH 2 denatures the proteins and activates enzymes.
Polypeptides move out of the stomach into the small intestine, where trypsin and chymotrypsin complete the hydrolysis of the peptides to amino acids.
The amino acids are absorbed through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream for transport to the cells.
Oxidation: A reaction that involves the loss of hydrogen or electrons by a substance, or an increase in the number of bonds to oxygen.
Reduction: A reaction that involves the gain of hydrogen ions and electrons or a decrease in the number of bonds to oxygen.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)
An important coenzyme in which the vitamin niacin provides the nicotinamide group, which is bonded to ribose and ADP.
The oxidized NAD+ undergoes reduction when carbon in the nicotinamide ring reacts with 2H, leaving one H+.
The NAD+ coenzyme is required for metabolic reactions that produce carbon–oxygen double bonds.
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)
A coenzyme that contains ADP and riboflavin.
Riboflavin: Also known as Vitamin B2, consists of ribitol and flavin.
The oxidized form of FAD undergoes reduction when the two nitrogen atoms in the flavin part of the FAD coenzyme react with 2H reducing FAD to FADH2.
It is used as a coenzyme when an oxidation reaction converts a carbon–carbon single bond to a carbon–carbon double bond.
Coenzyme A
Its function is to prepare small acyl groups for reactions with enzymes.
The reactive feature of coenzyme A is the thiol group which bonds to a two-carbon acetyl group to produce the energy-rich thioester acetyl-CoA.
A pathway wherein the glucose in the bloodstream enters our cells where it undergoes degradation.
It is an anaerobic process; no oxygen is required.
A six-carbon glucose molecule is broken down to two molecules of three-carbon pyruvate.
All the reactions in glycolysis take place in the cytoplasm of the cell.
Energy-investing phase: The energy is obtained from the hydrolysis of two ATP, which is needed to form sugar phosphates; the first five reactions.
In reactions 4 and 5, a six-carbon sugar phosphate is split to yield two molecules of three-carbon sugar phosphate.
Energy-generating phase: The energy is obtained from the hydrolysis of the energy-rich phosphate compounds and used to synthesize four ATP; the last five reactions (6-10).
Citric Acid Cycle: A series of reactions connects the intermediate acetyl-CoA from the metabolic pathways in stages 1 and 2 with electron transport and the synthesis of ATP in stage 3.
Citric Acid: A tricarboxylic acid, forms in the first reaction.
In electron transport, hydrogen ions and electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed from one electron carrier to the next until they combine with oxygen to form H2O.
Oxidative phosphorylation: The energy released during electron transport is used to synthesize ATP from ADP and Pi.
ATP Synthesis: An enzyme complex that uses the energy released by H+ ions returning to the matrix to synthesize ATP from ADP and Pi .
ATP from Glycolysis
ATP from the Oxidation of Two Pyruvate
ATP from the Citric Acid Cycle: One turn of the citric acid cycle produces two CO2, three NADH, one FADH2, and one ATP by direct phosphate transfer.
ATP from the Complete Oxidation of Glucose: The total ATP for the complete oxidation of glucose is calculated by combining the ATP produced from glycolysis, the oxidation of pyruvate, and the citric acid cycle.
A large amount of energy is obtained when fatty acids undergo oxidation in the mitochondria to yield acetyl-CoA.
Beta-oxidation: This is where fatty acids undergo the removal of two-carbon segments, one at a time, from the carboxyl end.
Fatty Acid Activation: It combines fatty acid with coenzyme A to yield fatty acyl-CoA.
The energy for the activation is obtained from the hydrolysis of ATP to give AMP and two inorganic phosphates.
Ketone Bodies: The products of ketogenesis: are acetoacetate, 𝜷-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone.
Ketosis: A condition of the accumulation of ketone bodies; which occurs in severe diabetes, diets high in fat and low in carbohydrates, alcoholism, and starvation.
An 𝜶-amino group is transferred from an amino acid to an a-keto acid, usually a-ketoglutarate.
A new amino acid and a new 𝜶-keto acid.
Oxidative Deamination: The ammonium group in glutamate is removed as an ammonium ion.
Urea Cycle: A series of reactions that detoxifies ammonium ions by forming urea.
The ammonium ion, which is the end product of amino acid degradation, is toxic if it is allowed to accumulate.